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Why hello!

It's Monday. And I have coffee. Which means... everything is going to be okay.


Comic this week? Yes!

Drawing: Riley Page #9

Playing: 7 Days to Die? Or maybe Rimworld idk.

Volume #1 Status: Publisher Content Review (I've been told this could take a bit, so we'll probably be holding on this status for several weeks yet.)


I have no thoughts and am therefore content.

*sips coffee*

Wouldn't it be nice if it really worked that way? It kinda does, I suppose. Ignorance is often associated with bliss, and has been so since the words were famously published in 1742 by Thomas Gray (ooor by Publilius Syrus in Latin about 1800 years earlier... I'm on to you, Mr. Gray.) But like everyone always says, "In nil sapiendo vita iucundissima est" -- "In knowing nothing, life is most pleasant." And I'll admit, thinking too much about something definitely leads to depression and/or anxiety, more often than not, at least for me. A path to immense stress is found by obsessively ruminating over the same things, rehearsing the same few contingencies over and over, and repeatedly ending up at the same conclusion that you're fucked no matter what happens or what you do. There's peace found in just disconnecting from my mind sometimes and letting myself float through an empty abyss of contentment.

In any case, can anyone here tell me if Bluesky is any good?



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