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A 7 year difference isn't the most drastic, but doing some little things to age her down and maintain her trades. 

Meanwhile her education is in tact. She's not the only 18 year old in this world with a degree. 

In-world rules keep her from being any younger. No one under 18 is allowed to make a trade on the market. There are exceptions for minors to use nanobots for medical issues with parental consent. But with trades largely viewed as 'elective' they are limited to 18 and above. 



Sam Mann

Panel 1) SGal288: Ratboy, you are SERIOUSLY making it difficult to contue watching this stream. Steph...you're the only thing keeping me coming back Panel 2)SGal288: Like, seriously, mental changes and now this. There need to be stricter laws on what can and can't be swapped. This is almost Identity Theft/Fraud.

Halima Abdi

HalimaAbdi: damn I thought you were using a new moisturizer