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EDIT: Sometimes I'm working out a page and I think something is going to read well, and I don't have to put too fine a point on it. Then I read the comments and realize I messed up. I totally see where the confusion was. My bad.
I did an update of the last panel to help clarify, although, goth!Gwen would be fun. 

Gwen lets out a lot of her frustrations. Can Gwen or Layla make things right?




I wonder what was said?

Lady Aceina

she is going goth

Steve (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-25 22:09:53 Did I miss page 9?
2021-12-30 21:09:49 Did I miss page 9?

Did I miss page 9?


Yep, it only comes monthly, so easy to miss. https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-artist-pg-9-58843939

Lisa Thomas

Now I wonder if Kayla posing as Gwen to help out would get hit with any changes that Stacy intended for Gwen....This could really cause some issues if it does. Would Kayla lose her magic abilities and be stuck as Gwen's twin sister?


Magic can be a little touchy sometimes. Seems like it could be a problem.