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So sorry for the ending lmao 


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Matthew Wurzer

So I don't know pretty much any of the story because I don't follow that but I saw there was controversy around their outfits at the concert, specifically the bra over the shirt. If that was designers choice then yeah, not a fan of that at all. If the group got to pick and choose, which I'd imagine isn't common, especially among rookies, then I'm fine with what they wanted to wear but absolutely does this group need to be more protected especially because they're so young. I never saw this concert but watched a reaction of the actual dance practice video and they were dressed more like their music video. In any case, Ive should use any controversy as a learning experience and they will be incredibly successful if they continue to produce music like this; they're too talented not to and studios need to remember it's about the talent, not trying to create the "sexiest poster" or whatever the phrase is.