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Hey guys, a late YT premiere! Here is the YT edit for Hot Fuzz which will premiere shortly! Enjoy.




I'm so happy that you and Carly got to go to FanX today! I hope it wasn't too overwhelming for you two! Cons are a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what photo op you got, although I think I have a pretty good idea😁😁😁

Celeste McAllister

The elusive Swan,the "Garp" guy and the bad Shakespeare couple,I want some Chunky Monkey! :)

Shad Kanyak

Are we doing the whole cornetto trilogy?

Dan M

Hot Fuzz…hot damn!

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Cassie really hasn't gone wrong lately, we enjoyed your little trip to the comic-con yeah I want to one of those once in Chicago my gf at the time will call her D were completely drunk and we're thrown out for making out. We were making a lot of people "feel uncomfortable" we were on a bench both of us were sitting she was sitting on me. The only girl I ever dated who was taller then me. Eva is like 5'6 115 pounds. Well I am way off track you see get to talking about comic-con. I get to remembering my experience not that my experience is important not compared to Cassie and Carly. This one was a cheeky good time. Gotta love dem brits. For making an outstanding film like this one. And making Cassie's reaction to even better. That's right Cassie we'll I think you draw out the e at the end Cassiee, well I think that's how you say it far be it from me to pronounce someone's name right.


'He looks like a Bond villain.' That made me smile, and funny you should say that...

Shad Kanyak

Can’t wait until she sees who Simon Pegg becomes in a certain franchise she’s grown to love. 🖖🏻

Gary B

"World's End" the third of the Cornetto trilogy also has a Bond villain :D


The best part of this reaction is at the end when she seems embarrassed to admit that she loves Dark Comedies now.


This was my favorite of the Cornetto Trilogy, even though I absolutely love Shaun of the Dead. After seeing Shaun, I thought that movie was so perfect I didn't there was any chance the follow up could come close to matching it, but amazingly I ended up liking this even better. The World's End was the weakest of the three, IMO, but was still great.

Author Travis Adams Irish

It's funny how the one character looks like Robert F. Kennedy in that car. The group in the cloaks remind me of the Catholic devotees from The DaVinci code. He's obsessed with the rules, like one of those annoying people who always point out the terms and conditions to make themselves feel powerful. Hiding behind community guidelines and using them as a sword and shield to get in people's faces for their own amusement. Glad we don't have people like that, suffocating speech and free thought in the service of their own fragile egos... But, yeah, great movie, well written and executed.

Author Travis Adams Irish

Also nice mid-weekend break. Drinking Pelligrino and laughing with my family. Going to take them to shoot my competition pistols tomorrow in the Western Utah Desert. Maybe we'll fire my Masterpiece Arms DS9, Laugo Alien, or Atlas Appollo straight up in the air. :) Happy times! Woot!

Jeffrey Joll

You should also watch Baby Driver and Last Night in Soho, all directed by the wonderful Edgar Wright.

Chris Thom

This reminds me of Super Troopers a bit.

D.M. Lipkin

This is my all time favorite movie. I am thrilled you've finally gotten to it, but sad that Carley wasn't with you. Maybe she would have recognized Timothy Dalton. Anyway, the final movie in the "trilogy" is The World's End, and it would be perfect for "Scary, but not too scary."

leo tierney

raising airizona! nick cage 2nd best film

Mark White

Hi Cassie, thanks for watching this one. It’s one of my fav comedies. I’m sure you will be asked to watch “Worlds end” to finish off the cornetto trilogy. But, I think out of the Simon Pegg, Nick Frost movies, you would enjoy “Paul” the most. Definitely a comedy perfectly made for you and Carly. 🙂


Do it for the channel, business write-off. 😆

Tim C

Never heard of this one but what the Hay.From watching your channel ,realized I have seen alot more Classic Movies.If you like British Comedy I suggest watching BennyHill, but maybe not for your Channel.


Not a movie that hits with me at all, but great reaction from Cassie!

Paul Browne

Really enjoyed watching this again along with you, and as the other have said, your laugh is great and I love hearing you crack up.


If you want some great dark comedies check some (all) of Martin McDonagh's films! They're brilliant. It'll also introduce you to Irish films and open up a whole new avenue of dark comedies!


Cassie, if you ever watch this again, there's a couple cameos at the beginning. The guy in the Santa suit who stabs Nicholas is played by Peter Jackson, director of the Lord of the Rings films. And the woman who breaks up with Nicholas at the beginning, in the head to toe crime scene outfit was played by Cate Blanchett. Others have alluded to it, but Skinner was played by Timothy Dalton, who played James Bond in a couple movies (The Living Daylights & License to Kill). A bunch of the other members of the Neighborhood Watch Association (NWA) were also pretty well known actors, with the Reverend being played by Paul Freeman, who was the main villain, Belloq, in Raiders of the Lost Ark; the head of the NWA was played by Stuart Wilson, who played the villain in Lethal Weapon 3; the trolley boy "yarp" guy was the Hound in Game of Thrones; the guy in the country with all the weapons was Filch in the Harry Potter movies; and the female police officer Dorris was played by Olivia Coleman, who won the Oscar for Best Actress a couple years ago in The Favorite.

Ria Grix

I hope someone has mentioned the TV series ‘Spaced’ which is where much of the the greatness of the Corneto trilogy was first conceived. Amongst some of the very best turn of the century British comedy along with Green Wing (another true great)

Richard Maurer

"He looks like a Bond villian" is the best line in the movie and it's not even in the movie.


The "I'm not Janine" bit is probably my favorite joke from this movie that unfortunately most reaction channels cut from their videos. Thank you for keeping it in.

Maerandir Eldar

Indeed, I have been struggling for breath I'm laughing so hard. (She does know he played Bond, right?)


Even though this movie has come extremely gory moments, it was actually much less gory that I expected. First time I saw a bit of it was the roof piece scene during a 15 break at movie theater work. I walked into the theater, sat down to eat my Butterfinger Bites and immediately "SMASH!" goes the head. Made me think the whole movie was like that, which it isn't, and it's so much more funny than that. It kind of turned me off of the movie sadly even though I loved Shawn of the Dead.

Adam Doyle

favorite quote from Cassie, "He looks like he could be a Bond Villian"

Mark Daniels

I’m surprised you missed a James Bond, a Lethal Weapon Villain, an Indiana Jones villain and some Harry Potter/Game of Thrones characters. I’m surprised I missed that Cate Blanchett was the girlfriend.