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Hi guyss!

I hope you're having a great start of September ヾ(´▽`*)ノ☆

First of all I want to thank you for supporting me on Patreon, new people joined last month and I'm very happy because of that, and I hope I can be up to the task!

I know I have struggled with consistency on Patreon some months for a few a years now, but I always wanted to do this a better, bigger and exclusive platform to show my art!

So in regarding to that, I wanted to do a little survey about your opinions, suggestions or anything you want to comment about my Patreon posts in general.

✧ What would you like to see more? videos, streaming of art, processes, tutorials, more original art in general. Things you like to see artists share on Patreon in general! 

Anything you comment would be really appreciated!

✧ And if you're a Spanish speaker, would you like me to write both in english and spanish?

One of my biggest goals for Patreon in general, (hopefully) is to show you the comic I created at the beginning of the year, but since I had some problem with the editorial, I haven't been able to post it in english here.

So maybe I can start working on other ideas for it, aside from the contract I signed with the editorial.

That would be it!

Thank you so much for reading all this!

As always, thank you so much for your support and walking this path with me!




Art streams and/or videos would be cool. Of course I don't know how difficult that would be, but that test video of your sketchbook was neat. ^^ I always find it cool to see how things are made.


I've always loved your original work so more of that is always welcome ✨️ (Y español suena bien!)


Art streams would be very fun! Should be as much fun as the game streams~


I'd be interested in art streams, and I loved the sketchbook video, I'd love to see you do more with that.