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That title is a lie - there is no one winner of the poll this month, because Krampus, Reindeer and Polar Bear all tied in first place. ( shout out to cute lil' mouse for coming a respectable second place! ) Thanks to everyone that voted and made my job really difficult ;p

So here's what i wanna do, and let me know what you think:  I want to go with hypno polar bear TG - but feature the other two ties in the alts. So for Alts we'd have: becomes Reindeer, becomes Krampus-Goat-Lady, Chubby ( because we need a non-fat, just curvy main art for once ) and ???

What do you think? Have i chosen the right tie-winner, do you want the other winners as alts?  What should that fourth alt be?  Let me know!

( i've got a couple commissions to finish off, will probs start work on the 10th )



What if we did a plush for all three changing the plush for the alts


That sounds like a good way to handle the tie. It's still surprising that the tie ended up being split three ways though

James Dawson

Maybe the last alt could be a Lynx. They're a winter animal.


Sounds good to me! Perhaps the fourth could be a demi bear TF? They’re probably better ideas, so I can’t wait to see it regardless!


As i've said before, demi-TF is normally just a hue-shift and some minor tweaks to remove fluff - should be very doable to add this to the list :)


You two make a good case, i'll definitely do it unless there's massive demand for a different thing!


I've had close calls before but never a tie, and for it to be three-ways is just mental. If doing these alts is too much effort, next time there's a tie i'm holding a tiebreaker vote or something :P


Are you suggesting having a little plush in the scene somewhere that also changes with the species?


Oh I know it’s totally doable for you! It’s just I don’t know whether or not it’s been done enough times to warrant something else other than demi-TFs to be included!


I've only done one Demi-TF alt before now, and i notice someone else has liked your suggestion... if i've got time i'll make it happen!