Weekly Update - 170 (Patreon)
11 pages left!
That's it. Then I can send it all over the publisher for review. Not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot, but it still doesn't seem real. Before too much longer there might be actual physical books of my silly story in people's hands and/or bookshelves.
This week I'll be hammering out at least two of those remaining pages, both of which I think still need some significant work. This week is unfortunately full of other obligations, travel and vet things. None of it will be super fun. All of it will put a damper on productivity, but we'll see. There might yet be some low-hanging fruit left in those remaining pages I can hammer out real fast to make it seem like I was way more productive than I really am. :P
I've also started sketching out Riley #8. Like, damn it, it was supposed to be a super easy page, and then it ended up being ridiculous. I'm honestly getting a little apprehensive that Riley's minicomic is losing cohesion. (Does a day go by where I'm not worried about my stories making sense in some form or another?) It's always really difficult to judge if I've done the necessary work to earn important story moments, or if the story has been dragging behind and everybody gets it and they want us to move on. Pretty sure by this point if I do YET ANOTHER page where Riley is being beaten down by the gremlin demanding she makes socks, that's too much, if I haven't crossed that threshold already.
So hopefully by this point you all hate the sock gremlin as much as I do, and as much as Riley does. It's time, I think, for her to begin working on resolving that problem.
Apart from that, I've got one more character sheet to do. One of the three remaining people sent me their concept, so I'll try to hammer that out in relative soon-ness as well... maybe after Riley#8 goes out!
Thank you all for... just being generally awesome!