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The rowan is steeped in folklore and was seen very much as a tree of protection.

It has had a wide range of popular folk names, the most well-known being mountain ash.

In Scandinavia, rowans growing out of some inaccessible cleft in a rock, or crevices in tree possessed an even more powerful magic. Such trees were known as ‘flying rowan’. Rowan was furthermore the prescribed wood on which runes were inscribed for divination.

In the British Isles the rowan has a long and still popular history in folklore as a tree which protects against witchcraft and enchantment.


I was on my way to the coldest place in Poland when I saw this mountain ash tree. I couldn't believe my eyes. It's truly the most unreal location for photos and I hope I'll be able to come back there.

But back to the coldest valley - it's a place where even in the summer you can expeirence a temperatures below 0 degrees C. But even more fascinating is that you can find there many ruins from a really old village that was totally destroyed by russians. Many people were slaughtered seems like only for fun. From this old and full of history village only two houses survived.

Hope you liked this short story,

Love, Erinthul.



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