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Hello everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful January and go on to have a great February too ^-^

Real quick, I just wanted to thank all those that have read and voted in the Featherlands CYOA project! It's off to a great start. I hope you guys have as much fun with it as I am. I don't know where it's going to go, both as a story and a project, but that's the exciting part about it all. You all get to experience the full scope with me. If it continues, it might even go on to be book-length and even have its own fun and exciting story arcs. So thank you for getting it off to a great start! All patrons still have until the fourth week in February to vote, so don't miss out!

Going into next month, I will still be sticking with the current week-by-week schedule for uploading. So the next upload will be the next early release, but it won't be up tomorrow. Don't worry, it'll be up within the first week, so don't worry when you don't see it pop up exactly tomorrow. 

Outside of that, I'm still looking for exciting new ways to expand the channel. You all will be the first to be updated on what I have planned or what I'm simply contemplating. Right now, I know I need to have a better presence over at Tickle Media Forum. It's a site I'm still relatively new to, and frankly a little intimidated by, but steadily I'll be uploading over there as well. I've also compiled the book version of the first Featherlands book to be given the Shrieking Manor treatment sometime within the next few months. I'll keep you updated on that progress as well. 

Thanks again for everything you guys! And welcome, all the newcomers! Thank you all for your support! I hope I can continue to bring you all fun, tickly content!



Looking forward to everything you have planned in the near future! 😊