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Hey all - as we come up to the second anniversary of this Patreon I've been doing some thinking about how I can best provide value here, and i've been thinking about the fortnightly updates.

I'd like to know whether you read them, and whether you value them. And if you'd be happy to leave a comment: do you have any suggestions for something the $5 tier could have as well / instead?



Hi there! I'm interested in reading them and I don't comment often. But I also understand if you moved away from them.


Heya, thanks for commenting :) i'm glad you read the update blogs and i'm happy to keep writing them, if this poll gets a strong positive response i'll stick to it!


I think the fortnightly updates are a perfect read and a good way to connect with you as an artist on your thinking process and what your plans are for the month, and it's always great to hear how you're doing C: Perhaps a suggestion would be some kind of Discord server? (I have no clue if we even have one) I think the fortnightly updates keep us up to date quite well but maybe something that would allow a lot more communication and community stuff.


Thanks for the positive feedback - it's already sounding like I should keep at these blogs :) Regarding the discord server - I decided a while ago not to make one, since every artist seems to have one i worried i'd muddy the water, and there's the mental overhead of moderating and engaging with it too.... but I did ask for suggestions, and thanks! Maybe I should survey about having a server next month?