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Kinda monday (well not really xD)

Stuff currently in progress:

- Zarina/Ghostface (an old pic I abandoned a few months ago, but finished it last days, should be posted either tonight or tomorrow)

- Maria/Mikaela 2/7 parts done

- Elodie/Ghostface half of the main scene done, about 20-30 seconds left

- Yui/Zarina should be ready for release this month (lighting in the gif is not final, I know its too dark)

Apart from these, I'm also working on something for Yun-Jin's pyjama outfit (most likely feet related), as well as a Doctor/Elodie pic :)

Also some notes about the poll, those will be more regular in the future, so don't worry if your pick doesn't win, if it got a lot of votes then I'll probably either do something with it anyway or at least add it to the next poll. And of course there will be posts beside that too, based on my mood and ideas.





zarina x ghostface pose is absolutely lovely<3


Hoping the Yun-Jin feet stuff is POV related 🤞