Monday's updates #31 (Patreon)
Important stuff about upcoming posts first, I have almost finished polishing the speedrun I did a few weeks ago and will post that this week, so quick 30seconds animation. And I've also done the basics for a new one, will pick a character for it soon. First animation will be a threesome spitroast and second one will be full nelson!
As for actual stuff to show, there's not much this week since 2 of the projects I was working on was private stuff, so I can't show that until they're finished and I can change the characters. But one of them is now finished so you can expect that soon (I will use 2 girls which are criminally underrated, for one of them I legit didn't see a single NSFW pic)
And now for things I can show, I did a small transition in the Feng/GF animation, have to fix some snappy movement here and then start animating the footjob part.
Finished part 2 and also started part 3 of the Bubba basement ministory, Jeff and Feng are trying to lure Bubba even more now xD
Continued the theater comm too, part 4 almost done (a LOT is going on), also did some cute torn clothing for the Zarina stockings :p This was Feng's turn and next part is Zarina's initiation! After that, the last 2 parts will focus mainly on Sable
And some Observer news, Mikaela and Sable won the last poll and as my own pick I'll do Cheryl and Maria because that fits Pyramid Head and also the Midwich background. So you'll get 4 pics in total sometime next week with all 4 of Mikaela/Sable/Cheryl/Maria being full nelson-ed by PHead :)