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Trish Pañares

Hello. Just a quick question. Did I somehow miss the Dark & Wild album review? Is it posted anywhere else, by any chance? 🙂


I was going to ask the same as to Dark & Wild. It was lagging a lot in my end so I wasn't able to c watch the whole stream that day. But thanks for posting this one 🫶

Katherine Cordero

For me it's Dynamite, Butter, and then Permission to Dance. Of course, it's not necessarily them, but I love the songs and promotional period of all the English songs. I think they have their spot in BTS' discography and we shouldn't shit on them too much lol

karla francis

Yea, it's the same order for me. Dynamite just makes me so happy, they released it at the perfect time. It's not in my list of favourites but I always appreciate it when they perform it


I said it earlier, I think binging BTS album in such a short period of time is not good for your mental health. But she's a trooper.

Sokha Hem (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-10 03:30:58 I can’t believe I miss another BTS streams again
2023-08-10 00:55:27 I can’t believe I miss another BTS streams again

I can’t believe I miss another BTS streams again

Neesa Leeko

Dynamite holds a special place for me. It came out when the world needed it. It's probably the only "kpop" song my 60 year old friend really knows. When JK sang it on Good Morning America, she texted me that it made her cry again..she felt odd comfort and joy from it.


Moving on is also one of my faves ever. Esosa you get meee

Blue Bubble

Agreed ! They truly are good songs , they’re cute and fun and enjoyable.