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EDIT: I made a sizable edit. Mr. Domino was right, something was missing. This is one of the pages where it hard to bring it together. Ending scenes and transition pages are always tough. You want to keep some momentum and hitting the right tone is tough and trying to keep people in character. So, I made a little edit to art and it is above!

Steph is a little burned out, but with good reason. She needs to get out and have some fun.

Also, Xavier/Lexi has a last name now. Lexi Castle. 



Mr. Domino

I feel like there's a tiny bit of dialogue missing from Lexi in the second to last panel that would trigger the 'fine we'll go shopping tomorrow' comment. Maybe even something like an 'aww' or just a sad reaction sound.

Misty Eliot

Seems optimistic to spend money on clothes with so many trades remaining…. :)


She's just eager. I'm sure everything she gets will totally be able to still fit. :)


Yeah, I mean, if you can change people with nanotech, adjusting clothes to fit should be a non-issue