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Heya, thanks to everyone that voted in the poll! The winner this month was Apple Bobbing Beasts :)

Current plan: single image of two gals partly turned into a horse gal and a donkey gal. One is dopily enjoying crunching on an apple while the other is looking very surprised.

What do you think about Alts this time? (Other than the obligatory WG alt 😉)

Also, writing this from a Burgermaster in Seattle - nearly finished with my holiday and I'll be able to start work soon :) (and I'll be able to thank new patrons too!)


Paul Revere

gonna throw in an alt of both turning into horses


Maybe an alt where they're at a cider tap? "What do I look like, a Jackass?" "Y-you sure do!"


Wow, I wasn't expecting this idea to win. My ideas don't tend to win polls. My suggestion would be a Cow and Pig alt perhaps.


Uhhh... two ideas. Maybe like a monstery halloweeny alt? Or maybe like. . Planty/fruity/floral

Something Tanuki

Woo, horse gal and donkey gal! I like the suggested reactions, with a dopey oblivious face and a surprised face! :D I second the fruity/planty alt idea! Maybe give them green/red apple looks with shiny apple skin and a little green foliage in the hair? Another idea... a weird one but what about an udder alt where their chests are flat because the breasts have migrated downwards?


I think a drunken alt would be pretty fun! Shift the foreground, change the dialogue and expressions... Thanks :)


I think a more monsterous alt could be neat, not sure how I'd do it but Ill keep that in mind! How would you expect the fruity alt to look - smooth red/green skin and some leaves in their hair?


Sounds like the planty alt will have to happen :) The more feral alt isn't suuuuuper my forte (I wouldn't want to draw in patrons that expect more of it and let them down) but I certainly could do an udder alt :)


Congrats and thanks for the winning suggestion :) A pig might be too much work to alter... But I would be interested in trying a cow for sure

Something Tanuki

Totally understandable! I'm hype for a plant alt and I would absolutely *love* to see an udder alt! :D

Aurora Lucia

I saw the drunken suggestion and I suggest the same hahah,would be fun Also could suggest hypnosis alt or plushies


Ow wow, hope you enjoyed your vaca! Hopefully Seattle wasn't too muggy for you! also wow, what a close poll. Donkey and horse will definitely be fun! Other than the obligatory wg and maybe hypnoe alt, that monster alt sounds like it could be fun! Maybe could also throw in an unaware alt, or like... decoration alt...? no idea how else to phrase that, but the donkey gets me thinking of pin the tail on the donkey


Seattle has been great thanks - other than the slightly smokey air it was very UK in climate :) Pin the tail on the donkey could be a cool twist on a plush version - sounds like a solid idea for its own TF too!


Maybe like that, maybe more barky with leaf hair and fruits growing from them, maybe make em a bit more juicy and squishy? Idk up to youuu


Update: sorry I didn't get around to this one! I suppose the demi alt cooould be imagined as them both becoming demi horses? If you ignore the dialogue...

Paul Revere

No worries! alts are for fun, your not obligated to do every one!