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Hey guyss!

I'm trying the new video feature on Patreon :3 (not sure if it's that new) But I'm glad they finally added the option were you can directly upload a video to Patreon and edit it here, add captions and all. And most importantly that it's private for Patreon.

I had this sketchbook for a while without any sketch on it, because I think it's too small for details and such aha But I finally completed it! Thanks to Patreon Sketches ♡

I wanted to ask you if this is something you would like to see from time to time, this time is just a test so you can't see all the sketches but maybe in the future I can show all the sketchbook if that's something you would like to see! Or maybe a process of some of the sketches too :3

Let me know!



Oh! Where the magic happens! The test worked pretty good for me. The video was smooth and it even remembered my spot when I closed the tab accidentally, haha


Yes, please!