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I've been really enjoying Dragon Quest 11, and hopefully some of my familiarity with the game's aesthetic is helping to make this TF a bit authentic :) 

(Burnout Watch:  This looks like a big sequence, but i'm hoping the re-use of frame 1 and 2, and the limited viewport of frames 3 and 4 will mean the actual workload isn't so bad)

Current planned alts: Bunny Suit outfit, Prehistoric Loincloth outfit (clothes TF), Chubby, Posession/Hypno



Something Tanuki

I'm not familiar with DQ but this is a super lovely sequence, the paw tf is awesome and she's so pretty in the final panel <3


Looks great already! Lobe the panel with the Paw TF, looks fantastic! Can't believe you spoiled the game for me though :/ (/s)


Ooft sorry, the reveal of every party member's fursona only comes 35 hours into the game :p