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It's fun for me to sometimes draw characters in just kind of neutral poses, side by side with other characters or different versions, for practice and comparison's sake. This time it's young Kiera and adult Kiera.

One downside to planning out my comic so far ahead is that I know certain characters will likely not be appearing in the series for... long, long stretches of time. I need to wrap up Part 1 of Kiva's story in the next 3-4 chapters, and I think I've laid a pretty solid foundation for doing so, and I intend to answer a lot of important questions... but as a result, Chapter 4 might be the last time we'll see Kiera in the comic for at least a couple of real-life years.  (Crap, just realizing now... is that a spoiler?  I honestly can't tell.)

But, that's why I do Friday sketches. I intend to reveal more backstory and do more fun character shenanigans and minicomics, and I want to stay focused on characters I'm not drawing for the most current content.

I'm also now working on finalizing the lines for Kiera's sexy full-size poster. And I sketched out a sexy full-size poster for Max. I haven't started on Riley's yet.



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