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Hello everyone, hopefully this fortnightly update finds you well!  If you're American, hopefully Thanksgiving has been lovely so far. If you're not, at least the weekend is here :) 

This time, big plea for Christmas themed TF ideas for the monthly poll. 

Art Stuff

As stated above, the next monthly poll is a couple of days away and i'm putting out the call for good Christmassy TF ideas!

Currently suggested:
- Entranced by Christmas decorations, becoming a Reindeer ( with the assumption of a living plush alt )

If you've got a cool idea, either comment below or DM me :) 

In other art news, i'm currently working on two commissions - a Snow Leopard Paw Worship TG and a "Flipperdragon" TF. The rough sketch for the former is already up here under the "WIP" tag, and i'll upload the latter later today. 

I'm super stoked by the response to this month's art and the alts too :)  It really motivates me to put effort into it and try new things and i super appreciate the feedback!

Life Stuff

In life news, my new job working from home has yet to ruin my psyche - despite using the same desk for work and art, i've not given in and just started drawing during the day :P 

As i write this, Storm Arwen has hit the UK and thankfully all we've got in my town is big winds and apparently some snow! Truly the holy-jolliest time of the year is upon us. 

I've also got a bad cold - it's not Covid, but i sure feel gross :(

Anyways, that's all from me this time!  Thanks as always for your support, and hopefully you like the flipperdragon TF and have an idea for the poll :) 


Something Tanuki

Maybe someone on the Naughty list gets turned into a cute goat-like Krampus? He doesn't have a very cute design though, so you'd probably have to take some creative liberties. 😅 Alternately I was thinking someone could turned into a plush animal as a christmas present, but the reindeer plush alt covers that ground already I think.


Oooo, i really like that Krampus idea! I can definitely cute-ify a demon goat monster :)