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Wyatt is going to be offline for a bit, so that does change up how we do the polls. So we are going to shape Wyatt's family a bit. I'm going to put in a bunch of options for family below.  The top result(s) will be true for Wyatt's family. 

So you may vote for more than one result. I'll mix and match the results accordingly. 


Mr. Domino

Big family, youngest, and I went with all brothers because I feel like it would be more impactful story-wise if she was the odd one out beyond being Asian now.

Halima Abdi

I like the idea of Wyatt being the oldest, because the change in dynamic (big brother becoming an Asian woman) would throw Wyatt off and change the traditional dynamic between the siblings. Also I'm surprised brothers and sisters isn't more popular, considering we'd see a wider range of potential reactions and interactions.


I was thinking one of Wyatt's siblings could have gone through a change or two.

Alex Smyth

I'm hoping for Wyatt being a middle child with a older brother & sister and a younger brother & sister. Covers all kinds of scenarios. Younger siblings reactions. Older sibling reactions. Brother reactions. Sister reactions. So much story potential.

Alex Smyth

As for parents, does Wyatt have a Mom and Dad or two Moms or two Dads or have a step parent? I think that's something that also should be figured out.


I know I answered on discord, but I'll answer here for others. Wyatt has mentioned his mom and dad previously.


Wyatt is the oldest and becomes the youngest.


I like the big family AND has all sisters