A journey into the past (Patreon)
As I mentioned in my last post - I am going to make a short summary of this year. This one is about the things it gave me, the things it took from me and my journey through it all. In this post I am also going to show you my absolute favourites of 2022 (of course only the ones with clothes on unfortunately). I am courious if you agree with me on this one.
Why this year was the best?
Well, first of all - I have traveled so many times to my beloved mountains. More than I have ever dreamed of.
I finally believed my childhood dream (which is of course owning a small house in the forest) isn't so far away. Thanks to everyone, who enjoyed watching my photos, I realised that this is my path in life. This is the way I should follow even in the hardest times.
I was able to buy myself a new lens - the one I would never buy otherwise and I started doing my driver license. Finally I wasn't scared to do it.
I became independent, strong... and I finally believed in myself.
Why this year was the worst and most painful one ever?
This year my Mother lost her unfair and long fight with cancer. She was my closest friend. It broke my heart but I had to stay strong for my Grandma.
A few more people broke my heart this year as well. Because of those reasons I was at the lowest point in life and I stayed there for a long time. I can now tell you that even photography couldn't get me out of this hole I was in. The overwhelming darkness surrounded me but I couldn't show it. I had to live normally, like nothing happened. I escaped into work, trips, parties... without this I would loose myself forever.
I didn't have time for grieve or maybe I didn't let myself to do it...
Plans for next year.
I want to travel to the highest mountains in Poland in January, because I never had the chance to hike there. I want to go camping in the wilderness for at least a week - wake up with the sun and watch the wildlife closely everyday. I will open my printshop soon, because I got so many questions about it and every one fills me with so much joy. I want to start making more clothes (by sewing or knitting) and sell a few under my own name. I will buy my own car! Finally I have to travel to Scotland and I would love to hear from you about the most beautiful places there. Where would you like to see me taking my photos?
I am really glad I created this account. It's like my own diary. Filled with emotions and wonderfull memories worth keeping forever. Thank you for being a part of my journey... I hope it will never end.
Love, Erinthul.