Demons drinking human blood - Strzyga (Patreon)
Everyone feared the night, as darkness concealed all the demons that lay in wait for lonely people. One such demon was the Strzyga, also known as the Wąpierz, Upiór, or the living dead. This demon was particularly dangerous because it would bite and suck the blood from humans and livestock.
Even while alive, it was possible to recognize who would return as a Strzyga after death. These were people with red faces and two hearts or two souls, of which only one would die. Those suspected of vampirism had a mad look in their eyes and a mocking smile. Their bodies would not stiffen after death, and their eyes would not close even under the weight of coins. It was even believed that Strzygi were born with a full set of teeth.
There were many ways to prevent the dead from returning to life. Some of the most common methods included piercing the hearts of suspected vampires with an aspen or iron stake, placing a piece of iron in their mouths, burying the deceased face down, or cutting off their heads and placing them at their feet. Sometimes sharp objects were placed in graves to wound the deceased before they could rise from the grave.
Beliefs in the Upiór still persist in some villages. This is where the custom of burying the body at least three days after death originated (to ensure the person does not wake up), as well as leaving water for the soul on the third day after the burial, so it could wash itself one last time.
I did a few Vampire inspired photoshoots but which one is your favourite photo that illustrate Strzyga the best?
Love, Erinthul.