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I will not be accepting any NEW commissions till the 1st of August.

For the past week or so I've been experiencing some minor health issues that have hindered my regular schedule and I just want to apologize to everyone for the lack of uploads, its something I wanted to avoid but it couldn't be helped. My lack of energy and being severely sick has been a pain. I thought it was over but it only got worse to the point where I was making multiple trips to the hospital, which really sucked lol. Thankfully things are looking better after the visits and I hope to get back on schedule as fast as possible so expect more content later today.



I hope you take a good rest.


Hi, please don't apologise because you were unwell. I believe everyone would understand that your health comes first and I'm glad to hear you are feeling better or at least on track to better health.


No problem, you should take care of yourself first - health first, if you're not careful you could end up collapsing so take good care of yourself. I'm sure the people who are here because they like your work and support you will understand. I wish you well.


Health comes first always, everyone will understand. I hope you'll get well soon .✌️


No problem, we understand that and you shouldn't stress yourself either. Your health comes before and we can all understand it. If you want to take a break, no one will blame you and we don't want you to get sick. Hope you recover quickly and all the best.

Jose. R

Hey don’t worry about us, you focus on recovering and getting better. You should always take care of yourself first.

Joshua ex

I hope you get better, rest and recover your health first and we will be here supporting you, good luck and take good care of yourself. Greetings


Get well soon 🙏

Ryan Blossom

I hope you get better