Commission - Full Body : Shar OC (Patreon)
Hello Patrons!
How are you? Hopefully you had a great July! *I'm sorry for the upcoming wall of text*
I'm sorry I didn't deliver the Rewards on time, I'll close my commissions for a while so I'll be able to catch up with everything once for all ╥﹏╥ I'm kind of disappointed of myself, and a little sad that I'm always running behind the clock because of the amount of work I always had pending, this is of course my fault since I took too much in a point on my life, more that could deliver on a appropriate date. I'm so sorry for ranting, but I'm always comfortable to talk to you about these things Patrons, I'm always so grateful for the support on my art, and even if I'm not very good with words and disappear from time to time, I'm always feel happy to post here. So yeah, I hope I'll open them again on September, but I'll definitely won't pressure myself this time. And would probably only accept commissions from regular clients too ;;
So as you can see by the post of July, I only work on commissioned work, and I'm really sorry for that! I know it wasn't too much fun to see these post (maybe) I'm overthinking again perhaps haha
On August will work on pending rewards, and mostly in original work too! So I hope you look forward to it! ☆
Thank you so much for your patience, and I'm sorry for being like this sometimes!
I hope that the pandemic situation hasn't affected your life or your mood too much, although I know it's a little difficult ; __ ; we're all on the same boat! On my country we're still under lockdown, but hopefully things will get better next month!
Stay safe out there!
Commission done for Shar, her lovely original character ✿
Hope you like it!