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Honestly this title track is not for me. But i really love the bside track, ruby, 404 file not found and virtual insanity.

liz (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-06 03:32:52 in definition of taeyong he actually explains all the songs im not sure if you've seen it or not but if you wanted to know more about the songs that's def what u should watch! tysm for the reaction this song is such an ear worm like after a couple listens it REALLY grows on you and the album is really good imo <3 ruby is so beautiful (its written for his dog that passed he goes more in depth in the definition vid)
2023-06-05 17:41:18 in definition of taeyong he actually explains all the songs im not sure if you've seen it or not but if you wanted to know more about the songs that's def what u should watch! tysm for the reaction this song is such an ear worm like after a couple listens it REALLY grows on you and the album is really good imo <3 ruby is so beautiful (its written for his dog that passed he goes more in depth in the definition vid)

in definition of taeyong he actually explains all the songs im not sure if you've seen it or not but if you wanted to know more about the songs that's def what u should watch! tysm for the reaction this song is such an ear worm like after a couple listens it REALLY grows on you and the album is really good imo <3 ruby is so beautiful (its written for his dog that passed he goes more in depth in the definition vid)


I love this album. Gwando and Virtual Insanity are my faves, but this title track tickles the TY part of my brain. I just want to say that in the showcase, Taeyong is asked what one word describes him and he said "home". Is that not the most cancerian thing to say, ever?

Amani Myers

It took me 2 listens then I got it! It's very Taeyong. The whole album is actually since he wrote and composed everything himself! The B-sides def give a different vibe. My favorite is probably GWANDO. RUBY is very sweet also since it's about his old dog. Idk how into CIX you guys are but I know you've reacted the past couple comebacks and they just dropped a new album I'm OK and the title track is Save Me, Kill Me and I'd love to see your reaction! Before you watch it though, you should watch their story films + numb since they're directly related to this new comeback. Also if you remember the end of Wave where Yonghee is laying on the table covered in blood - that's related too. They're expanding more this comeback and are dropping more story films but they aren't finished yet so I wouldn't worry about those until after you see SMKM. The videos are about a serious topic so there are some graphic scenes so trigger warning for that especially for SMKM which starts very abruptly with blood and such. Link to all previous story films compiled together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvaDFQ0bIsE If you haven't seen Numb MV I'd watch that before SMKM too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHx-kNjEYZM Save Me Kill Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkR33wOTTcA Thank you for your reactions, I enjoy them every time and hope you tune into Taeyong's album as well :)


The album is sooooo good, I really feel like the flow of the album is perfect but idk if I can explain it exactly, but especially from the 2nd track through the end and from the last song into Shalala I feel like makes so much sense - the first to second track has a connection musically, but it's a little more tangential than clear if that makes sense? I know nothing of concept, I have not seen lyrics. I only heard one thing about Ruby and that song wrecked me before I saw that information so it was kind of irrelevant for me I guess? But for me definitely Shalala feels VERY TAEYONG. Some of the other songs feel like more of a "wow we get this from Taeyong!!!!" Very exciting


Title Track is shit. I get it why he chose it, its neo it totally represents him. But I feel like they could’ve done way better with the song. The album is a 10/10 tho, AOTY.


just bc you dont like doesnt mean it's shit wth? I and lots of other people love it i will probably shock u but not everyone have the same taste in music


I love every song on the album, including the title track! :,) I got all of them on the first listen. Taeyong is so unapologetically neo, and he doesn’t care if people think the title track is “shit” like the previous comment said. He clearly has a specific sound that his target audience will love, and sharing his music with us is what matters to him. (As you can see, I’m super proud of him ❤️)

k i r a x

I really do love all the songs in the Album, but my favs are Ruby, MMM, 404 and BTTP, Also the only thing that's intriguing me is the MV( without the song), I really dont know whats going on, i feel like i need some context and direction 😭😂.


Only true fans will obviously like it no matter how bad the song is. But objectively speaking it is not good and everyone expected better. Its shit for Taeyongs standards.