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Hello everyone! Welcome to the first month of the Ultimate Tickles tier material. I promised you guys a WIP to watch unfold, and here it is! You may have to refresh the page to view progression, but you should be able to still follow along. 

This month, you'll be viewing the next Return to the Featherlands chapter! I didn't really know which one to use. I was going to use a commission that I was in the middle of, but the commissioner pulled out. Sad, but such is life ^-^ 

Anyway, I hope you guys like the exclusive early EARLY look at the next chapter in Silvia and Paul's grand adventure through the Featherlands!

Thank you guys so much again! Love and Tickles Always! ❤

~ FS 💞


Return 13

In the dragging fear for what was to come, Silvia's mind still managed to torture her with memories of her sister's stories. She remembered the trolls, the Howlers, the river beast. Of them, no matter how many times she told the tale, she always hated going over the thing with the spiders the most.


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