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Hey you guys! Thanks so much for supporting me through the Ultimate Tickles tier! I really want to make this a fun and inviting place from which to follow the channel and all that I have going on.

Recently, I published a public update post about the Ultimate Tickles tier. You can read it right here:


With that in mind, I wanted you guys to have more WIPs of mine to help better administer new content given how long it took me to get back to the next Featherlands chapter. It just didn't seem worth it if I'm bouncing back and forth between projects and having to push aside the one project that ended up being your monthly WIP. So now, you'll have several, being able to follow along with most of the projects that I have on my plate at any given time! This is seriously the best way to keep up with what I have going on. My goal is for this to offer more stimulation to the tier, along with being able to follow and participate in the Featherlands CYOA.

Thank you guys so much for your support! I hope this becomes an extra little treat for you guys. I really do want to provide you all as much ticklish fun as I can!

Thank you again! Love and Tickles!



Slavish Devotion

By: Featherscape The arrangement of our relationship had been well established, based on a foundation of mutual respect and communication. They were important variables in any relationship, of course, but for the nature of ours, it was fundamental to allow for what we both most desired. It was as romantic as it was erotic.


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