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Top Requests #101-200 Poll

  • #121 - American Psycho (2000) 350
  • #197 - Show me love (1998) 20
  • #198 - Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) 187
  • #116-U-571 (2000) 132
  • #119-True Grit (1969) 347
  • #138-Ladyhawke (1985) 159
  • #186-Under Seige (1992) 185
  • #139: Spygame (2001) 122
  • 2025-01-08
  • —2025-01-12
  • 1502 votes
{'title': 'Top Requests #101-200 Poll', 'choices': [{'text': '#121 - American Psycho (2000)', 'votes': 350}, {'text': '#197 - Show me love (1998)', 'votes': 20}, {'text': '#198 - Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)', 'votes': 187}, {'text': '#116-U-571 (2000)', 'votes': 132}, {'text': '#119-True Grit (1969)', 'votes': 347}, {'text': '#138-Ladyhawke (1985)', 'votes': 159}, {'text': '#186-Under Seige (1992)', 'votes': 185}, {'text': '#139: Spygame (2001)', 'votes': 122}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 12, 6, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 8, 22, 6, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1502}


A note about this poll. It turns out I had seen two of these without realizing it. Edge of Tomorrow I saw when it was out in theatres and Romeo and Juliet I saw in a high school class! So I redrew from 101-200 and got #116-U571 and #119-True Grit

If you missed the video in the post before this, I randomly drew 8 titles from our top requests #101-200. Here are the results!

There will be 3 polls total: 1-50, 51-100 and 100-200!

I think we have some great options in all three and I'm excited to see what wins!

Vote away!

Ps-It looks like more people have submitted requests since last night so the numbers have since changed a little on www.popcornrequests.com


Stick Figure Studios

This is the group of films where we're starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel I think. Still some good ones here, but I sadly feel like they don't have much chance of winning. Right now, I'm voting for the original TRUE GRIT just to enhance Cassie's John Wayne repertoire.

Chris Thom

Oh muh gorsh they keep coming. Think i gotta toss this one to the Swede.


True Grit is the best movie on this list. If anyone votes for the utterly moronic historical travesty which is U571 I will feel free to question their IQ.


I think American Psycho is gonna win and while I certainly think the movie is really good, I am VERY curious to see her reaction because...welp if you know you know

David Freese

I really think she'll like the original True Grit cause I remember she said she liked the remake

Michael Scoggins

I can’t under any circumstances seeing Cassie liking American Psycho! My pick was true grit Cassie hasn’t seen much of the Duke and if I had a second pick it would be spy game.

David Collins

U-571 is the gem on this poll. It'll never win though. I will never understand the love for American Psycho. I love Christian Bale but it's easily my least favorite movie of his.

Luke Godfrey

I voted for UNDER SEIGE but it doesn’t look like it’s going to win. I don’t mind if American Psycho wins, but I don’t think Cassie will like that one too much.

Terdell Ferguson

Edge of Tomorrow replaced by U-571? Bummer.


True Grit!!!! One of my favorite westerns. I think she'd really like it!

Chris Thom

Patrick Bateman may already be her hero through memes alone. Never know.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, I'd prefer it be something like STAGECOACH or THE SEARCHERS or THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE or RED RIVER first, but I'll take what I can get.

Tyler Foster

Tragic that the remake of True Grit was already watched. Maybe there's the possibility of a rewatch with Carly. The original is fine, but as an adaptation of the book, the remake is incredible. It's one of the greatest adaptations in movie history, both a great film on its own merits and also an incredibly faithful adaptation. I only have so many memories of the original, but they changed some plot points quite significantly.

R F.

Here's the Virgins guide to Rocky Horror Picture Show for those who enjoy the par-ti-ci-pa-TION (see what I did there?). https://youtu.be/VOzgwYzFNmI?si=7-plXkb00dGj6SlT

Ryan Gondek

No not Under Siege. Under Siege is a Steven Seagull crapfest. The Siege is a Denzel thriller.

Brett Richey

I don't like the original True Grit, sorry not sorry. Much prefer the remake (The Searchers however would have sealed my vote.) But... for the sake of good ol' cheesy greatness... I'm picking Under Siege. Not sorry, sorry.

Joe Mallard

I saw Romeo and Juliet in a high school class too! I don't really remember why the Leo one was shown.


LadyHawke is an awesome 80's film done by Richard Donner, (Superman and Lethal Weapon movies.) It's a fun popcorn film with surprisingly tender, romantical moments.

David Kent

It's not going to win but had to go for U-571. My second would be Under Seige. I think what made Rocky Horror Picture Show great was the midnight viewing where everyone acted out the movie in the theater. Tried watching it at home and didn't have the same vibe.

Chris Thom

I don't get that. But assuming it has something to do with the movie. Prolly going to watch that because I know nothing about it. Except for the Time Warp clip I watched today. 90 percent sure I saw Susan Sarandon.

Larry Darrell

So you saw Edge of Tomorrow (2014) and Romeo + Juliet (1996)… but do you remember them? ;-)

Above Average Dave

Guys, AMERICAN PSYCHO is decidedly NOT a Cassie movie. In fact, if she knew the content it'd probably be on her pre-banned list.

Björn Karlsson

OK... Importent info. to the Scandinavians here. You might know about it, but "Show Me Love" is the english title for "Fcuking Åmål". 🙂🙂

Brett Richey

Please don't vote for American Psycho. Those who appreciate the dark humour as I do love it for just that... Cassie however will despise it. Don't waste your vote.


How long did it take you to overcome your serious head injury? ;-)

Luke Godfrey

True Grit is also pretty good movie. I think Cassie would like that one. Hailee Steinfeld did a fantastic job in that role. I just think the casting director did her character dirty at the end of the movie!


American psycho is a great movie but you guys know Cassie is not going to like it and it'll probably result in an underwhelming reaction

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, the remake is the superior film, but I still voted for the original just to enhance Cassie's John Wayne repertoire. I'd rather she start with something like STAGECOACH or THE SEARCHERS or MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE or RED RIVER, but I'll take what I can get.

Ace Degenerate

American Psycho is gonna kill the competition 🪓


😳 at what film is winning lol

Chris Thom

Because it clicks more with the youngs with their MTV and hoola hoops and whatnot.


This is the original John Wayne one.

Chris Davis

I choose "Lady Hawke" as well, as I think it's the one she'd enjoy the most

Brian's Dog

This is the first time Ladyhawke appeared on anything, excited just for that.

Odd Thomas

American Psycho is great but I doubt Cassie will enjoy it

Chris Thom

Ok well if the Swede isn't here to pick their movie I don't know what I'm doing there at one percent. American Psycho it is because we're awful.

Henry Graham

Okay, it's never going to win one of these polls, but it makes me very happy to see Show Me Love surprisingly listed here! He may have gone off the rails subsequently, but Lukas Moodysson's first three features are all genuine knockouts, made with an irresistible energy and compassion.

Gábor Árki

So far only 1 of my 3 predictions seem to be realizing, and that is American Psycho. Cassie, be prepared this is going to be a harder watch being a strong R rated movie, that may be bending the rules on sex/nudity. Although under the violent surface, it is a satirical dark comedy. Gotta go, I have to return some video tapes


I don't think I could watch her full reaction to that movie but I'll have to watch the first 5 min. I'm sure it's amusing. lol

Luke Godfrey

Oh my mistake. In that case I have no idea if Cassie will like it as I’ve never seen it. Too old a movie for my taste.


I'll go for Under Siege. She liked Die Hard, and its segals best movie. She'll hate American Psycho, but i loved the book and the movie.

David Freese

Slightly disagree. John Wayne is alot better as Rooster Cogburn imo. Only improvement is Hailee Steinfield or aka soon to be Mrs. Josh Allen 😆 🤣

Shehab Dawoud

Stop hating on Patrick Bateman. He had to return some videotapes.

Ace Degenerate

At the time it came out it was a semi-decent Seagal action flick that was worth seeing if only to see Tommy Lee Jones go nuts. (And for me personally, it’s hard not to pass up wacky ol Gary Busey) Now it’s Citizen Kane compared to the “movies” he’s put out since then 😂😂😂

Henry Graham

Although the Coens spun gold with their adaptation, the original True Grit would rank pretty low in my recommendations for John Wayne films, Henry Hathaway films, and for westerns generally.

David Collins

American Psycho is like the adult version of pulling wings off flies and giggling while they walk around everywhere. 1 part "i get it" and 10 parts "but why" - as I see it.

Above Average Dave

I wouldn't show Cassie America Psycho unless I told her about components of it up front (broad strokes, of course with a no spoilers policy enforced). Even then, I would give her the absolute right to turn it off and walk away from the reaction (and, boy, if she did that it and posted it, I bet it'd get a LOT of hits on YT and a plethora of comments).

Stick Figure Studios

Steinfeld is great but I also think the actual filmmaking by the Coen brothers (the storytelling, the visuals, etc) is better (to say nothing of it being more faithful to the book). John Wayne does a fine job as Rooster. He just plays it like he plays a lot of his characters in his western movies: as a variation of the John Wayne screen persona (only with an eye patch)... which is perfectly fine. That's how he became a star and that's generally how acting was done in those days. Jeff Bridges, on the other hand, I think absolutely transforms into a completely different person when he plays Rooster. He just disappears into the role in a manner not unlike how Marlon Brando just became Vito Corleone in THE GODFATHER. Both kinds of performances have their place and their merits, but I definitely prefer the latter.

Brett Richey

It's just good stupid fun. Turn your brain off and enjoy. Any Yep... Seagal is a worthless piece of shit with little of a career to look back on and be proud... but I'll give him this one... his Opus. 😂


She would *adore* Spy Game.

BD Williams

I think people want to see Cassie squirm in her seat. American Psycho is a really good satire, but I think you have to be on its wavelength to truly enjoy the film. Still one of my favorite Christian Bale performances... I'm gonna be nice and pick Ladyhawke. Plus, its a really fun film.

Bill Maurer

Cassie watching American Psycho is more than the worth the cost of the subscription. True Grit !!! An actual John Wayne Western!!! We are getting closer and closer ....


Yep. Got all the elements she would like.


Love seeing Ladyhawke on the list. I think Cassie would really enjoy it, and if it wins hopes Carly wat he's with her.

Dissonant Bard

Why can't we ever get Cannibal! The Musical


I've seen both and, yes, I would vote for the remake, but not the original.

Brett Richey

It's like giving someone who doesn't like hot food something with Ghost Chillies in it just to see them sweat and get a stomach ache. It's just childish. Maybe I'm wrong and she'll get the joke... but it's a joke with a very niche punchline.

Matt Rose

Underrated film. I wish they'd release a version with a proper score, though.


Either not really big on any of these movies or haven't seen them. Would hate to see American Psycho win so based on other comments, I'll vote for LadyHawke.

Stick Figure Studios

True. I would much rather her first John Wayne Western be STAGECOACH, THE SEARCHERS, MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE or RED RIVER, but I'll take what I can get.

Alex Gorell

I was hoping it was the 2011 version of true grit not the crappy John Wayne one. Oh well.


with the very drunk directors commentary haha

Chris Thom

I do think it would be fun to do one every once in a while that you may've seen a long time ago. A lot of us haven't seen Romeo + Juliet since Jr. High or early high school. So could still be fun to revisit something nostalgic.


Could be wrong but she may have seen the remake, I think I remember her saying on a livestream something about hailee steinfeld and Matt Damon?

Brett Richey

Yep. We get it... she won't. It's not about being a simp and protecting her either. It's about a good reaction versus one with a lot of 'back in a moment... keep your film running' moments. Waste of her time and ours.

Chris Thom

Posting half an angry reaction would be pretty fascinating indeed. Seems kinda probable now that you say it.


If that's the one with Bruce Willis that's a great movie. Themes still relevant to this day unfortunately

Chris Thom

She saw it when it came out but forgot. Romeo and Juliet she saw in school.

John Liebling

Actually, if you want to compare the two, it's the 2011 which is the crappy version.

Joe Mallard

It was pretty violent from what I remember, but that was nearly 20 years ago.

Neil Varma

You’re mean for submitting American Psycho whoever mister


Hrmph. Don’t like American Psycho. *shrug*

John Liebling

Why put Cassie through American Psycho?


In the loving memory of Burt that die last December, the 90+ year old crocodile that star in the movie... and make Cassie and Carly jump. Please pencil in Crocodile Dundee 2 for January 26, Australia Day 2025!

Dan M

WHOA! Where did U-571 come from. Bingo! My vote is cast! I think you would love this movie. Action, suspense, war, and a great cast. Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, and Jon Bon Jovi. ***Once again…just want to warn you, Cassie. American Psycho may violate one or two of the restrictions on your Nope list.


I love American Psycho. She won’t. I voted for Ladyhawke. Haven’t seen it in decades. There’s the “don’t touch the watch” scene in American Psyco and I really think it would completely turn her off.

Gábor Árki

Actually, Cassie does appreciate dark humor and had some great reactions to several black comedies recently. Just probably won't resonate with the combination of violence and the kind of dark humor this movie features.

Cole Jennett

I was positive we had clarified a couple years back that she had already seen Edge of Tomorrow. Explains why it wasn’t in the top 50


Ugh. Come on people. This is why we can't have nice things. Why subject Cassie to American Psycho? Though having said that I admit that I voted for another film that she probably won't like but for which she would provide an entertaining reaction: Rocky Horror. It hasn't aged that well and was never a masterpiece to begin with, but it's still fun, an undeniable cultural landmark, and peak Tim Curry.

Cole Jennett

I switched from Spy Game to Under Siege as it has a better shot at winning. I don’t envision any enjoyment coming from American Psycho, for me or her

Henry Graham

Yeah, you may as well begin a John Wayne journey with Stagecoach, the film that features one of the most iconic 'a star is born' shots in cinema history!


Aye the controversy lol. American Psycho is a comedy basically. It's hilarious but many don't get it. It has so much flavor, lip smacking! 🙂 Genius?... could be...

Rick Williams

Agree on American Psycho, Cassie will not enjoy. I also switched my vote from Spy Game

Mark White

Bill i will definitely agree with you on true grit, another Wayne classic. but can’t do so I’m afraid with American psycho!

Steven St Clair

This list is less strong than the other two, but no genuinely bad films here. American Psycho is definitely the best on this list, but I’m voting Ladyhawke because I think it’s both underappreciated and also right up Cassie’s alley.

John Liebling

I know Cassie loves anything with Tom Cruise. Risky Business might be fun, to watch a very young Tom, but the much better overall movie, that is Patton.

Steven St Clair

Also, if you end up watching True Grit and like it, you should definitely check out the Coen Brothers’ remake.


American Psycho? That would be interesting. I wouldn't want to see that reaction, though.

John Liebling

How is this going to work. Is Cassie going to pull from the top two of each poll and create a final poll?


Absolutely. We had it with Howard the duck but this one is disturbingly dark and she won't get the social commentary anyway. It's aimed at nihilistic men and Cassie is neither of those.

Brett Richey

I know she can appreciate dark humour... but as you've expanded on... we ALL know what scenes we who know the film are talking about. I'm sure some of it she'd appreciate the satirical nature, but when confronted with the type of content she's strongly against, it would only taint any enjoyment of the whole experience. So we're in agreement.


You guys don’t like Cassie to watch Love films, but I voted for True Grit- 1969 because I want to know which one is better this one or the one with Jeff Bridges.

Mark White

Yep, there will be some tricky scenes for her! Even though Bales performance is great. I couldn’t vote for it.


True Grit if reacted with will show of westerners of the most female spoken western film made. Strong female starring actress

Armchair Rizzard

once again people are picking what they think would be funny to have her react to, rather than what they think she would like lol.

Rick Williams

For those who voted for True Grit and Under Siege let's coordinate and throw all our votes for one of these movies. I already switched my vote from Spy Game to True Grit. I would rather see one of these two movies win instead of American Psycho.

Just Plain Bob

I voted for “Show Me Love” and, of course, it’s dead last. I never cared for “American Psycho.” I watched it a second time years after my first watch, because sometimes my opinion changes over the years if I give something a second chance. But I still didn’t care for it. I get what they were going for, it just didn’t work for me. That said, I think it will make for a very, very interesting reaction.

Above Average Dave

Or, like, Carly, who seems to not remember the details and major scenes of any movie she's ever watched. 🤣

Clarence Newman

I'm voting for Show Me Love on this one, but if it's nowhere near winning at the eleventh hour, I'll have to switch my vote to whatever's closest to beating American Psycho (sorry Bjorn). That's not a film I want to see Cassie reacting to.


I know the score gets it's share of hate, and I agree it doesn't suit the tone of the film. Still, I guess I've gotten used to it over the years and even added a couple of tracks to my Spotify playlist


Same here. As Imperius himself said, "I suppose we were all in love with her in our own way."

Mike Lemon

"and its segals best movie." Disagree on that one. I put Hard to Kill (1990) and Marked for Death (1990) above it.

Keith Brown

True Grit classic John Wayne western! (Oscar win for Wayne). LadyHawke is a great medieval/fantasy/action/love story directed by Richard Donner after Superman and just before he started the Lethal Weapon series of movies.


I know that. I am saying I would not enjoy that. Not that others wouldn't.

Phil Stubblefield

[Clarified] TBH, I wish people who are more interested in their own amusement at the expense of a sweet person like Cassie would just leave! 😠 I'm aware that their presence represents financial support for PiB Inc., but Cassie deserves better!

Rick Williams

Yes. Carly has memory issues. She is in trouble when she gets old. She won't remember Cassie's name.

Rick Williams

Yes. She needs to see some of his earlier work. The ones you listed are great.


Don't worry. I am not a consistent financial supporter.

John Liebling

Thank for Clarifying, Mike. Looks like the top vote getters, three days before the polls are done, are starting to pull away.


I don't think you'll like American psycho so I went the underrated classic that is ladyhawke

Alex Gorell

Not even close. 2011 is far superior in every single way. Casting, acting, dialogue, scenery, cinematography. All better.

Jake McNulty

Sorry to see "Romeo+Juliet" is no longer on this poll, that would've been my vote.

Stick Figure Studios

The one with Jeff Bridges is the better movie, but the John Wayne original is a classic and worth seeing.

John Liebling

The comedy is erased by so much of the other stuff Cassie does not enjoy. Maybe her husband should intercede on this one, no reason to wreck Cassie further. She's seen a lot of movies recently which fall into the heart wrenching wrecking ball category.

Chris Thom

The Coen Bros one is pretty cool and quirky with an almost perfect ending.

scott osborne

umm true grit or under seige again can only pick 1 i went with true grit I WOULD NEVER EVER GO WITH ROCK HORROR ON ANY LIST even if it was the only film on that list it would never get a vote from me

Jacob King

Spy Game is definitely a Cassie film so I voted against Rocky Horror even though that would be just as fun. American Psycho isn’t really a blind reaction type movie. What’s interesting about it is the conversation around the film. Also, ick. You do know there’s a better adaptation of True Grit that doesn’t star John Wayne???

Cole Jennett

That my friend is a different poll altogether. I’ve been clamoring for that type of poll for awhile. So many great movies that she has seen but barely remembers.

Cole Jennett

Anyone who has been here for a while knows. You’ve beaten it over our head for ages😂

Terry Yelmene

Now that it has been determined that you HAVE seen 'Edge of Tomorrow' which is undoubtedly the most popular repeating day (Groundhog effect) movie after the OG 'Groundhog Day' (even with due respect to '50 First Dates'...) I want to again for the third year, request the far and away most touching of the repeating day genre - 'The Map Of Tiny Perfect Things' to be reacted to on or near February 2nd. Who knows... maybe this is the year it may pick up some support and be selected!

Clay F

Wow, Edge of Tomorrow being out changes everything -- b/c Edge of Tomorrow would have likely won the poll my guess -- now the poll is more competitive. I would vote True Grit if it was the remake True Grit (2010). I voted American Psycho. I suspected that Under Siege (Seagal's best movie) would finish in a respectable position at least b/c of nostalgia and patrons wanting action. Rocky Horror is a movie that is part of our culture/history that everyone should watch once but too many voting patrons are negative on it. I like Spy Game ok -- has the tandem that Cassie would like -- but the movie didn't do as much for me on a recent rewatch. Show Me Love would be good.

Andrew Heller

American psycho is overrated


I could see the mods stepping in on this one. It definitely falls into the graphic violence, language and sex/nudity catagory.


I voted True Grit just to try and prevent American Psycho from winning.

Alex Laime

I'd vote for True Grit if it was the 2010 version, prefer that over the 1969. Otherwise Rocky Horror, its astounding.


I found am psycho a pretentious mess


if American Psycho wins...those who've seen it know where I'm going with this


You mean that Christian Bale based his entire performance on Tom Cruise? Once you see it, you can't unsee it.


I don't know that Cassie will understand it. She will just ask why anybody would make a movie like that.

Clay F

Show Me Love would be good. I voted American Psycho because would be an interesting reaction -- expand her horizon. Plus, I prefer the remake True Grit (2010) over the original True Grit.

Clay F

Hailee Steinfeld was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of the strong female Mattie in the remake True Grit (2010).

Cliff Stephenson

People voting for American Psycho are malicious monsters. Cassie CLEARLY won’t enjoy that film.

keoma songs

Anybody know how the 'score" number is determined? I don't see whatever other criteria is used besides the # of requests. Quite confused


I don't think we don't like it. The fans are just trying to protect Cassie and her sensibilities.

Mike LL

Sure hope True Grit can beat out American Psycho. Why do so many people want Cassie to watch THAT movie. At least we could finally get a John Wayne western on the channel. True, I wouldn't have picked True Grit myself, but here it is and it has a chance to win!!


Could Cassie handle "Team America World Police" or "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut"?

Larry Darrell

Definitely! One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) has been kept off of polls in the past, because Cassie claims she has “seen” it. Yet, she has never mentioned anything about the film that she remembers, or recalled anything from it. That is a VERY memorable film. Whether it’s a good memory or a bad memory, you will have something from the film that sticks in your mind, which should cause an emotional response. And yet nothing. Not even after all the Jack Nicholson films that she has seen. Who doesn’t remember Nurse Ratched after seeing the film? 🤷‍♂️

John Cranberry

I vote AP because I don't think Rocky Horror will be at the top and I don't want True Grit to win . The Cowboys is so much better John Wayne film. I have a soft spot for Under Seige....❤️

Angel Lulu Blu

She’ll hate American Psycho. Anyone voting to subject her to that film has issues.


From the app: In "Basic" Mode (the default that all users start in) every request contributes 1 Score to a request. If everyone stayed in Basic Mode then the Score would simply be the number of requesters. In "Advanced" Mode the order of your requests is important. Your top request will contribute 1.8 to the title's total Score, stealing the extra 0.8 from your bottom request, which will contribute 0.2 to its Score. In Advanced Mode when you request a title it moves into a temporary queue that you place into your requests list in the order you want them and then manually Submit Requests to Server when you're done. If a title's score is higher than the number of requesters then it, on average, is higher on the list of titles that Advanced Mode patrons want a reaction to. If a title's score is lower than the number of requesters then it, on average, is lower on the list of titles that Advanced Mode patrons want a reaction to.


For many people, the reaction doesn't have to be one where the reactor is enjoying the movie, for the reaction to be an entertaining one.

Michael West

I know it won't win but Spy Game is a really nice movie and it stars two of her favorite leading men, Brad Pitt and Robert Redford.


Oh no, sorry - I meant I don’t like American Psycho

Cliff Stephenson

I know… that’s why I said those voters are malicious monsters. They KNOW she’s going to dislike it and have a negative reaction and that’s (checks notes) ENTERTAINING to them. Sort of like cutting the head off a live chicken and then watching the headless body run around. I’m sure there are some people ‘entertained’ by that, but I wouldn’t consider them good people if that’s what entertains them.

Cliff Stephenson

Agreed. I switched from LadyHawke to True Grit because the idea of subjecting her to American Psycho seems mean. I KNOW AmPsyc will disturb her and I’m not entertained by that.

Mike Lemon

@TheSingulatarian - I suggested something like that a while ago. Have the poll but have her secretly choose what place she would watch. That would stop the "I really want movie X, but I can't stand not voting for the winner, so I'm changing my vote" nonsense.

Brian Wood

The Duke John Wayne? Heck yeah! His Oscar winning performance in True Grit. A great one for the upcoming Oscars and Poppies of course. lol

Clay F

John Wayne’s only Oscar over his 50-year acting career, but John Wayne said that True Grit didn't rank high among his other westerns. Some say Wayne's Oscar for True Grit had an element of being a legacy win to it, with the award almost signifying a body of work rather than a single performance.


I feel like Under Siege is Tommy Lee Jones’ second worst movie (after Batman)

Brian Wood

True. I do not consider True Grit to be his best role. He should have been nominated and won for The Searchers hands down, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, and The Shootist. He was also nominated for The Sands of Iwo Jima, but lost to Broadrick Crawford for All the King's Men.

Jorge Lopez

Some people might be upset if I mention this, but I hope True Grit does not win because John Wayne was a known racist. I think Cassie would enjoy Spy Game or Rocky Horror more, so I hope one of those wins - though, it doesn't appear like either will beat TG.

Mike LL

I did the same! I would prefer Ladyhawke, but that doesn't have a chance of winning.

Aj R

American Psycho?! Why do people want to torture a good person like Cassie?


Pretty sure the Sussudio scene alone would do it. Although it is a great, great song. A personal favorite.

Aj R

Cassie, I hope you read this. PLEASE dont watch American Psycho, there are scenes in it that are truly disturbing and totally degrading (especially to women) and you cant un-see them. If it wins, please consider watching the runner up instead.

Mike LL

I have to agree with everyone here. True Grit would not be my choice for Wayne western for her, but here we are and it is the only choice we have in this poll.

John Liebling

You think Cassie and Carly would be interested in Shakespeare In Love?

Ross Warshaw

I sir, am one of those people. I started a drinking game...counting the times Cassie says "Oh my gosh!!!!!"

Ross Warshaw

One can appreciate the movie without agreeing with the ideals of it's actors. He is from a different generation, and norms in that society were different than today. Cancel culture has gone too far if one is expected to ignore Oscar winning performances. Take lessons from the past, but don't ignore or erase them.

Mike Lemon

For years now Cassie has been saying she wants to watch it, but she keeps putting it on polls and it loses. Hopefully soon she'll just forget the poll and watch it.

Robert Durant

Dammit, i know U-571 won't win but I promise you girls it is a thrilling WW2 submarine movie.

Mike Lemon

No...??? Somebody born in 1907 doesn't think like someone in 2025? Say it isn't so. That isn't even getting into how the whole story is way overblown- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fact-check-did-john-wayne-express-racist-views-to-blacks-and-american-indians/ar-AA1pA21s

Larry Darrell

I still say it would be interesting to see the poll resubmitted after 24 hours, with the bottom 2 films removed. Then after the next 24 hours, resubmit the poll again with the bottom 2 films removed. Let’s see which films the 8% of votes for Spy Game and the 9% of votes for U-571 go to when you can’t vote for those movies. It’d be more exciting than watching American Psycho stay in the lead for 3 days with only True Grit as its competition. A poll with 8 films that lasts for three days, and after 4 hours, we already know that it’s going to be either of the two films. Also, if American Psycho or True Grit wins… then Cassie would be watching a film that only 20% of her patronage prefers to watch. (-: I like True Grit (would prefer another John Wayne film, but alas ;-) I’m just trying to add a little spice to these polls. I mean seriously, after 4 hours, you know what the Top 2 is going to be. What if half the poll was removed… perhaps a film in 4th place could take the lead. American Psycho and True Grit are 2 completely different films. With 4 of the films removed from the poll, we may get a better idea of which of the 2 films are more preferred. Maybe one will get a bigger lead, and then we’ll have a film that MOST people want to see. I think it sounds like fun ;-)


totally agree. Very much not a Cassie movie. I don't think it's a good movie at all, but I know many do.

Chris Thom

Probably. Best picture winner with Best Actress win by Gwyneth Paltrow. I think she would enjoy it.

Paul Stelter

I'm voting for Ladyhawke because they'll love it, though I would also be highly amused by seeing minds blown by Rocky Horror.

Jens Kristensen

I had to vote for "Show Me Love" because of the cool swede Björn 🇸🇪 (scandinavians unite!) it is a great movie though... A real coming-of-age gem...


I voted for True Grit.


True Grit, a young Robert Duval, Dennis Hopper


I agree with the comments here. I think he won the award for a body of work, not just True Grit.

Erica Yurgec

True Grit!! Best movie!!


like saying I won't watch Robert DeNiro movies because of his politics

Chuck Jacobson

Spy Game is the best by far


I prefer the 2010 True Grit. It's closer to the book. The earlier one is a John Wayne vehicle and dominated by his persona. The later one has major stars, but a very young Hailee Steinfeld steals the show. She was a little younger than the character she plays, unlike adult Kim Darby in 1969.

Angel Lulu Blu

Cassie I implore you not to watch American Psycho. It goes against your standards. My son said, “She should NOT watch that!” Anyone wanting to torment her with that movie has serious issues.

Chris Thom

It's probably more appropriate to the American zeitgeist than it ever was back then. Or when the book was written even. It uses extreme situations, mentalities and extreme black humor to make a very serious point. It's not all meaningless. Brett Easton Ellis writes a lot about apathy, mindless consumption, and mental and spiritual vacuousness. Not all fun and games. It's actually important stuff. Ultimately I think she should decide for herself if she wants to watch it, and if it's too much for her, she can always shut it off and watch the next one on the list instead. No one would blame her. But it's not so bad having truly unique movies on the channel every so often.

Andrew Buel

The theater kid in me wanted Cassie to see Rocky Horror for the sheer WTF-ness of it all, but I cannot not vote for True Grit.

Chris Thom

Do you think Rocky Horror P S is controversial? Was just reading some articles about it this morning.

Gregory Costello

If True Grit wasn't on here I would vote for The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Richard Maurer

American is probably the worst movie on the list. I’d vote for True Grit before AP.

Richard Maurer

I like horror films but American Psycho isn’t one and isn’t worth a reaction from Cassie.

Andrew Buel

I think weird and insane may be better adjectives IMO. XD It's one of those movies like The Room that was popular because it's fans really bought into the campiness/"so bad it's good" of the story. It would definitely be one of the more bizarre movies Cassie would watch for the channel, and it is one that works better watching it with a group of people who know the movie already. That's how it got it's cult status; people would dress up as the characters, shout out their own jokes during pauses in the dialogue, dance during the songs. Cassie won't have the same effect if she's just watching by herself. But the reaction would definitely be... memorable.

Andrew Buel

If you want an idea of what she may be in for, the link to the opening of the movie is here. SPOILERS. CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK. Better link> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSSlYwVEMSM


I love watching reactions to satirical films and seeing how people process them (regardless of whether they like/dislike it), so it got my vote! It's also the only movie on the poll that I've seen. Guess I'm a malicious monster.

Richard Maurer

Yeah I voted for too but I’ll probably change to Rocky Horror if it stays closer to the leaders

Richard Maurer

Yeah I voted for SML too but I’ll probably change to Rocky Horror if it stays closer to the leaders

Chris Thom

You need to look a little closer at the film if you think it's only about tormenting the audience. There's more to it than that. Literally may be one of the most important messages of our lifetime underneath the violence and dark humor. There's a reason for it.

Richard Maurer

John Wayne was supposedly playing himself in most movies. He must have been a pompous ass in real life because most of his “characters” were.

Richard Maurer

I voted for Show Me Love because I told Bjorn I would. But I also said I’d switch to Rocky Horror if iSML didn’t have a chance so I’ll probably do that before the poll ends. Sorry brother.

Cliff Stephenson

I never said that… I said it’s going to torment THIS particular audience, which is why some people are voting for it. Nobody voting cares what ‘important message’ the movie is going to provide… they want to see Cassie squirm and be uncomfortable. At least be honest.


Sure, there are likely some people here who vote for films that will only generate that type of reaction from Cassie. I'm not one of those people, though. I align with what Chris said above.

Brian Lowery

Why do I get the feeling that many of the people that vote for movies like American Psycho (which I love BTW) are only doing it because they get some weird pleasure from seeing Cassie uncomfortable?

Matthew Folz

Spy Game is soooo freaking underrated. Think Cassie would love the Pitt/Redford combo

John Callahan

Ok, U-571 has my vote. New True Grit is just better (sorry Duke) and Rocky Horror needs to be seen in costume, at midnight, in a theater, with like-minded crazies and with a full compliment of props.

keoma songs

Thank you. I couldn't see that stuff, probably because I can't log in. When I tried the Patreon linking was broken and I think the solution presented was to send a message on Discord but I wasn't about to join yet another website or app just for this. I guess I'll go without being a part of that element unless it's fixed

Eli van Aggelen

I would've voted for Spy Game, but I had to vote for True Grit to stop American Psycho from happening, wtf is wrong with y'all

Just Plain Bob

Seeing a lot of judgement of those that voted for “American Psycho”, along the lines that people that voted for it have no empathy and want to cause Cassie harm. So sick of this argument. It’s absurd. I looked it up and it has an audience score of 85% on Rotten Tomatoes and 7.6 on IMDB. I don’t mention that as a defense of its quality. I’m only pointing out that it’s clearly popular. Perhaps, just perhaps, people voted for it because they want to see Cassie react to a movie they like. Absent evidence to the contrary and not knowing those people, that seems the safest assumption. Frankly, I’m not a fan of the movie and didn’t vote for it (vote for “Show Me Love” while you’ve still got the chance!). But I’m not gonna play moral defender and accuse those that do like it and would like to see a reaction to it of being sadists, either.

Gro Do

I know part of the point of PIB is to broaden her movie horizons and get out of her comfort zone, but American Psycho? She'll never be the same again.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, there are other John Wayne movies that I would rather she start with, but they are not on this poll, so I'll take what I can get. I also do not want AMERICAN PSYCHO to win.


Yeah, I think Ladyhawke is the most "Cassie" movie of this list.

Stick Figure Studios

I think a lot of people are doing that. I voted for it because I just want it to win to enhance Cassie's John Wayne repertoire. Beating AMERICAN PSYCHO is just a bonus.


Eh, some of us wouldn't vote for either. The True Grit remake is a lot better. Not sure the point of seeing the other. And American Psycho won't be her cup of tea.

Stick Figure Studios

Personally, I think Steven Seagal's best movie is the one where he's in it for 15 minutes and then dies. Bonus points all of you out there who know which one that is.


I mean...I don't really care what his views are. He's an actor in a movie. I don't have to agree with him to enjoy a movie. Besides, I think you'd find a lot of people were racist in his time unfortunately. Mark my words...a few decades from now people will look back on this time and judge us all for things too. That's the nature of things. In saying that, the True Grit remake is a lot better, but she's seen it. So I wouldn't vote for True Grit anyway.

Gro Do

I mean theres having her watch Predator or Alien, but those have plots that arent as dark and ugly as AP. AP's plot is about as dark as can be and im not sure the dark humor in it would be her style.

Just Plain Bob

You realize kaiielle is one of Cassie’s moderators, right? Why would she want to inflict harm on a friend? Maybe, instead of hurling baseless accusations at people because they don’t like the same things you do, you could consider taking them at face value. Btw, I voted for “Show Me Love” and don’t like “American Psycho.” But I don’t see anything wrong with liking it, either.


Dang Bjorn that sucks! I was rooting for ya.

Cliff Stephenson

Why would her mod status change my opinion that I think the movie choice is wrong and, in some ways, mean spirited? Nobody’s picking American Psycho because they want to see Cassie’s thoughtful take on the film’s amazing commentary and social satire. They’re picking it because they think it’s fun to watch her squirm and be uncomfortable for 100 minutes. If that’s your jam… great! So be it. Just don’t lie about what you’re looking to get. I, personally, don’t enjoy watching Cassie have to ‘endure’ something like that for my entertainment and if American Psycho wins, I absolutely WON’T watch the reaction.

Cliff Stephenson

I think it’s a mean-spirited choice. You disagree, so my opinion ultimately shouldn’t matter. If it doesn’t bother you then I don’t know why it bothers you. People will vote their choices for whatever reasons they want.

Just Plain Bob

My point was simply that there’s absolutely no good reason to be insulting to your fellow patrons. Why assume the worst about them? Particularly kaiielle, who has no reason to want anything other than the best for Cassie. Absent evidence to the contrary, maybe it’s best to assume that they wanted Cassie to watch it because they like the movie. But calling people you don’t even know “malicious monsters” is hardly productive, it’s just insulting.

Cliff Stephenson

I understood your point… let me remind you what Kaiielle said: ‘For many people, the reaction DOESN’T HAVE TO BE ONE WHERE THE REACTOR IS ENJOYING THE MOVIE, for the reaction to be an entertaining one.’ Again… did I truly misunderstand or misrepresent anything? The point of some of these choices for SOME people is because it’s entertaining to watch the reactor DISLIKE like the movie for whatever reason. I’m not one of those people. If you are, great, but at least be honest about it (which Kaiielle ultimately was, I think). If you don’t feel it’s mean-spirited, then what I think shouldn’t bother you as it shouldn’t feel directed toward you. I think it’s mean, you disagree and that’s fine. But I won’t watch a reaction to American Psycho because I know Cassie’s reaction to it won’t be entertaining to me.

Wesley White

"True Grit", "U-571", and "Under Seige" are my picks, but my vote is for "True Grit", my second favorite John Wayne movie of all time! No spoilers, "U-571" is such an underrated WWII movie, true it's not historically accurate, but still an entertaining nail-bitter of a movie about submarines! "Under Seige" is one of a handful of Steven Segal movies that I actually like! I'm not a huge fan of the guy, mostly due to his politcal view these days, but back in the 80's and 90's, he made some fun and entertaining action movies, and this one is one of them, I think you might find it entertaining as well if you ever get around to watching it! Anyway, really great choices Cassie, that's a good way to start off the new year to me lol! Can't wait to see which ones win and you reacting to them! Love and support, and God bless you Carly and the family🥰😇🙏😁😉👍👌✌🌹

Atreyu Auryn

Yes he was. Infamously so. This is not politics. Look up his remarks regarding the Native Americans and black people. He said in an interview, quote "I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from the Indians. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves" unquote. It's one thing to say "judge the art not the artist" it's another to engage in white-washing.

Happy Hanukkah

Controversial? 🙄 * "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." * Directed at this criticism, not at you.

Mark White

Hi Cassie, so I’m going to try and give you my two pennies worth on the “American Psycho” debate. Firstly I would say this movie actually has some artistic merit to it. Which has been well covered by Chris in a previous comment. I will add that Bail’s performance is excellent, if not stomach turning at times! It’s going to be a really tough watch for you! However, before you watch this, either this time or in the future, I would suggest you ask a trusted member of your inner circle about content without spoilers. It’s not just the graphic violence, for me, in my humble opinion this movie contravenes your excessive nudity/sex nope list. Now if you feel this is a boundary you are willing to push and feel comfortable with, then go for it. But, it will open a can of worms in the future. Now you have pick-a-flick, you will be asked to watch all sorts of movies. What if one of those movies have excess sex/nudity in it. The argument will be “but you watched American psycho” what if you are asked to watch “basic instinct” for example? How far are you willing to push it?! With both sex and violence? Just to be clear I’m not against American psycho, or people who vote for it. But, how far do you want to go for clicks on the tube? Whatever you choose Cassie we will always support you. P.s I hope you are finally feeling better ❤️

Atreyu Auryn

Is Popcorn in bed not meant to be her watching things she perhaps would not watch otherwise?

Happy Hanukkah

This happens occasionally. If you want, try again later. (I'm with you about Discord.)

Atreyu Auryn

I'm sorry my friend (I mean no offense) but that is so condescending. She's not a child you know.

Just Plain Bob

Well, you misrepresented what kaiielle said, but fine. She NEVER said she enjoyed watching a reaction because she found it “entertaining to watch the reactor DISLIKE the movie…”. She said enjoyed a reaction in which people tried to process satire. She explicitly denied the motivation you attributed to her and other fans of the movie. As for the rest, as I said before, I don’t like the movie. But I also think it’s reprehensible to call people that you don’t know “malicious monsters.” I question why you find it necessary to insult people you don’t even know. It’s ugly and mean spirited. You can continue to spew your bile if you want, but I’m done with this discussion.

Gro Do

Well this pretty much sums up my feeling on this. Good post

Cliff Stephenson

Its only an insult if you think I’m talking about you. I don’t really think everyone is a malicious monster and did say that people will vote their choices for whatever reasons they want. But I do think it’s disingenuous to say I misrepresented what she said when I simply quoted her verbatim. “For many people, the reaction doesn't have to be one where the reactor is enjoying the movie, for the reaction to be an entertaining one.” Again… how did I misrepresent what was said?

Happy Hanukkah

But what happens when he's impersonating a worse actor? ... My brain hurts! :-) (Tugg Speedman has entered the chat.) (I still laugh at John Wayne's reaction to Ned's final insult.)

Atreyu Auryn

Yes lol, I tought at first tey meant the song by Robyn, so I checked the IMDB and it is indeed "Effing" Åmål 😆

Clarence Newman

Always a fair argument, Bob, but I'm one of the people who don't want American Psycho to win and here's why. 1) I really don't think it's a movie Cassie will enjoy and I get the most enjoyment out of watching her enjoy the movie. 2) I watched Psycho for the first time last week and I didn't enjoy it myself. It's not because of any nope tropes - I roll with them on most films - but because it just didn't seem very good. The characters seemed plastic and unlikable (particularly Bale), the storyline seemed over the top and therefore hard to connect with, and by the time the credits rolled, I felt like I'd wasted two hours of my life. If I'd enjoyed the film myself (the way I enjoy The Fly, let's say, which would be an even harder watch for Cassie but I would, and did, vote for it in October) and my desire not to see her endure Psycho was just about reason 1, then there's no argument - that's Class A white knighting and we'd be depriving her of a great movie for the sake of comfort. That's not why most of us are here and not why Cassie started the channel. But a movie that strikes me as not very good and also pointless, AND I don't think she'd enjoy it, AND it pretty much violates a few of her nope tropes, is one that's worth speaking out against. Even so, if there were anywhere near as many comments on here by people expressing love for American Psycho as there are for people warning Cassie off, again there'd be no argument. It would be October all over again with the white knights (and I'm often guilty as charged there) battling with the horror lovers in an attempt to warn her off truly great horror films. That doesn't seem to be the case with American Psycho, and it's tough when the volume of comments seems to strongly agree that she shouldn't watch it. This happens sometimes. A poll contains a tough, clearly non-Cassie movie. That movie gets loads of votes and surges into the lead, but the comments are overwhelmingly against it. It leaves me scratching my head because the numbers don't gel with the comments. Well, that's my shot at an explanation. As always, fair do's to those who genuinely love American Psycho. There's no judgement on you. Remember though, there also might be a little Howard the Duck PTSD going on here, because we all know most of the YT voters only picked that to troll Cassie. In the absence of a significant number of posts praising Psycho (as opposed to simply defending the right to vote for it), it's hard not to see this one the same way.

keoma songs

Thank you, but unfortunately still broken and/or not Patreon not playing nice and solution is still to get on Discord. I'll pass. At least I do think I have a better chance of winning a pick of the month drawing as 1 of 500+ than by the requests website, where none of the movies I want to request are in the top 200 anyways nor would be likely to win a poll like these.

keoma songs

Sorry, this was meant to be a nested reply about the requests website log in, sorry about that

Just Plain Bob

I also don’t care for the movie. But there are people in this forum literally calling other people “malicious monsters” and accusing them of a lack of empathy because they like the movie and want a reaction to it. It’s gotten ridiculous. Why can’t some people accept that others have differing tastes? And why the need to vilify them because they like to see a reaction to a movie they like? As for the lack of comments here by those that voted for it, I don’t agree at all that this indicates they only voted for it to troll Cassie. There’s no evidence of that other than guesswork. Perhaps, having been called names and seeing remarks about how they are sick and have no empathy, they simply chose not to engage. Or maybe they just don’t frequent the forums. Regardless, I don’t know why so many people’s default is: I don’t like the movie + other people voted for it = they’re soul devouring sociopaths

Clarence Newman

That I agree with, but your last line is an important part of it. If someone voted because they like the movie and want to see a reaction to it, more power to them, and I support your support. Troll-voters are an entirely different thing.

Gábor Árki

"The characters seemed plastic and unlikable (particularly Bale), the storyline seemed over the top and therefore hard to connect with" Clarence, you know that was kind of the whole point of the movie, right? 😆 I can't blame anyone for not liking it, a polarizing movie for sure. I didn't really like it myself when I watched it the first time 15-20 years ago. But after rewatching it a few years ago and better understanding the satire and underlying social commentaries, I quite enjoyed it the second time. I recommend watching this not too long video essay about the movie, it may help shed a different light on the movie: https://youtu.be/b3TT8Has8BE

Clay F

She is uncomfortable in her reactions to many of the movies she has reacted to. For me, it's not wanting to see Cassie uncomfortable, but wanting to see an interesting reaction.

Clarence Newman

You might be right, Gabor, and it seems a second watch may be required to appreciate the nuances. Unfortunately, I'm thinking it'll be about 15-20 years before I want to try again too. 😄

Clay F

American Psycho (2000) may not win the poll (which would be fine with me), but I think her reaction to American Psycho (2000) would be more interesting than her reaction to True Grit (1969). While John Wayne received what was arguably a legacy Oscar (his only Oscar over his 50-year acting career), she has seen True Grit (2010) and thus already knows the basic True Grit premise. Plus, as John Wayne said, True Grit (1969) didn't rank high among his other westerns. While American Psycho (2000) is not my top movie of all time, the movie is clever satire and Christian Bale gives a stunning performance. Cassie has reacted to so much content with graphic violence (the list is long) and content (e.g., True Detective S1, Deadpool, BS Dracula, An Officer and a Gentleman, etc.) with moderate sex/nudity. But I am fine with Cassie going with what her team recommends regarding American Psycho (2000). American Psycho (2000) may not win the poll. Many patrons are negative on American Psycho, and as some have indicated, are changing their vote to True Grit (not their preferred choice in the poll) in an effort to defeat American Psycho.

Clarence Newman

No doubt about Wayne's Oscar for True Grit, Clay. I once read a comment that he won it "for daring to look old and fat".

Clarence Newman

And yes, whether or not to watch Psycho (if it wins) should have some input from her advisors. If they say its ok, then muzzle muzzle, good things.

Clarence Newman

A cuddly story about a girl's romance with her invisible friend, Mark. Whatever do you mean?

Clarence Newman

She'd get into GoT, Clay - it's a truly great series. But regarding her Nope list, the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail would have more legs to stand on than she would after watching it.

Björn Karlsson

It's Robyn's song in the outro of that movie 😊 They had to change the name of the movie, when it's got released in UK and US. I don't know why 🤣🤣🤣

Clay F

Plain Bob, good points. Show Me Love would be good.

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

When it comes to what contravenes the rules it's always going to be a judgement call. Wherever the line is there's always going to be movies on the line

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

GoT is definitely not a great series. After the final season aired the fans generally lost interest and the bargain bins / second hand bins, overflowed with GoT box sets as nobody wanted to re-watch knowing how it ended

Mike Lemon

"Rotten Tomatoes ... pointing out that it’s clearly popular." Rotten Tomatoes doesn't measure if a movie is popular or even good, it measures if it is terrible. Straight 60% reviews would get a movie a 100% score. Plus, they have been caught manipulating the scores. Second plus, it is owned by NBC (Comcast) and Warner Brothers. That said, the movie is popular, that's why there are already a bajillion reactions to it.

Clarence Newman

You speak the truth, Neighbour (about the final season at least), but that's another argument entirely.

Mike Lemon

I still am. We just need the next 400 people voting to vote for Show Me Love.

Mattias Ljungberg

It is as usual a bunch of booring( allways the same kind of story) hooraa forUSA kind of films in this poll aswell. It makes me wonder Cassie Are you alergic to films from other countries? At least Redford is an ok actor. So spy game got my vote.

Jacob King

Under Siege and Batman and Robin both come from the alternative universe where Tommy Lee Jones and Nicholas Cage were switched at birth. Literally, the only reason to watch Under Siege is the Tommy Lee Jones performance.

Jacob King

Palm Springs and Happy Death Day are also solid examples of the genre.

Ace Degenerate

@Just Plain Bob I 100% agree with you. It’s getting out of hand. This whole process of movie watching is about as low stakes as it can get. IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. But when I see posts from other users here saying stuff like “If you vote for U-571, I will question your IQ” and other snobbish comments belittling the opinions of others, really gives this community an ick factor it never had before.

Mike LL

Clarence, do you seriously believe watching Game of Thrones would clear away her objections to watching The Exorcist? It wouldn't.

Mike LL

I agree with both of you, but since it won't win I'm True Grit blocking American Psycho.

Mike LL

This again. I made lengthy comments when Cassie watched The Quiet Man in 2021 and the same comments were made about Wayne. One post was deleted that had my best comments on the matter. I won't rehash all my arguments here, but just simply say that at the time Playboy magazine was in the business of publishing the most controversial material they could dig up.

Dan M

Mark, I couldn’t agree with you more. And in regards to the sex and nudity and violence in American Pyscho, I think it is the context in which both are portrayed in the movie that would really make Cassie uncomfortable. Yes, she’s seen movies on the channel with a fair amount of nudity and sex scenes, and she’s certainly seen a lot of movies with excessive violence. But in my opinion, the sex scenes and the way in which Bale’s character interacts with women in American Pyscho are degrading to women, and the violence portrayed throughout the movie is very disturbing. I’m not questioning the merits or quality of the movie, I just don’t think Cassie would enjoy watching this movie.

Gábor Árki

I don't think Cassie is. But foreign movies don't seem to have a chance with a mostly English speaking, and presumably mostly North American group of patrons. Same issue with movies made before the 80s. Only a very few, really big titles stand a chance. I would certainly appreciate though if a foreign movies poll (and a dedicated European movies poll) would become a recurring thing at least few times a year, to remedy this situation.

Gábor Árki

Dan, that is kind of the point of the movie. Not to glorify this behavior, but to emphasize how absurd and ridiculous it actually is. That’s one of the film’s central messages. I think those who pick up on this satire tend to enjoy the movie exactly for this reason, while those who try to interpret it literally tend to criticize and not like it. Although I also think Cassie will probably fall into the latter category and won't enjoy it.

Jacob King

It’s a good thing to mention even if people do get upset. I think we can appreciate art made by artists whose politics are different to our own but we should be honest about it and not turn away because it makes us uncomfortable.


Wow, what a broad and rude generalization to imply people have mental issues for simply wanting a movie to get a reaction.

Mark White

The whole debate around AP has reminded me of something from my youth! When I was a young man I had two groups of friends, very different to each other, One group, was more, let’s say adventurous. We had loads of mad crazy adventures, adrenaline seeking really, most of it legal! Some not so much! They got me to expand my horizons, take risks, try new things. But they also got me in to trouble from time to time as well! My other group of friends were more play it safe, members of the chess club types. Very clever, never really went outside much! They kept me grounded and advised me from sometimes making stupid mistakes! But they could sometimes be over protective and so maybe listening to them sometimes meant I missed out. I think what I’m trying to say and not very well! 😆 Is that us lot on PiB can sometimes be like that for Cassie. Neither group are wrong or right. Just two different sides of the same coin. Ok, it doesn’t really make any sense! 😆but you know what I mean🙂


Normally I wouldn't chime in further but the AP debate is too good to pass up. Do I like the movie? Yes. Will it make for a good reaction? Yes. I think people are drastically taking the movie and movies in general too seriously if they are accusing others of being "monsters" "sickos" and "having issues" over a piece of fiction. A piece of fiction, I might add, that is hardly the most over the top, graphic or disturbing movie compared to the extreme ends of the genre. I don't think for one second she will enjoy it but people here are acting like she's being forced to watch a non-fiction documentary on (horrible subject matter) and not a freaking movie starring a guy who played Batman.


It looks like it won't matter anyway since the anti-AP vote switchers are gonna have true grit win. I'll be skipping that one most likely.

Clarence Newman

Mike LL. Nope, that's a good point. There will always be films embedded in her head as Nope and Never, and the Exorcist is the Grandaddy of them all. I'm pretty sure the Nope list was invented just for that film. Like Arya Stark's list, it's picked up a few more names on the way. I think the point is that Game of Thrones so relentlessly violates what we've come to know as Cassie's nope tropes (and not just for 2 hours of one film, but for 74 one hour episodes), that she might be making a rod for her own back if she watches it. It seems to warrant a couple of shouts of "Hey Cassie, are you aware....?"


Please vote for Die Hard on a boat.

søren knudsen

Fucking Åmål (Show Me Love) is on the list. But unfortunately it is far behind

Terry Yelmene

There are others in the repeated day-time genre including a good one called 'Source Code' and I hope some are suggested/seen.... BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... Please NEVER Suggest 'Happy Death Day'!!! That one is so BAD, the studio should burn the negative and all copies!!! - awful movie -

Björn Karlsson

Show me love/Fcuking Åmål is the only non-english on top 200. It's a miracle that it's even made it to this poll. My suggestion is to request more "foreign movies" in popcorn request. Danish, swedish, german, norwegian etc.. I think it's like 10-ish on top 500...

Story Archer

I am so happy to see Ladyhawke on here - not only is it a superb movie with a surprising cast, but it shows everyone the importance of a movie's musical score - if Ladyhawke and Star Wars had swapped scores, people would barely remember Star wars and we'd all be collecting Ladyhawke action figures right now.

Above Average Dave

TRUE GRIT in the context of 1969 was a jolt to the genre in similar ways to RED RIVER and THE SEARCHERS were in their years of release, but for different reasons. By the early 1960s there had been so many westens that the heroes in most of them were one-dimenstional stereotypes, if not borderline cartoons in their predictability. By the end of the 1960s, the genre was effectively dead. But then here comes Mr. Western Hero John Wayne. He set the genre askew with two different types of burning obsession that filled his characters in RED RIVER and THE SEARCHERS. But in True Grit, he spun the genre around 180° by playing a character, Rooster Cogburn, who was in many ways the "Anti-John Wayne." This was John Wayne(!), a symbol of the America that won WWII, became the economic engine of freedom and worked to spread that freedom across the world wherever it could. But that image of America had taken a big hit around the world in the last few years. And as that became questioned and its ugly parts revealed, the public's fondness for the Western movie hero which John Wayne embodied—the good man facing the world alone, thick-skinned devotion to what was right and getting in the face of anyone who would try to take that away from him or, more often people he'd come along who believed in the same principles, but who weren't as strong so he'd help them even if it cost him his life—well, that had been falling out of fashion, too. But John Wayne was still THAT guy. His whole career and image was THAT guy. Even in 1969, if you bought a ticket to a John Wayne movie, RED RIVER, THE SEARCHERS, FORT APACHE and SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON not withstanding, you pretty much knew what you were getting. THAT America, THAT American. The last man standing—albeit on older legs and with a wider waist that he had from 1940s to the mid 1960s—in once ubiquitous but by 1969 a clearly dead genre. And then Rooster Cogburn stumbles onto the screen. He's still got the morals and principles—well, most of them, at least—but he's not THAT guy. He's much less than THAT guy. He's a deconstructed version, a more warts and all and then some version. The only person who could play that part—a deconstruction and defenstration of the Western Archetype and of "the John Wayne-type character" was......John Wayne. Now consider all this in the context 1969. Put John Wayne as the anti-John Wayne in the even larger context of daily life in 1969: He sloshes onto local cinema screens in his first scene during a tumultuous time when many of the solid, if not stolid men who'd been in leadership and leading institutions (the "best and the brightest") had revealed themselves and the instutions they were running to be much less capable and honorable (i.e. Vietnam's grotesque failures, race riots, escalating crime in urban areas, abject poverty continuing in rural areas despite well-meaning but corrupt social programs, and the big daddy of them all—the very real Cold War where people woke up every day knowing literally that this could be THE day when nuclear apocalypse ends the whole world in less than 90 minutes of mutally assured destruction). Talk about the crumbling of façades that had been built up and believed in since 1945, and in many cases decades before. So much of this film—and all good movies—is about context. THEIR statement in THEIR time. This is epecially so for the classic. Consider CASABLANCA seen in 1942 when the allies were on their heels and nearly all of Europe is under Nazi occupation and oppression. The feelings of hopelessness and helplessness are endemic to waking up in the morning back then. Try to look at BLADE RUNNER coming out in 1981 when spiking inflation from the 1970s was still en force, unemployment was at 8-9% nationwide, New York, Chicago and LA are rife with crime, drug use and gunfire nightly in ghettos and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in some kind of gray mood (like the thick, rainy days of that film). Those films and others seen by their audiences in their years, like TRUE GRIT in 1969, carries with them added layers of meanings and feeling that are, in those moments, second nature to their audiences. Sure, John Wayne gave better performances in his career in the movies named above. But only John Wayne could've played Rooster Cogburn for all his inherent meaning for audiences in 1969. That's why he earned the Oscar for TRUE GRIT. He should've won 2-3 more before that, and probably one after (THE SHOOTIST), but he earned that one in 1969, straight-up. OK, sorry folks. I had thoughts and caffeine and wrote things 🤣

Clarence Newman

Archer. I would tell you that Erika was not Playboy's Playmate of the Year, but I can't because I never read that magazine ever.

Clarence Newman

Clay, You just edited your original mail above to add detailed descriptions of the sex scenes in Officer and a Gent. In regard to Cassie, I think the difference between those scenes and the ones in Psycho is quite simple - namely that there's no abuse in Officer. It's all consensual and mostly tender. Cassie and Carly's reaction to the early "implied threesome" was a brief ewww. The camera panned across them as they slept so there was nothing graphic to worry about. Their reaction to the main sex scene between Mayo and Paula was to avert their eyes, giggle a bit and say "Do-de-do-de-dooooo." No harm there. The scene with Sid and Lynette in the car was fully clothed and you don't really see anything. It didn't even warrant a "do-de-do". The important thing is that none of that stuff involved abuse, which is not the case with Psycho. In my opinion, that makes it a totally different thing.

Mike LL

GREAT post. There are some commnets here denigrating Wayne's Oscar for this film. He was actually acting in True Grit, playing a character instead of just playing himself, or playing the same "John Wayne" character that he played in so many films.

Cole Jennett

People are taking it a little far, as they tend to do sometimes. Having said that, I did switch my vote off of Under Siege to True Grit to help avoid her having to watch American Psycho, but I won’t be horrified for her if she has to endure it.

Cole Jennett

These were all polls from a request list, so don’t judge her, request more foreign films🤷‍♂️


Personally, I don't care if she watches AP or not. Has she not been advised about the extreme content of the film? If AP does win and Cassie then decides not to watch it....she's gonna get roasted in the comments for bait & switch, lol.

Clay F

Mark, good comments. You have good points. I agree with you most of the time. I like your comments generally.


Clay, you are objectively correct in that AP isn't the most gory or sexual content that Cassie has reacted to. But the misogynistic perspective of the movie goes hard. Too hard, even for satire IMO, and where Cassie is concerned, I think that it is a bit unrealistic for her to stop being who she is and appreciate the artistic vision of the film in spite of its execrable context. My 2c.

Richard Maurer

It comes down to people who dislike horror ( even though AP isn’t a horror movie) love to think people who do are all evil monsters, without any evidence of course.

Richard Maurer

Rocky Horror Picture Show won’t win either. One of two bad choices will, as is often the case here.

Richard Maurer

Steven seagull? Now that I might watch - a sea bird who’s a martial arts master!

Bill Maurer

Yes on The Searchers .... been on the bandwagon for years. More John Wayne Westerns

Richard Maurer

Trash the movies (fair) not the people who like them (unfair) . Hell, I think it’s okay to question bad movie voters as a group, but not on an individual level basis.

Richard Maurer

I don’t want AP to win. So it really annoys me that I have to agree with the people supporting it here.

Just Plain Bob

I remember when Siskel & Ebert reviewed one of the Friday the 13th movies and said that anyone that liked slasher movies was a dangerous misogynist and mentally aberrant. They were obviously unaware that more men die in most slashers, including all the Friday the 13ths, than women. There’s a reason why the term “final girl” was coined. I’ve been a horror movie fan and a slasher fan since the early 80s and I’ve never hurt anyone and I don’t want too. I know other people in the horror community and my experience has been that, as a group, they’re the most peaceful, kind people you could want to meet and find real world violence abhorrent. Here we are forty odd years later and some people are still more than happy to insult people with different tastes in movies. Imagine the reaction if someone posted a statement to the effect that fans of rom-coms are emotionally immature dimwits. I don’t like “American Psycho.” I understand its message and appreciate that it’s satire. I just don’t think it’s particularly well done (I suspect it’s one of those stories that work better on the written page than in a visual medium like film). But I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with those that do like it or want to share it with their favorite reactor.

Bill Maurer

" During filming of The Searchers, John Wayne found Beulah Archuletta (Look in the movie) crying alone in a tent one day. It turned out she was going to miss her son’s wedding. Wayne promptly halted production and flew Archuletta back to California so she could attend." https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/may/22/ive-never-seen-the-searchers-john-wayne Yup, sounds pretty racist to me. Again, someone born in 1900 and grew up during a segregated society is being held to a standard that even today (2025), people cannot attain.

Richard Maurer

At this point I no longer care about this poll. Reactions to either of the front runners don’t interest me much.

Mark White

Clay, about a couple of months ago, I was showing my wife the comment sections on PiB, because she was wondering why I spent so much time on here! Lucy is a Statistician for her job, so she really liked your comments! I can’t imagine why😉😂 I have to say, even though I’m not a big RT and the rest fan. It’s not a PiB day if we haven’t had at least one Clay comment with some numbers. I would miss them if you didn’t give us the numbers!🙂

Above Average Dave

For sure! BTW, the restored 4K BluRay of THE SEARCHERS is your favorite dessert for the eyes (without those crumbs getting in the irises 😉). Any John Ford or Howard Hawks pairing with John Wayne is worth every moment of your life involved in watching it.


Im here for whatever love em all

Stick Figure Studios

"So much of this film -- and all good movies -- is about context. THEIR statement in THEIR time." Could not have said it better myself. I do not understand why this is such a difficult concept for contemporary audiences to grasp.

Above Average Dave

Thanks, Stick! Agreed on the audience comprehension/embracing of this concept. I try to explain this to younger people and friends. some folks get it. Others just look at me and say, “Yeah but…” That said, some statements are universal to almost any time. Good romances, murder mysteries and war films are oddly timely no matter when they were made And some movies are incredibly prescient. ENEMY OF THE STATE says just as much about the surveillance state and government being able “to get you any time” as anything could say today, although the surveillance and ability to wreck people’s lives is 100x today than what it was the considering social media, the intertwining of the Internet/banking/bill paying/surfing/“digital profiles”/etc. or, you can play the speech from the Zola computer scene in CAPTAIN AMERICA: Winter Soldier to someone from the left, right or middle today and it gives an explanation that will speak to some component of their perspective on the current state of affairs with regards to the surveillance state, government intervention, censorship, etc.

Clay F

Clarence, IMDb also notes that in AOAAG, a man’s penis and buttocks are shown from a distance. The rule against excessive nudity doesn’t have a tender qualification. The rule is not the movie can have excessive nudity as long as the excessive nudity is in tender scenes. In AOAAG, there is more than one main sex scene that are lengthy (very lengthy) and extensive sex/nudity. An "ongoing" sexual relationship and are seen having sex "several times" including "thrusting and moaning." "Nudity includes female full rear nudity, bare buttocks, pubic hair and bare breasts." Whether Cassie/Carly giggled or no harm done, that is by far the most extensive sex/nudity of any movie she has reacted to. I love how tender those main sex scenes are. Incredible acting. I doubt they even had much of an intimacy coach. As for other movies, BS Dracula has sex/nudity, one scene that could be arguably characterized as bestiality. You know Deadpool. True Detective S1 had Marty's two affairs (definite sex/nudity), Rust/Marty's wife bent-over pounding, and some weird stuff -- she liked that series. As for any nudity in America Psycho she doesn't like, she could avert her glance -- no harm done.


Cliff, you are really working hard to misunderstand my words and attribute some sort of something to me. And you'll continue to, I can tell, regardless of what I'll say. Bob gets me. Thank you Bob.

Mark White

This is a good point Richard, what genre does AP fit in? Most movie web sites call it a Horror! But I agree with you, it’s not really?! Dark comedy?! Not for me! I mean theres dark and then there pitch black darkness!

Mark White

Joe, if I was a betting man and I’m glad I’m not because I’m usually wrong! 😆 Going on past comments on PiB, I would bet you have gone for Under Siege?! Am I right? 😁

Happy Hanukkah

True. When I watch American Psycho, it takes all I can not to unfurl an American flag and sing the Star-Spangled Banner!

Clarence Newman

Again Clay, it's not about the extent of the nudity or how involved the sex scene is. I'm not one of those people who thinks sex is a dirty act. I don't think Cassie is either, which is why she's happy to "do-de-do" her way through such scenes without being distressed at all. My one and only point is the difference between sex that is consensual and tender (Officer) and the kind that's abusive (Psycho). Remember, my original beef against this movie was not that it contains abusive sex or even violence. It's that I saw it recently and thought it was a bad movie. Add the abusive stuff to that, plus the plastic, pointless ambience (my personal opinion) and I don't see it as something we should make Cassie watch. If others disagree and Cassie's personal advisors clear the movie, I have no problem.

Clay F

Mike, good point about him playing a character instead of just playing himself. I didn't mean to overly denigrate the Oscar in repeating the news of the day back then that the Oscar was considered a legacy Oscar. He won the Oscar -- simple as that. As for the movie overall, John Wayne said that True Grit (1969) didn't rank high among his other westerns. For me personally, I prefer the remake, but also understand others who want John Wayne. My dad was a fan of John Wayne. We watched The Cowboys multiple times as kids in the 1970's. I haven't seen The Searchers but is on my watchlist. I watched The Quiet Man (1952) for the first time about a year ago. John Wayne is charasmatic, as usual. But certain aspects of the movie were odd to me -- I guess of the time. "Here's a good stick, to beat the lovely lady." Sean: "Thanks"


Clarence, every single Patreon creator has more members who are silent supporters (never leave likes or comments, but still watches the videos and gets their vote in polls) than vocal ones. I am a moderator for Cassie. I've confirmed with her husband Ben that American Psycho is fine for her to watch if it wins this poll. I voted for American Psycho because I simply want to see how Cassie experiences that movie. I enjoy a good satirical film because people can experience them in such different ways and it makes for an interesting reaction. I don't like to make assumptions about whether she'll enjoy a movie or not because she has surprised us in the past, has she not? If Cassie doesn't like a movie, she still attempts to find positives about it and share those thoughts with us, and that's something that I've really enjoyed about her reactions. I don't require her to be happy and comfortable during every movie she watches. Some of the best movies out there are supposed to make us feel other feelings. I will also remind everyone that Cassie is allowed to turn a movie off before it's over, if she wants to. She has that freedom. Nobody is forcing her to see something all the way through. If it happens, it happens. Please leave that up to her.

Brett Richey

One thing is for sure. There is not a single film reactor that has THIS many comments in regard to watching a particular film or not. Just goes to show, that this channel and Cassie (most importantly) are something we all care about enough to even bother debating the subject. Quite the community we have here, where nobody is right or wrong, because everybody has a valid opinion. Well... maybe not everybody... 👀


We've definitely got a passionate group here! I think more of us should be more like Reneeboy below this comment. 😉

Clarence Newman

@kaielle. Thank you for giving us some behind-the-scenes info on this. We don't have access to that side of it, of course, so we have to speak as we see. Your post gives me another slice of info I can base my opinions on. Debating movies on here is what we do, especially during the voting phase of a poll, so naturally we're going to butt heads on certain films. It's not a bad thing unless people get abusive. You've just told me that Ben has cleared American Psycho for his wife's consumption and that's good enough for me. I won't promise not to defend Cassie from Exorcist-type content in the future, but for this film, let the cards fall where they may. PS: As a mod, could you please protect her from any future Howard the Ducks? 😁


LOL we can't make any promises on that one. 😉 And hey, it makes for memorable moments on the channel.

Björn Karlsson

Hey Sören!! You got a nice display image at popcorn request 😁😁😁 Elin agrees as always 😄😄


I wanted to add that after I replied to you an hour ago, and read some more of the comments here, I confirmed with Ben (Cassie's husband) that American Psycho is fine for her to watch if it wins. He said it is. And a reminder that Cassie has the freedom to shut a movie off part-way through if she feels she wants to, but that is her choice. I don't think that's happened with a reaction since PIB started, though.

Clarence Newman

Oh no. When Richard's fixing to do a Brooks from Shawshank, we may have gone too far. 😆

Clay F

Clarence, so your argument is not that American Psycho contravenes the excessive nudity (or excessive sex) rule but instead that the nudity/sex that is in the movie is not tender. In that sense, you disagree with Mark who said "in my humble opinion this movie contravenes your excessive nudity/sex nope list." I personally find some of the graphic violence in content she has reacted to as more offensive. As I said in my first reply (no longer here) to Mark's post, American Psycho is rated R, not NC-17. There is no extensive full-body frontal nudity. As for her reacting to American Psycho being used against her in the future in someone saying “but you watched American psycho” doesn't make sense to me. She could respond however she wants. She could say it was a mistake to react to American Psycho because of nudity and that American Psycho will not be used as an acceptable standard for nudity. Plus, she has already reacted to content with moderate sex/nudity. No can of worms would be opened. Yet, I agree she should go with what her team recommends on American Psycho. I don't think Cassie will like American Psycho and will not appreciate the way the satire is achieved (she didn't with Scream) -- but who knows -- I am not good at predicting. (I am not big on Scream, but recognized it was revolutionary for the genre.) She might get the satire in American Psycho. I am curious. Her reaction to True Grit would be likely be bland, even for her. But, again, I don't know.

Just Plain Bob

kaiielle, thanks for injecting some sanity into the proceedings. Btw, your reaction to “Smokey and the Bandit” with your dad is probably one of my top 10 favorite reactions ever (although I’ve never made a list). Sorry, but the other 9 spots would probably all be Cassie (maybe one for Kat Watches Horror Movies, I really liked her “Jaws” reaction).

Jorge Lopez

Whoa. So many people focused on the first sentence of my comment, which was mostly just there to preface the opinion that Cassie would enjoy other movie options on this list than what's winning. If only people would direct the same passion and energy towards combatting racism or even just trying to understand someone that brings it up as an issue rather than directing that energy towards defending a white man that has been deemed racist by society. *sigh...* Unfortunately, the sad reality is that that will rarely be the case. It's easier for people to express anger and discontentment towards someone for simply pointing out where racism exists, because they see it as a personal attack on their own character/personality. Rather than getting defensive, maybe take a moment to listen and understand why someone that has probably dealt with racism throughout their life would rather pass on the movie with the racist guy in it. My comment wasn't meant as a personal attack on people that enjoy his movies. We all feel insecure about certain topics. It's human nature. But maybe next time, try to recognize when you get upset after someone is called a racist and instead take a moment to ask yourself why it bothered you. After taking a step back, you may find that it's perfectly okay to simply acknowledge that a person was racist while appreciating their art because their racism is not a reflection of you, nor was my comment - while it can also be perfectly okay and understandable for someone who has dealt with a lot of racism to state that they are content with not supporting the same piece of art for personal reasons. Anyway, thank you Atreyu Auryn and Jacob King for your comments and for being openminded and understanding. Now let's all get back to being kind to each other despite our deferring opinions. Because we're all here for the same reason - We love sharing movie experiences with Cassie. This is a great community that we're all a part of. And even though we may not always see eye-to-eye on movies or important issues, this community that Cassie built is better because we all share the space together. Peace, everyone.


I'm definitely not here for whatever, and i dont love em all.

Chris Thom

Yeah maybe I'm jaded from horror movies but I never considered it THAT bad...mostly because it's more of a dark comedy/social commentary/capitalist warning than anything else. It definitely makes it's point in a strange way. But it does have a point. And it's always an interesting Rorschach Test in how people view the Bateman character, and the other guys at the office, and even the Reese Witherspoon character.

Chris Thom

Always interesting to debate the artistic merits of movies. Do think it's important to have these discussions, especially in a democracy. Sometimes the discussions surrounding are more educational than the actual movies being talked about.

Chris Thom

I genuinely think a movie-watching experience can't get any 'worse' than Schindler's List. And she already knocked that one out a while ago.


I've never seen it so I have no idea how graphic or whatever AP is but Cassie usually surprises the audience with how much she can handle.

Chris Thom

Cassie's probably like "I really have to read through ALL this and have an opinion about it??" Lol. Reminds me of when someone asked on her podcast if she thought her Patreons and fans should try to protect her from dark movies or not, and a bunch of commenters agreed they wanted to know that too...and then she chose not to answer it. It's a tough call. I'm sure the answer is complicated.


So, if AP wins and she watches it, does that mean there's hope we could get "Team America: World Police" on the channel, or am I just having a fever dream, lol.

Clarence Newman

To sum up then, Clay, Mark was mostly right, I was selectively right, you did not miss a trick as always, and now the dust has settled, we are all pleasantly sozzled and agreeing to agree, disagree and love Cassie till the end of her days. 🍻 I call that a result, given that we argued so loud and long that even Ben came out and said "Guys! She can handle American Psycho! Quit your bitchin!" Onward!

Mark White

Chris, I’m thinking is this poll going to crack the 500 comments mark!! Good luck anyone reading through all of this😅


500 comments on one post, yikes! Be afraid Cassie, be very afraid, lol.

Clarence Newman

Yeah. Comments generally reach 200-300 on polls and Upcomings, but this one's up to 410 already. The poor girl is going to be reading for hours.

Mark White

Very true Chris and very philosophical. I sometimes find myself wondering what other patrons are like. I imagine you to be a kind of Gandalf/Picard type person. A kinda wiseman for the 21 century.

Mark White

Ok Clarence and Joe, you are clearly just writing stuff now to get it over the 500! You would never catch me doing so! 😂😂…….that’s 421!


Cassie's reaction would be one for the ages Clarence...bring Carly along too, lol.

Clarence Newman

I'm going to bed in a minute so I won't be much help. Then again, I could start another flamewar before I go..... Ooh, I know. Jean Claude Van Damme would beat Bruce Lee in a fight. Discuss!


Love me some Under Siege.

Mike Lemon

Ahh... It's sad that from first paragraph there is a 90% chance I know the entirety of your politics. This isn't the place for politics but I will give you a book recommendation, two actually- Discrimination and Disparities by Thomas Sowell and Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell. I would also recommend a history book written before Howard Zinn (1990ish), but one step at a time. If you would like to further discuss this topic, and you can be civil, hit me up on reddit. Also, you may want to reread your first paragraph, but I have a feeling you wont see the problem.


@Bob, Aww thanks so much! That was a fun one. My Dad still tells the people in his life about how he's "on YouTube". 😅 I was so happy that he wanted to be involved and we'll probably do another one in the future at some point.

Mattias Ljungberg

I thought the internet was an international thing. And maybe if it was'nt only USA films in the polls she would get a much wider following. It is a miracle poor Cassie even got to see The lord of the rings trillogy. The world is a lot bigger than just Tom Cruise and Hollywood.

Mark White

I think if this poll was on YouTube, Under Siege would run away with it. Popular Action movies get alot of clicks.

Vlad D

Ladyhawke is the one movie that everyone knows Cassie will like. It would be mean to have Cassie watch American Psycho. I hope it's True Grit over AP

Mark White

Man after my own heart Joe. Yes indeed what more could a man want! 🤪😂


@Mark, haha I did go with Under Siege. It has everything I love in a movie. 1) A lot of stuff blows up, 2) Tommy Lee is really crazy!, and 3) That moment with Erika. What more could any man want in a movie?


And I think action films (if they’re good) can be great for YT reactions.

Happy Hanukkah

Heresy! The only person who could conceivably beat Bruce Lee is Jake Paul. But speaking of JCVD, if Face/Off wins, I shall renew my push for Hard Target!

Happy Hanukkah

"Please vote for Erika Eleniak on a boat." Please vote for me on Erika Eleniak. ... ... ... Was that out loud?

Steve Holton

Yes, Under Siege suffers a bit from Steven Seagal's subsequent controversies and feuds (His SNL hosting stint generated a lot of behind-the-scenes bad blood). But the film is a well-crafted, well reviewed action thriller from Andrew Davis, who followed it up with "The Fugitive", which Cassie really enjoyed.

Happy Hanukkah

And from a much more narrow perspective, it can be interesting when movies play with an actor's public image. Since we've been talking about Tom Cruise, there were reports that he had a long-standing interest in playing Ozymandias in Watchmen. Whatever his motivations, I think that some of the more negative public perceptions of him (re Scientology) that were in vogue at the time could have provided a fascinating counterpoint to the role. But it was not to be, alas. (No offense to Matthew Goode, but his portrayal left me dissatisfied.)

Above Average Dave

Tom Cruise made up for it, however. playing Les Grossman, who, at least in terms of hands, hairy forearms and hairline, was a physical departure. 🤣 But, yes, this is a great point HH. if I was a director I would be eager to cast actors against type IF the actor was all in to make it work and IF we both thought the actor could do it well enough where the audience forgets that this is so-and-so because this is decidedly NOT a so-and-so part. But the actor has to be very skillful and bought-in or it becomes parody or even skit-like, and destroys the whole movie The actors who do this understand that by taking such a role they are being ask to truly ACT—to get so lost in the role to the point where they are unrecognizable. To tip back to TROPIC THUNDER, this (and method acting) is exactly what RDJ was making fun of and doing at the same time in that movie. In the early 2000s you had some of HWood's most glamorous leading ladies "getting ugly" so they could be taken more seriously. This included Charlize Theron in MONSTER and Halle Berry in MONSTER'S BALL. Nick Cage recently went waaaaay against type—at least the type he built in the last 20 years of some dreck, some brilliance and a whole lot of in-between—in the fantastic PIG, where actually being "NICHOLAS CAGE!" brought a certain suspense to the film because the audience was waiting for the moment he snaps. I thought Morgan Freeman did a bit of this mid-career when he took a few turns playing bad guys. And, of course, Matthew McConaughey could've gone on to (continue to) get fabulously wealthy playing the romcom guy. But he turned that image completely upside down starting with THE LINCOLN LAWYER, KILLER JOE and MUD. This propelled him to the tour de force that is TRUE DETECTIVE SEASON 1 (btw, we never did find the Yellow King...). He's now perhaps the most interesting American A-list actor working. But most A-List actors, people who are brands and do all they can to burnish that brand, are either such narcissists that they refuse to do something that would shade that brand and their public image, or they are afraid to do anything off-image because that could end the gravy train and all that comes with that. Still others don't have the range, know it and God bless them for knowing it. Since Cassie recently dipped her toe in to the Clint Eastwood directoral filmography, I will say that, more than any American director, Eastwood quickly in his directoral career (around the mid 1980s) became unafraid to direct films that one wouldn't readily associate with him. That's something I truly love about his films. The only type or public image Clint Eastwood the director adheres to is good story-telling. Cassie said as much in her intro to THE OUTLAW JOESY WALES.

Evil Darth Carl

At this point I hope AP wins just so heads of all the people bitching about how AP is too much for poor, delicate Cassie explode.


Roger Ebert gave the film 3 out 4 stars. As co-writer of the film "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls", Ebert was a man who obviously appreciated the finer things in life...like Ericka.😆

Björn Karlsson

Hollywood & co dominates the movie industry in the world. It is what it is. 😬😮‍💨 It's like 20-25 non-english movies on top 1000 on popcorn request. Only one at top 200 (FÅ). The best thing we can do "from this side of the pond (and other places)" is to is to request MORE movies that is not produced in The US. Hahaha I've been nagging almost 3 years now on Pib about FÅ. It's like David vs. Goliath X 100 🤪🤪😬😬😵‍💫😵‍💫. When it comes to music reactions on Youtube, the reaction scene is much much different. Nightwish, Jinjer, Sabaton, Dimash Kundaibergen, Rammstein etc. I blame the language barrier and subtitles. It's a massive obstacle 😒😒 Anyhow.... join popcorn request (its not working properly atm, but it will soon) and request non-english movies. That's my advice. Will it help our situation? I donno 🤥🤥🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣

Aj R

People seem to forget that Cassie is an active LDS member (Mormon) I know she's watched movies in the past that are suspect, but nothing like American Psycho.


Why mean? Is it more violent than the war movies and things she's seen? I've never seen it.

John Liebling

What happens if the percentage is a tie? Does will Cassie count votes or have a runoff between the two or three which tied?

Jake McNulty

Unless I'm much mistaken, in the event of a tie Cassie'll usually end up watching them both, depending on how close it is.

Steve Holton

Though it is not displayed here, there is an actual vote count which determines the winner. The displayed percentages can be a tie, but one with that percentage can be leading in the total vote count. Saving the html of the page to your PC can reveal the underlying vote count currently supporting the percentages.

Chris Thom

She's had a couple votes get super close. Like within three votes. She ended up watching them both I think.

Chris Thom

We could just print it out for her and send it to her as a novel. And then she could physically have something to drop in the trashcan herself. lol

Mike Lemon

Unless it's The Fly. That lost by one vote and never got a watch.

Chris Thom

It's like a literary horror film...if that makes sense. Some psychological strangeness and violence. It's like if the comment section in the manosphere made a horror movie. Basically.

Dan M

Well, that explains the first part of your name.

Mark Vaderr

American Psycho is so overrated. Come on all you Duke fans, bring True Grit to first place!

Cole Jennett

There’s no guarantee she will watch both. Sometimes 2nd isn’t even close and she will watch it. It’s all depends on if she’s interested in the 2nd place movie or not. It’s her call

Chris Retzlaff

Now if they were voting for American Psycho 2 I would call them a sicko, or a monster. 😂

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

She definitely does, she mentioned reading a comment about plot holes on Into Darkness which she attempted to refute, which you can read on that upload

Clarence Newman

I'm more of the opinion that she reads every top comment, then one or two replies to it, UNLESS the subject matter interests her, in which case she often comments aswell. I base this on the fact that, when she does her drop-a-like-on-every-post thing, she often likes the first reply too but rarely more than that.

Clarence Newman

This may be a low tactic, but if I have to change my vote from Show Me Love in order to thwart American Psycho, I also need to incentivise our predominantly male subscribership to come and vote with me. Guys. Under Siege has boobies.

Art of Free Speech

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would want Cassie to watch American Psycho. I mean, it's not a horrible film, but it's about as anti-Cassie as you could imagine, isn't it?

Happy Hanukkah

And furthermore, Miss July '89 is only the second prettiest gal in the film. (First place is Commander Krill, of course.)

Evil Darth Carl

Everything being said about AP was said about Kill Bill, John Wick, Starship Troopers and about a hundred other titles. Cassie not only survived but she enjoyed most of those movies so many were convinced she would hate, be scarred for life etc. People need to quit confusing Cassie’s (and Carly’s) innocent nature with some sort of emotional or mental defect that prevents her from processing adult themes, situations or materials. If AP wins and Cassie watches it she may or may not like it. The movie is worth watching if for no other reason than for Bale’s performance. But love it, hate it or whatever Cassie will be fine.

Richard Maurer

I think she reads as much as she has time for. So basically it depends on how busy she is.

Richard Maurer

Clarence - twice I’ve been in the middle of one her like-drops and didn’t get a like because I said something somewhat negative. So I do believe she is reading at least the top comment when she does a like drop. By the way Cassie, I was very hurt by this and have never recovered.

Clarence Newman

The North Remembers, mate. Cassie goes like like like like.....that's the Scary Horror guy.....like like like like. From here on in, I'll be getting like like like.....that's the Officer and a Gentleman guy.....like like like like.

Clarence Newman

Some valid truths in your second post there, Carl. Suggesting that Cassie won't enjoy a film is par for the course - I've seen AP recently and I don't think she'll enjoy it at all. It will also come very close to violating a couple of her nope tropes, but her husband has cleared the movie, so that's good enough for me. To your main point, though - I agree. Suggesting it will drive her into a padded room and cripple her emotionally is an insult to the tolerance she's developed over the past few years. Cassie would not have said balls to a hamster 4 years ago. These days she routinely endorses kicking bad guys in the nuts. While I reserve the right to believe that there are a few sickos lurking around here who just want to see Cassie distressed (this is the internet, after all), for the most part I believe that people just want to see the films they want to see. They should not be vilified or called nasty names, any more than I should be for my inexplicable affection for the movie "Rhinestone" (1984). You should actually watch that, Cassie. It's vastly underrated. 😁


B👀bies, lol. Okay Clarence, you twisted my arm (haha).

Richard Maurer

If we’re watching movies just for boobs now I give up. Been a long time since I was eighteen.

Richard Maurer

I continue to stick to my tried and true method of voting only for films I like. So no AP, I don’t care about the violence, I just don’t care for it. I don’t hate it, but there are better films in the poll.

Clarence Newman

Alas, I have to empathise. Though I do remember arguing with my Nan when I was about 12 because she wouldn't let me stay up and watch The Satanic Rites of Dracula.


I thought about changing from Ladyhawke to True Grit for the same reason. A lot of the movies she watches have boobies. Trading Places for example. Braveheart. An Officer and a Gentleman. It's not the boobies, it's the nature of the boobies.

John Liebling

Cassie, wouldn't you like to watch the rest of the movie based on this clip? I think Carly would like the musical Oklahoma too. https://youtu.be/tvhGuR8-nc0?si=yCPXcDp4MymsdapU

Richard Maurer

Clarence I was in my twenties first time I watched SRofD. I was mostly watching for Christopher Lee’s performance, the boobies were just a bonus.

Clarence Newman

I just looked it up on IMDB because I realised that I never got around to watching it. It's got a 5.5 rating, which isn't bad but it may or may not mean anything. What do you think? Above or below Horror of Dracula?

Richard Maurer

Below. Of his 7 Dracula films for Hammer the first 4 were the best, the final 3 were the worst. Lee himself only liked the first 3.

Chris Thom

"Who dudn't like t**s?" -- Howard Hughes, The Aviator (2004) (Before hard cut to MPA Censorship Board scene)

Chris Thom

That would be a fun reaction. I kinda just want to hear her sing the song.


To each his own, but personally I really liked Dracula AD 1972 and SRofD.

Robert Durant

Well Cassie's channel was one of the first react channels to take off before it became trendy for everyone to have their own react channels from what I remember, She along with TBR Schmitt, Cinebinge, Octokrool and a few others are my most frequent and favorite channels to watch. I never thought that i would take joy in paying to see someone watch a movie I've seen a hundred times but I guess it really shows how much I love particular movies when I see others enjoy them too.


Am I the only patron who wants her to see True Grit AND American Psycho? (Voting for True Grit, though. I love classic films, and I'd feel guilty if AP scarred her and I voted for it.)

Clay F

Current American Psycho -- 331 votes True Grit -- 335 votes


@Clay, how did you find the counts in the html file, I don't see them?

Chris Thom

Not sure about American Psycho specifically (for Cassie)...but I do like the idea of a truly original, fresh voiced, quirky, weird, literary movie getting through. I'm more pulling for another Brett Easton Ellis to make it; Less Than Zero.

Chris Thom

I never saw Ladyhawke. It's good? I think I read a premise once that made it sound a bit like Legend and Willow?

Clay F

I know was a challenge but I had help. Open the HTML file with notepad to search for num_responses -- as you may know, use Edit/Find to search. It's a bit thick in the HTML code, but the "num_responses" are in order in the HTML, so the first one you see is the total number of votes, the second is the value for first poll entry, etc. It is easier to do this on the individual page for the poll and not the posts listing of all the polls. Example: https://www.patreon.com/posts/top-requests-101-119598641 is the individual page for the 101 to 200 poll.

Catherine LW

Your condescension may explain why no one wants to watch sneering Euro nihilism.

Vlad D

It is a great movie to watch. A young Matthew Broderick in it. The movie is a fantasy genre with a love story mixed in


It will never win a poll, but if you like Robert Redford and Brad Pitt, (and who doesn’t) then it is must watch. Solid spy movie. 🍻🍻

Brett Richey

Music reaction channels have been around much longer and I remember enjoying a few of those. Then hundreds more jumped on said bandwagon, with their copycat, researched, and deeply unspontaneous reactions. What Cassie offers is what those earlier music reactors offered me. Simply put, she's genuine and doesn't feel the need to force anything. That's quite rare on YouTube theses days. There's a wonderful pure and naturalistic response she has, one that doesn't pander to the audience. Most importantly... she's not annoying. I can sit for 3 hours with her watching a film and never feel like telling her to shut up. Let's hope she, and Carly for that matter, don't run out of steam any time soon. It's been lovely to see all these films again through fresh sets of eyes. And for someone like me who swears 🤬 quite a lot... it's actually nice that that neither of them do. I'm only a patron to one film channel and this one is all I need.

Doug Fisher

@Chris Thom "Ladyhawke" is a great film. It is not so fantastical as "Legend" or "Willow". It has a "fantasy" element to it but it is more akin to "Dragonheart". @Vlad D I would slightly disagree with you on it having "a love story mixed in" as I would say that the love story is the primary element. It is the film I voted for.

Richard Maurer

AP won’t scar her. I do know some films that might but those films will never make the channel. I just think AP is overrated.

Above Average Dave

"People are afraid to merge." Much better book and movie. Easton Ellis is a hell of a stylist, but I think the book "American Psycho" (and ultimately the film) wanted to be "Bonfire of the Vanities" meets "Dorian Gray" but even uglier, and the path he found was shock value, psychopathy and gore-horror. Kudos to him for realizing a public weaned on Stephe King, ever more buckets of corn-syrup blood used in the increasingly violent 80s horror movies and an ever-sensationalistic news media would embrace such a work. Even more accolades to him for getting paid handsomely twice for the same book. His original publisher's contract from Simon and Schuster asked only for the "delivery" of a finished novel by a certain date. When they rejected the content over "stylistic differences" they still had to pay him $300k. He took that and the media firestorm that came with it down the street to Vantage who gave him nearly the same amount, then made nearly four times what Vantage gave him on the film rights. WIthout spoilers: for me the movie is an exercise in excess in service of an idea that could've been portrayed much more effectively if the strongest power of the best horror films—showing less early and mid-film but letting the audience hear and infer the violence and terror of the victims and the psychotic glee of the antagonist. Instead it devolves into nearly a parody of itself by the time we're done and says a whole lot less than it could have about psychotic narcissists who are encouraged by a disposable, possession-obsession society.

Above Average Dave

If one (or even two or several 🤣) reads the reviews at the time, UNDER SIEGE is the film that revived Tommy Lee Jones' movie career. He had fallen into the small film/character actor box in Hwood. His performance in UNDER SIEGE is so strong and layered, it opened the door to THE FUGITIVE and a leading man was made.

Clarence Newman

Dave! Did you just gatecrash my boobies thread to make a relevant and non-superficial argument for watching Under Siege? You'll be telling Cassie that Chief O'Brien from Star Trek: TNG is in it next!

Clarence Newman

This may be largely incidental, Cassandra, but I just thought I'd point it out. The post-count on this thread just hit 500, which must be some kind of record for a reactor. 🙌 I also have reason to believe it was my last post that did it. This clearly warrants some kind of prize, so I am prepared to accept a reaction to The Cannonball Run. Or The Full Monty. Either will do. I thank you.

Clay F

By the way, much of those instructions are a copy/paste from what Steve Holton was nice to give me.


Cassie has 3500 paying patrons that can vote on polls, but far less than that are currently voting on any of these polls.

Clay F

--Current Votes-- True Grit – 339 American Psycho – 337 Under Siege – 188 Rocky Horror – 184 Ladyhawke – 153 U-571 – 130 Spy Game – 122 Show Me Love – 20 I would be fine with American Psycho or True Grit winning. (If True Grit wins, would that be her first John Wayne western and her second exposure to John Wayne after The Quiet Man?) There are many good movies in this poll and in the other two polls. Good selection. The only strong preference I have is Risky Business over Willow, but not that strong because while I walked out of the theater in the middle of Willow, I am willing to give Willow a chance. I voted Lawrence of Arabia because AFI Top 100 but ok if Face/Off wins.


So close, I'm guessing she'll do the top 2. Since Cassie has seen the True Grit re-make with Bridges, the OG probably won't float her boat (haha). Ladyhawke has gotten more votes than I expected.

Clay F

She would probably like the remake True Grit she watched better than the original True Grit -- but that's just a guess. I am also surprised by the number of votes for Ladyhawke -- got more votes than I expected. I suspected that Under Siege (Seagal's best movie) would finish respectable (which it will) -- at least b/c of nostalgia and patrons wanting action. Rocky Horror is a movie everyone should see once imo because part of our pop culture history, but there are too many who are negative on Rocky Horror. Show Me Love would be good but I thought may not fair well -- yet not quite that bad (only 20 votes). Spy Game (which I have watched a few times) has the duo she would like, but on a recent rewatch didn't do as much for me.

Mike Lemon

There have been more popular posts- "Pick-a-filck" is over 500, the FAQ is 3700, but it does look like this is the most on a poll post. There have been several in the 400s but this is the only one I see in the 500s..

Chris Thom

So many of BEE's characters are just shockingly EMPTY. They're so stupid and greedy and thoughtless it's like they literally wouldn't be able to function without their money propping them up. And that's pretty much the point, I think...like it was a lesson in 'if we keep going down this path of greed and meaninglessness, this is where it leads'. American Psycho was kind of the culmination of that. Less Than Zero the movie subverted that a bit, and replaced the spiritual/emotional emptiness with addiction, and it was all the better for it, I think. Plus RDJ was amazing in it, and the other characters pretty memorable too. For what it's worth I think it's really interesting that a woman directed American Psycho.

Clarence Newman

You can't count the FAQ page, Mike - it's a catch-all for non-specific messages and goes back to when Pontius was a pilot. Pick-a-flick doesn't count either because we were always going to pile onto that one. It's a ringer post and is hereby DQ'd. All things being equal, this one is the boss post of all-time, therefore...... Cannonball Run.

Clarence Newman

This would be her first John Wayne western, Clay, although I think there are much better Wayne films to watch. Stagecoach, The Searchers, Rio Bravo, Sons of Katie Elder, El Dorado, The Shootist. In my humble, they're all better than True Grit.

Above Average Dave

"So many of BEE's characters are just shockingly EMPTY." This is just bad parenting—and only half-joking here. I worked at some elite universities and I was amazed how many kids would tell me after I'd done something nice for them or helped them out in any way that took time, thought and effor (as opposed to cash) that "No one ever did anything like this for me before." I would say I had that kind of encounter 20-25 times in 15 years. And these kids were 18-22 years old, plus one grad student. Imagine going through life either like that, or believing that—that every interaction or favor is transactional predicated on an immediate or future return and never having run across someone who helped them out because it was either the right thing to do or just something you wanted to do for a kid. And I say "kid" but, at least at first, I wasn't more than 5-7 years older than them. Still makes me sad.

Chris Thom

I'm not Gen-X, but I was around some when I was younger (they were fun and hilarious) but I did always kind of wonder if there was some serious neglect there. Seeing their posts on social media nowadays hasn't really changed that initial feeling.

Clay F

John Wayne said True Grit didn't rank high among his other westerns. May give Cassie a distorted perception of John Wayne and his westerns.

Chris Thom

Kind of want the front runners to tie. If for no other reason than to hear it from she herself if she's physically/morally/conceptually against watching AP or not. Her input is sorely missing here and really the only opinion left to hear from. And probably the only one that matters.

Clarence Newman

I agree with that, Clay. Given how long it's taken her to watch a Wayne western, I doubt this one will make her run to watch another anytime soon. Rio Bravo or Sons of Katie Elder would've been better.

Clay F

**Current** American Psycho -- 343 votes True Grit -- 342 votes

Clay F

Richard, my guess is you voted Rocky Horror (or Show Me Love)? Do you dislike AP and True Grit equally?

Clay F

As I commented elsewhere, Under Siege is Seagal's best movie and will finish a respectable 3rd place in the poll. I liked it when it came out.

Mark White

Clay you are on them numbers again!😂 excellent. Thanks for the update.

Richard Maurer

Gun to my head I’d vote for True Grit. But since no one’s putting a gun to my head I’ll just leave my vote on Rocky Horror - I really don’t care which one of the two leaders wins


They are all average or below. You have too many fans to please one with these votes . Concentrate more on Classix from all of the decades. You Haven’t seen the Graduate. You haven’t seen. Midnight Cowboy. You haven’t seen “Camelot” . Kirk Douglas “Spartacus”. all from the late 60s these are not only great but important films . Do you like Christian Bale watch “Regin of Fire”. American psycho

Clay F

You can go to popcornrequests.com and upvote those movies you list you want her to concentrate on. If a movie is not there, you can enter it as a new request.


AP - 348, True Grit - 344

Clay F

I checked just now. AP - 349, True Grit - 344 The lead by AP continues to slightly grow. 5 hrs remaining in the poll.

Björn Karlsson

Are you absolutely sure about that Nolo???? And have you seen Show me love?? I don't think so. 😏😏 Just wondering 😶😶

Angel Lulu Blu

I don’t care one whit if someone likes AP (it’s one of my sons favorite films & even he said he doesn’t think she should watch it) and genuinely wants to watch Cassie’s reaction to a film they enjoy. What I take issue with is those gleefully saying they want to see her squirm. Those are two entirely different scenarios and the latter is gross to me, period. I won’t apologize for it and will voice my opinion unequivocally. What is the point of the nope list if people are going to suggest films like AP and vote for Cassie to watch it? Her husband cleared it so that ends the argument from people like me imploring her not to watch it. I don’t believe Cassie is a delicate flower who will wither, and I for one think it’s wonderful that she continually steps out of her comfort zone. It is my opinion AP is a bridge too far, and will not watch the reaction if it wins because I too have a nope list. To each his own.

Gábor Árki

And the winner is: American Psycho (350) over True Grit (347) Cassie, buckle up for this one. And try to remember while watching, under the surface it's a satirical dark comedy with social commentary.


Well if it goes too bad she can stick it in the Vault with Naked Gun & the Batman Edit that's if she ends up watching it ofcourse lol


True Gritters and Non-Psychos, well.. we fought the good fight!

Cliff Stephenson

I logged this complaint days ago and basically told to sit down and shut up. Apparently, part of the fun for some viewers is watching Cassie experience something, Clockwork Orange style, that is nakedly anti-Cassie. I don’t enjoy that type of reaction from this particular reactor, so I won’t be watching the reaction if AP wins.

Mark White

Well, it’s going to be interesting!! This may set off another firework into the hornets nest! But, if AP passes the Cassie test for, well, you know what! I’m am definitely going to be asking for “Basic Instinct” in my opinion it’s Verhoeven’s finest. A great 90s classic, a neo-film noir thriller that breaks the rules! It’s got real artistic merit, great casting, good solid performances from Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone.

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

Basic Instinct is largely fine, but in the modern cut the sex scene in the middle drags on for like 5 minutes and is absolutely interminable

Mark White

Hi Kaiielle, firstly, can I just say thank you for everything you do for Cassie and PiB. As Patrons we all benefit from the work you mods put in. Ok, so even though some of the comments on this poll got way out of hand! (I thought the rules were, we are supposed to be respectfully to each other) I really enjoy being part of a community which is very Passionate about movies. It’s kinda why we are all here. The back and forth, the debating and banter, it’s great! Im guessing you must have movies you are passionate about too? If I may, I would just like to pick you up on something you said in a previous comment. So, I think you said with regards to AP, if Cassie finds it too much, she has the option to switch it off, if it’s too much for her. My slight problem with that is: if you get to a point in a movie where it just becomes so disturbing or graphic you have to switch it off, it means you have already crossed the line, you then can’t un see what you have already seen. In fact Carly said something along those lines in their Podcast. These moments can scar for life and give nightmares. I’ve always been a person who never gets scarred or scared by a movie, but, I have personal experiences with my dear wife who has! And it was my fault! I just didn’t comprehend that at the time. This is why my wife now uses the website, “does the dog die” it warns you of difficult scenes without too many spoilers. I actually hope Cassie does find AP ok, because I feel I can now ask for some movies which I felt might contravene the rules in the past. Thanks again Kaiielle for all you do for Cassie. I just watched yours and Cassie reaction to “Memento” recently, it was top draw! Thank you 🙂

Richard Maurer

I never even considered that Basic Instinct might be banned. And I seriously doubt it would be.

Mark White

I think sometimes that’s the problem Richard, we are all second guessing what the level or line is. I thought it was lower than AP, but I was clearly wrong.

Shehab Dawoud

Do you like Phil Collins?

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

I think Cassie would really enjoy Basic Instinct, but that drawn out scene would be uncomfortable. I would advise just going out and fixing a sandwich or something then coming back

Mike Lemon

If only more people voted for Fatal Attraction in the Mother's Day poll. I'm not a big fan of Basic Instinct, so I don't really care about that, but I would like a Fatal Attraction reaction.


Cassie should give us a John Wayne westerns poll. Since she saw the 2010 True Grit, there was never a need to watch the OG with Wayne anyway IMO. Let's pick another Wayne western for her.


She can definitely handle the theatrical cut of Basic Instinct, no need to watch any other cuts of the film.

John P Tucker

I think save rocky horror for next October.. and just delete Under Seige.


Please, let's not forget about "Under Siege"....I want that movie and soon, lol.

Mark White

Yeah, I’m a fan of Fatal Attraction as well Mike, it’s well worth a Cassie reaction.

Richard Maurer

Bjorn - everyone thinks their favorites are better than everyone else’s favorites - even me. But unlike many people I recognize it’s all subjective.

Larry Darrell

Unless Cassie is going to watch 5 or 6 films off of these 3 polls, I’m guessing looking at the raw numbers is probably the way to go. From what everyone is saying, American Psycho had the actual lead, which I’m fine with. I would much rather Cassie watch an earlier John Wayne film as her first John Wayne Western. Watching True Grit first is similar to watching Unforgiven as your first Clint Eastwood Western. I strongly recommend… Stagecoach (1939) The Searchers (1956) Rio Bravo (1959)

Clay F

I would welcome a John Wayne western poll. My guess is The Searchers (1956) would win the poll? John Wayne movies that I remember I have watched: The Cowboys (1972) (watched multiple times as a kid), The Quiet Man (1952) (watched recently), True Grit (1969), The Longest Day (1962) (don't remember a lot), and The Sons of Katie Elder (1965).

Richard Maurer

How about just a plain western poll? I’d to see Shane and High Noon (among others) get their shot. Obviously there should be be some John Wayne films on it too.

Richard Maurer

Well Joe, I wanted Mad Max and Rocky Horror, but they didn’t win a poll either :-)

Clay F

I like Shane and High Noon, what I remember of them. I would like a shot at more Eastwood westerns: Pale Rider (1985) and High Plains Drifter (1973), and even Hang 'Em High (1968). I would like to see her reaction to Dead Man (1995), but would never win a poll.

Larry Darrell

No worries, I haven’t forgotten it. Although, IMO, if a first time viewer was to have a retrospective of John Wayne Westerns, I would suggest… True Grit (1969) The Cowboys (1972) The Shootist (1976) to be saved for last.

Steve Holton

Final Results in order of finish by vote count: For Poll 101-200 Total Votes: 1502 American Psycho: 350 True Grit: 347 Rocky Horror Picture Show: 187 Under Seige: 185 Lady Hawke: 159 U-571: 132 SpyGame: 122 Show Me Love: 20


Gaily bedight A gallant knight In sunshine and in shadow Had journeyed long Singing a song In search of El Dorado

Clay F

Rocky Horror finished a respectable 3rd place. Under Siege is right there at a close 4th, which I thought would do fairly well like that. I suspected that Show Me Love wouldn't do well, but not quite that bad.

Happy Hanukkah

I avoided tactical voting, and remained faithful to Bjorn (and Elin!). I shall pat myself on the back for being part of such a principled tiny minority. Unless my vote was a last-minute one informed by tactical considerations... 😁

Björn Karlsson

Hehehe I'm not suprised at all about Show me love's votes. 😉😁 Almost no one have seen it in the US/Canada, and no Youtube reactor has done it before and it's swedish. Ppl talks about "hidden gems" Well, this is one for sure. 20 votes is like what I expected. A massive thanks to you guys who voted for it. 🫡🫡🫡

René Ferland

Bjõrn, I voted for Ladyhawke but I have seen Show me love and it is good. I am French Canadian and, in Quebec, foreign movies may have a little more exposure than in some other places. Personally, I don't mind the subtitles and, as result, I came across good movies from Italy, Spain, Danemark, Sweden, Argentina, Iran, and Japan.

Björn Karlsson

Oh you have seen it?? 😃😃 Nice 🤩 Have you seen it recently? I mean it's from 1998 and the kids are all 40+ now. 😆😆😆 Yeah... lots of great movies from different countries. Have you seen other swedish/Scandinavian movies 🙂🙂🙂

Shawn Kildal

If she hadn't seen the remake of True Grit, I would have voted for the original

Shawn Kildal

Under Siege. Wonder if Tommy Lee Jones got any acting tips from Steven Seagal.

Chris Thom

Hope Basic Instinct happens. And Carly could finally see 'that shooting scene in the bathtub from Something Borrowed' with Fatal Attraction.


"The Cowboys" (1972) "The Shootist" (1976) "The Horse Soldiers" (1959) "El Dorado" (1966) "The Sons of Katie Eldar" (1965) "The Undefeated" (1969) "The Longest Day" (1962) is appropriate to watch for D-Day (June 6th) "In Harm's Way" (1965) is appropriate to watch for Dec 7th "The Hellfighters" (1968) is appropriate to watch for Fallen Fire Fighters Day (May 4th)


Of all the movies on the poll, "American Psycho" is the one that Cassie will dislike the most (perhaps 'despise' is a better description than 'dislike'). She might want to try a visual and emotional palette cleanser with "True Grit" (western), "Ladyhawke" (costumed romance/drama), or "Under Siege" (action). I think that "Ladyhawke" is the movie on the poll that Cassie would like the most, and would be a good choice for Carly too.

René Ferland

Björn, I don't remember when I saw Show me love, possibly in the Montreal World Film Festival (before TIFF in Toronto killed it). I remember distinctively Rebecka Liljeberg. I also saw "Pelle Erobreren" and, of course, many Ingmar Bergman movies. My favorite is "Viskningar och rop". I also watch two Swedish television series: "Beck" and "Wallander" (the version with Krister Henriksson, although I watched the British one too). As a kid, I remember watching a series called "Pippi Långstrump". Her French name was "Fifi Brindacier". In French, Brindacier sounds like braid of steel :-). I am 64 and I have been watching movies and series since I was a kid. I don't watch everything, but over 55 years, my list became quite long, what I mentioned before is just what I remember on the top of my head.

Keith Brown

Cassie did see The Quiet Man a couple years ago but the others you listed are great . I would put in Stagecoach, Angel and the Badman(early Wayne), The War Wagon, Hondo , Rio Bravo, Big Jake and Wayne's last movie The Shootist.

Björn Karlsson

Yeah that's possible. The movie went to many film festivals back in 99. Rebecka Liljeberg is fantastic as Agnes 🤩🤩 Tbh I havent seen Pelle the conqueror 🤔🤔🫣🫣 I might have seen some of Billie August productions 🤔🤔 Yeah Ingemar Bergman is well known in the whole world for sure. But I prefer swedish directors like Ulf Malmros, Kjell Sundvall,Lukas Moodysson etc. 🙂🙂🙂 Looots of TV-movies about Beck and Wallander. They are popular here. I think Beck is my favorite (Gunvald Larsson steals the show haha) 😅😅😅 Pippi Långstrump is still very popular among children today, like 55 years after the movies were made. Astrid Lindgren wrote the books about Pippi. Many of her books then became children's film.


Cassie probably won't like American Psycho, and I'm sure she's not going to read this anyway, but I think the important thing for her to keep in mind going in is that it's not a horror movie or a thriller, but instead is a comedy. It's a dark comedy, for sure, but the movie is pure satire, and is meant to mock and make you laugh, not recoil in horror or terror. I feel like usually for people who don't like it, it's because they aren't on that same wavelength and just see it as a movie about a killer or whatever, and aren't tuned in to just how funny it is. This is probably because none of the characters are, in the context of the world of the movie, trying to be funny, but rather just that because they're so ridiculous, that they are funny to the audience that is watching them. You're not supposed to relate to anyone in the movie, there is no "audience surrogate", it's just an absurd world these people inhabit, and we're supposed to find it ridiculous. There are a couple characters who are more neutral, typically the ones who don't have money, but they're not audience surrogates either, in that you're not meant to necessarily identify with them either. Sometimes I think the people who end up disliking this movie feel like those are the closest characters they can relate to, and since they're all treated poorly, they feel like the movie is just mean spirited. Hopefully Cassie will keep an open mind and will be able to enjoy the humor of this movie, because it really is fantastic.


Agreed. The film was a flop until the midnight showings and audience participation made it enjoyable and a must see experience. Even the director has said the participation is integral to the film's success. Personally, I've seen it so many times I wouldn't be able to sit through another straight watch. Some people have said they prefer the film without all that but i'm sure there are also people who actually enjoy watching paint dry🤷‍♂️

John Liebling

I think American Psycho, might be the first movie Cassie tries and 25% in say I can't go on...And let us know it was too much, that's why she switched it out for True Grit.


Cassie, even though it didn't win, I strongly urge you and Carly to watch Ladyhawke. As much as you liked Count of Monte Cristo, I really think you'll enjoy this. I would love to see you and Carly react to it!


Who else feels like make these a top 3 viewing??? Lol