Poll Results! (Patreon)
I'm actually sitting here laughing to myself about this.
"Hm, I think I want to draw a really solid, big, wallpaper or poster-sized piece of art, and spend a huge chunk of time on it and make it look really good... but I don't want to draw every character in it because that's a monumental amount of work. How do I pick one of my characters when I love all of them? I know! I'll let people vote on the character they like best!" I thought.
17 votes is actually more than I was expecting to get, and looking through the detailed data, it doesn't seem like anyone was actively TRYING to make it a tie. I, myself, had voted for Riley, but I removed that vote so the results we have are purely sans me... If I was to reapply it now, Riley would win. But the whole point to making the poll was specifically so I DIDN'T dictate the outcome, and I think there's a more interesting conclusion to draw from all this.
I noticed an odd benefit to the mistake I made of letting people vote for multiple characters. It lets me play with another metric. If you voted for more than one character, I could weight your votes, say, 1% less than people who voted for only one character, in which case Max would be the clear winner by a significant margin, since he received the most FULL votes and many of the people who voted for Kiera and Riley also voted for someone else.
I don't want to do it that way though. Even among those who voted for multiple characters, no one voted for more than two, and why should your votes count any less just because you voted for two characters? I certainly didn't plan for that to be the case, nor did I warn you those were going to be the rules. So I'm not going to penalize you by changing them now.
Last night as I blasted out a bunch of social media posts trying to get someone, anyone to cast the tiebreaker vote in the last two hours of the poll, it occurred to me before I went to bed that I might just have to accept these results. And I think... siiiiiiiigh... I think I might just have to draw posters for all three winners. It's only fair, right?
It will take me... probably... months to finish these posters. Especially considering we're moving to a new state in a few weeks. But... I figure... what the hell. I can always play less video games.