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So today, Patreon informs me that Apple is going to start charging astronomical fees on any Patreon subscriptions made through the Apple store. This won't affect Patreon subscriptions made via the Android store or on PC, and will apply only if you use the Apple store to subscribe to Patreon. It also sounds like it might only affect NEW subs made through the Apple Store, but I don't trust that to stay true at all, so if you use the Apple Store for anything, keep an eye out for sudden ridiculous fees.

I guess Apple's getting low on their multitudinous billions or something.

Anyway, Patreon has given me the option to cover those fees on my end so you guys don't have to pay any extra if you use the Apple Store, and I've chosen to do so, but it means I'll be losing about 20% of any income made through Apple Store subscriptions. I don't make a ton of money here so it's like whatever, I'd rather take the hit than let Apple squeeze anyone for an extra $4.50 on a $10 sub, but... honestly, it seems absolutely ridiculous. I'm sure that Patreon's probably going to get heat for this once word gets around, but as usual the only people who are going to get hurt are the creators and the subscribers.

Since I haven't seen this news anywhere else yet, and since I doubt it'll be announced with any fanfare before people start noticing the 45% increase in cost, I figured you all should know.


Comic this Week? Yes. Planning to post Page 204 on Friday.

Drawing: Pages 204-207

Playing: Stardew Valley

TTRPG Progress:

Next up I'll start posting details about how the rules for Vim and combat work. Combat is still kinda... rough, and really I'm having trouble coming up with a way to explain it. Including some visual aids might help, but that takes time. I'll probably need more than one post to go over the whole system. In the meantime, while I've been working on that, I'll probably post the rules for creating and using Vim this week. Gods are pretty broken, but that's by design.




Oh my god! Apple has become a rotten company because of its quest for wealth, turning into the poisoned apple of greed. If you have time, I should create a fanart criticizing its business model as a form of protest for its abusive measures towards its customers. Thanks for the heads up! I'll look forward to the next strip.