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Hey everyone! Welcome to another fortnightly update. This one's gonna be a bit light on the art front, now that i've moved over to uploading Rough Sketches individually whenever they're done (as you'll have seen, the Secret Hippo and Pawsome Sheila WIPs).  And thanks to that last commission, i've only just gotten started on the monthly artwork! But, I *have* gotten started.

Art Stuff

So, how's Tanuki Samus shaping up? I've just about managed to get a super-rough sketch together yesterday evening (with the ultra-rough sketch below)

What do you think? is this general set-up what you were hoping for with this idea?   I think the potential to fulfill the Alt requests is there ( more chubby, bunny ears and Tom Nook ).

Once this piece is progressing far enough, i'll pick up the next commission on the list - which is gonna feature hypno and paws stuff!

Hopefully by the time of the next update i'll have the Monthly Art done and will be sharing more commission stuff and asking for ideas for next month's poll!

Life Stuff

This week's kinda a big one for me, as I start a new role within my company on Monday - this probably won't be affecting my ability to output art (infact, it'll mean more home-working so maybe there'll be more time for art?) but I might be mentally drained a bit.

In less stressful news, plant-life has been good!  I've potted the cutting of my Coelus (Painted Nettle) and the spiderplant I replanted has started having a baby! 

Check out those roots (taken before potting):

Spiderplant baby:

Anyways, that's all from me for this time.  thanks as always for your support and i'll be back in a couple of days with a more polished sketch of 'Nuki Suit Samus :) 


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