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  • 198456743.mp4



So sorry about the ending! Luckily it's just the last few minutes. It sucks but I honestly don't know what happened. I might have accidently unplugged the cable 😭😭


Cassandra J.

Our girls are so fun and cute!

zircadia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-20 23:31:55 Ahhh Wenri energy explosion! <3 hehehehehe Wendy was won over SO FAST by her favorite little Maknae. Seeing them with a sudden fanmeeting, the food, them just having so much fun.... the games... this is definitely one of my favorite parts of this season. Thankfully just a few minutes of the video was dark hehe <3 And we could still hear you!!!!
2023-04-18 15:13:59 Ahhh Wenri energy explosion! <3 hehehehehe Wendy was won over SO FAST by her favorite little Maknae. Seeing them with a sudden fanmeeting, the food, them just having so much fun.... the games... this is definitely one of my favorite parts of this season. Thankfully just a few minutes of the video was dark hehe <3 And we could still hear you!!!!

Ahhh Wenri energy explosion! <3 hehehehehe Wendy was won over SO FAST by her favorite little Maknae. Seeing them with a sudden fanmeeting, the food, them just having so much fun.... the games... this is definitely one of my favorite parts of this season. Thankfully just a few minutes of the video was dark hehe <3 And we could still hear you!!!!

iam Red

Ddeulgi Bear is just so precious....