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Thanks everyone who voted in the spooktober poll - it came down to the wire! Sorry swelling swamp fans, and congrats twihards ;) I've put together a super rough sketch for what i think i'll do this month - dialogue and character design very much pending.

Probably gonna get an udder version, a bull (dick) version, probably preg... i could probably find an excuse to nerdify her... What sort of alts do we think we'd like?



Instead of modern nerd, she get turned into a nerdy wizard


Instead of nerd, should do a goth version. Would fit the theme better


Would we go full neet? Like sweaty, messy, and fat cow? Idk, you gave me ideas with the “not burp” text


If you want to get extremely meta, have the nerdification be a time change to when the twilight books/films were super huge and they can’t wait to get the new one xD


I never say no to a nerd. Maybe combine it with goth too (lots of people sugessting that, and it is spooktober, after all ^^ ) Other alts could be different cow breeds (Friesian, Holstein, etc), Toy/plushie (living cow stuffed animal basically), possession (becoming part of the herd, maybe hypnosis?). Either way, looking forward to seeing it all ^^


Perhaps a version where the "not burp" is a burp?


That's it, I set the shower on fire


Preg for certain. For the nerd option...maybe somehow she ends up becoming someone cosplaying as a vampire instead of a real one?


I was going to suggest a WereCow version, but given the current scenario...

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

Bimbo version where she turns into one of those ✨️sparkly✨️ Twilight vampires? (And also a cow of course)

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

*krrrrr* do it! *krrr* do it! *krrr* Twilight *krrrrrr* brony/pony alt! *krrrrrr* -Connection Terminated- (Yeah as soon as I typed sparkly and twilight my brain made the connection immediately. I mean go for it I'd you wanna do a horse alt, I can't stop you)


A version where she's been caught & milked by whoever owns the cows she's draining. Maybe there's room for int drain there too? Idk


Hmmmmm, my thought was perhaps a more royal goth~? Switching from the nighttime forest to a fancy castle with some deep purple or red attire to match the royal frame?


Plenty of rippage, maybe a werewolf-cow alternate since you're doing vampire lol, maybe some milk leakage


lol I like that idea actually, she's 20% cooler yknow


First time I've ever commented on your channel, but I feel that a reality shift/mental change would be absolutely perfect for this. The vampire bites off more than they can chew as the blood not only changes them physically but mentally as well as they begin to believe they're actually a cow with cowlike thoughts and impulses


Thanks for commenting :) I think a mental changes alt would be cool! Heck, i'm a little tempted to integrate mental changes into the main art


I'm instantly sold on the thought of a nerd version. Though admittedly the best explanation I can think of is having her get a bit too into reading people's thirsty vampire-related stories... which, admittedly, a bit meta now that I say it out loud.


I hope you do! Any artwork you do that features mental changes or hypnosis are easily my favorites!