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Will this work?  I dunno!  Gonna feel this out for a bit and see how it does.  I want to keep posting weekly sketches and sometimes biweekly sketches on weeks when I can't put out a full comic page, but I don't always have good ideas for them, especially like now when we're busy moving.

The idea is for you, your friends, anyone really, to post your suggestions for sketches or art you want to see here in the comments.  I will read them, I will judge them, I will draw the ones I like the most.  :P  Dunno!  This is an experiment, I don't know what I'm doing.

Even if I don't draw your suggestion, it'll probably go on a backburner in my brain for awhile and it might show up in the future once I get a good idea for how I want to draw it.  The whole point of this is to get me thinking about drawing things I normally wouldn't think to draw, so any suggestion is helpful!


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