Landlord Tier Reward - Crafty Coyote (Patreon)
Landlord Tier Character Sheet reward for Crafty Coyote!
In his own words, an idealist likely wouldn't last long in a post-apocalyptic setting like Kuserra, but yet, here we have a Landlord who lives outside of Redtail territory in the Untamed Zone and is doing rather well for himself, despite the dangers and risks. This is someone who is trying to fix things, someone fighting for freedom and security, and someone whose charisma and perseverance has attracted a fair few followers to his cause. His group includes freed slaves, disgruntled merchants, and a handful of others who just want to be allowed to live their own lives.
While the Redtail gang does not technically allow slavery inside their territory, it exists regardless, and putting a stop to it has not been their primary focus. While the Redtails seek to control other areas of society and smooth out the ebb and flow of wealth in the city, some Landlords get away with slavery, trafficking and other such heinous crimes right under their noses. Crafty and his crew are determined to do everything they can to put an end to it, but first and foremost, like everyone else in Kuserra, they have to survive.