Gothy Deertaur ( Rough Sketch ) (Patreon)
So i've been chatting with a friend over the Christmas period and they've kinda got me into 'taurs as a concept. They've made an adorable deertaur lady and, as part of an art trade, i've offered to draw her as a goth. ( why a goth? initially it was payback for this: )
The character's name is Alcea, she's this woodland/nature priestess ( who used to be a human man, it's a long story ) and i figured it'd be fun if her being in-tune with nature meant that she got all gothy in the winter.
I've also done a quickly de-gothed version, so you can see what she'd look like normally!
What are your thoughts on taurs? They've always seemed like a weird niche to me, but i'm seeing the light here! Hopefully you're as excited to see this done as I am :)