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Lets jump right to it! Thanks for all the love and support throughout April, its been a VERY busy and chaotic month haha. Commissions are still being pumped out so if you haven't received yours yet, don't worry, its on its way.

Now on to the meat of the update..

Basic Animation: For the next few months, I will be working on learning and implementing basic animation into my work. It will be small things like basic thrusting, breathing, and overall motion that will help bring more life to the images featured here. Of course, that's all easier said than done so don't expect it to be showcased soon. Maybe Ill have something to show at the end of the month, no promises.

Commission update: I have lowered the amount of images per commission from 30 images to 20 for the basic commission tier. This change was implemented late last month. In return, there will be more exclusive monthly posts to make up for it. Its become increasingly more difficult to maintain commissions as more people join, especially if its requested in the older style that I offer. Its way more time consuming to produce high quality images with. That extra time spent takes away from public posts and other experiments which is not good for everyone else. Its a balance that I'm still working on as things move forward.

Style: Continuing to improve on the newer style along with accuracy of characters. I feel the style has vastly improved since its first debut here on my Patreon and I feel that its slowly coming together. There might be some vastly different looks later this month on some posts just as an experiment so keep an eye out.

And lastly, Daily Posts: Ideally, I would like to upload 3 posts per day. Sometimes life gets in the way or I'm swamped with commissions so I cant always deliver on that. I will be trying to make more of an effort to put out at least 2 per day. Worst case, 1. I don't like having days where there is no upload so its something I'm going to work on.

And that's it for May! If there is anything you want to discuss you can DM me or post in the comment section of this update. Hope everyone has a great day and take care!





I need to say this in portugues: “só gostosa nessa imagem”. I hope this month has lots of hot images 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Thai Nguyen

Love this pic man


Thanks bro . Love your work ! It’s awesome

Thai Nguyen

Hinata, Hanabi, Tsunade, and Kushina 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Domain Expansion: 1000 Images of Heavenly Women....Wait, that might be too much.


The Dream Team from Kunoha, Now May can start

