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Oh, I'm excited to show you guys Page 199. I'm having so much fun drawing it!

This weekend I had one of those moments where I was drawing three random side-characters, who were originally supposed to be one-off throwaways. However, as I was penciling in their details my brain just went ahead and told me their ENTIRE story. So they have names now, and they are closely associated with Reese, who we will ALSO finally be getting to meet soon. As with most background characters, they're probably not going to have a huge impact on the story, but they're canon now, and we will definitely be seeing more of them. (I'm still messing around with their colors though, so these might not be their final palettes.) Ash might need a touch more of his own personality, he's meant to be calm and serious, but he's giving me some serious Snowball vibes rn so I still have some work to do on him. And yeah, Pyre has some SHITTY trigger discipline.

It's also been fun exploring the Redtail gang in more depth. We were kind of introduced to them really early in the comic and then Kiva went on his adventure to the Citadel and we left their territory. They've been involved in the periphery all this time, but it's time for Reese and his gang to start making some moves. Both God Hunters and the Redtails will have a bit more relevance in the coming chapters, in fact.

Comic this week? If I give myself until Friday, like last week, then yes, I think I can get it done!

Art Queue: Page 199, Page 200!

Art Stack: Frey Bonus Art, Snowball Bonus Art.

Playing: Just WoW and Rimworld. Soon AoW4 again though because the new DLC drops tomorrow.


No Ramble today. My brain is tired from tabletop system design. You guys know what that feels like? Tired brain? I'm sure everyone's experienced it at some point. It's just that I mostly write dialogue, and after hours of thinking and rewriting and reorganizing pages of text, someone will message me and I can almost barely put words down in a coherent enough order to reply to them.



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