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Hey guys! Just wanted to remind you guys that my content is available through my Discord server! Make sure you have your discord integrated.

If, for some reason, you are NOT automatically added to my Discord server when you become a Patron, you can message me here on Patreon or on my Twitter (https://twitter.com/PrototypeSigma) and I will personally add you to my Patreon and give you the tier rewards you deserve.

To those of you who don't or can't use Discord, I want to offer an apology.

I'm sorry this Patreon page has been pretty barren. I'll be honest, it's because I've heard horror stories from other NSFW artists about Patreon just arbitrarily deciding that their content is TOO NSFW and then not only shutting down their Patreon, but also getting their PayPal shut down. I was afraid of that, so I initially decided to only put my art on my Discord.

But I realize not that that was unfair.

You all are giving me your hard-earned money and I can't let my own discomfort override that.

So, moving forward, I will be uploading my works here as well. I'll be doing a mix of new art as I complete it and older completed pieces that have been on my Discord for a while.

Again, I want to express how sorry I am for not making this Patreon worth it and I promise I'll improve that moving forward. I can't thank you all enough for what you've done and I'll strive to earn your contributions.


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