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Hey everyone, and welcome to another update! This time i'll be sharing a super early sketch of the monthly art, a super later look at a commission i've been working on, and some rather spiffing shelves. 

Art Stuff

Over the last two weeks i've been working on two commissions and i've just this morning finished both of them. The Dolphin TG sequence i'll be uploading shortly and the Dragon TF that i'm just waiting on approval from the client - so why not share it here?

I've yet to get approval for the motivational poster, but I hope they like it because it's a cheeky callback to an old artwork I did :)   I picked a bad pose to base a chubby alt off of - that chunky dragon hand is blocking the lovely belly, tssk...

In the last hour or so i've gotten cracking on the monthly art, which is gonna have two male cinemagoers turning into Mr Wolf and Diane Foxington from The Bad Guys. I've decided to go for mostly-TF'd so we can get more of the character's designs on show. And while i've not drawn it yet, i'm planning to have the clothes not change. 

What do you think so far? I'm still early on in the sketching process so feedback is appreciated :) 

Life Stuff

In other creative news, over the Jubilee weekend ( big up to Her Maj, the Queen, for giving us an extra day off work ) I got my act together and planned, ordered and installed some shelves - the latter part with some help from my Dad.

Above: The plan I made. 5px to 10mm.  In the end didn't use the MDF sheet for brackets and bought some Spruce stick timber for it.

Below: Trying to fit the wood in my car, thankfully the hardware store I went to provided a cutting service, but the 2.4m long pieces were pressed up against my windscreen, it was real stressful :P

Below: The finished shelves. Felt real good having my very loose design come to life :) 

Hopefully this little DIY detour was kinda interesting - either way it brings us to the end of this update. Hopefully your June is going okay and you're enjoying the summer ( or winter if you're one of those southern hemisphere types ) - thanks as always for your support and i'll be back with a rough sketch of the monthly art soon enough :) 


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