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Woop woop, it's my favourite month of the year! And the spookiest time for polls... 

So spooky that we've got five options this month and i'm re-enabling multiple choice! NOTE: i'm on holiday for the first week of this month. I'm aiming for minimal disruption if possible.

Thanks to Gen-Awesome, Pheagle and SomethingTanuki for their suggestions this time :) 


Something Tanuki

So many good options! 👀 Normally the horse/donkey tfs would be my instant fave but I'm really interested in seeing how you'd tackle a tarantula tf

Aurora Lucia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-30 02:41:48 Let's go horse/donkey tf! <3
2022-10-01 11:44:32 Let's go horse/donkey tf! <3

Let's go horse/donkey tf! <3


OOOOh great options!