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Hey guys! A late one tonight! Here is the YT edit for "Gladiator" with Carly, which will premiere shortly!



Bill Maurer

In my humble and honest opinion, skip Gladiator II. Terrible movie that fails such a great original classic movie

Chris Thom


bgb1975 (Brian) (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-27 11:19:59 I am entertained, as a matter of fact...
2025-01-27 03:36:00 I am entertained, as a matter of fact. There's no need to shout! ;)

I am entertained, as a matter of fact. There's no need to shout! ;)


Probably a little violent for you guys, especially Carly, but a great movie nonetheless. I'm looking forward to watching your reaction.

Chris Thom

Well hold on to your hat because two millennial chicks are about to watch Gladiator.

Chris Thom

LIVE chat starts in four minutes on YouTube.


You'd love "Kingdom Of Heaven" 2005 (The Directors Cut) also by Ridley Scott

Stephen Last

Russell Crowe won best actor at the Oscar's.

Chris Thom

That was a fun chat. Wish Carly would make an appearance every once in a while. She could advertise the podcast.

Chris Thom

Always thought Cassandra sounded kind of epic. But yeah Cassius is hard to beat. lol

Erik Locquiao

Okay, Carly hasn’t seen Blood Diamond…put it on the list asap! Along with Last of the Mohicans.

Happy Hanukkah

And he (Richard Harris) delivers one of my favorite movie speeches towards the end of Cromwell (1970).


It seems like you guys are determined to watch Gladiator 2, so my advice would be to wait a while to do so, as its basically the exact same movie, beat for beat, and I feel like you're really not going to like it after having just watched this. There's also a bunch of stuff in the sequel that actively undermines this movie and makes it worse. I'm guessing you guys will watch it soon though, but I feel like the only way to enjoy that movie is if you're unfamiliar with the first one or don't really remember it very well. Oh well, it is what it is.

Mark White

Great reaction Ladies, I’ve seen Gladiator many times, but your reaction had me gripped! You two, do have a way of drawing me in and engaging me emotionally with a movie more than if I was watching it in on my own. You are the best ❤️


Another Ridley Scott movie I think they'd like is Thelma & Louise. Ridley Scott has a lot of great movies, but some real stinkers as well. He reminds me a lot of Clint Eastwood in that way: both very old, very prolific directors with some absolute masterpieces and some utter bombs.


These kind of comments sure are odd backseating attempts at trying to control what people think of a movie. It's best to let people decide whether or not they like a movie. We are not them. The way we think is not applicable to the way everyone else thinks. What we like and dislike is not what other people like and dislike, and shouldn't be, otherwise we would have a VERY dull, clone brained, mono-opinion world.

Uncle Phoenix

I must admit that I am very excited for a possible PIB reaction to “Good Will Hunting”.


I'm always confused by people who feel like they need to police the comments like this. People give their opinions on movies constantly in here, but every now and then someone feels like one person's comment needs a reprimand. I wonder where that comes from.

Milton William Burray

@ Yoda, Expressing an opinion about a movie doesn't 'control' other peoples decisions. I think the OP is correct and what he said is generally true of sequels; because they are mostly inferior, and copy significant elements of the original but not as well, leaving a significant break is the best way to enjoy sequels If the OP was making positive comments I suspect you wouldn't have a problem


Commodus wasn't all bad. He did build a magnificent bath house to earn public approval. /s

Above Average Dave

This was fun. One thing I've noticed about Carly, though she can't seem to recall details from movies she's seen over the years 😁, she is very good at predicting plot points while she is watching a movie. Her sense of story, dramatic changes and character journeys is excellent. Very fun to see and hear.

Clarence Newman

It can't be too often, because there are so many other movies we'd love Cassie to watch, but this is a real good advertisement for the occasional rewatch with Carly.


this movie is good, the extended version is also good. if you're in the mood for more Ridley Scott, Kingdom of Heaven EXTENDED version is good. the theatrical version cuts a lot of story and character motivation, etc, and the reception was mediocre. the extended version fixes that


Gladiato is a grate movie the music is on the best movie soundtracks, the "Am I not merciful" was improvice by Phoenix, Crow improvice the "strength and hounor" and the description of his home in Australia, they build a replica of the Colosseum 52-feet tall, took 7 months and $1 million, burn a forest down (with permission), Crow lost all feeling in his right for finger for two years afterwards, aggravated his achilles, broke his foot, cracked his hip, and popped some bicep tendons out of their sockets. Thers a grate TV show call Rome 2005 just 2 seasons 22 episodes total. Didn't like Gladiator II


Source: https://alltherightmovies.com/feature/25-interesting-and-epic-facts-about-gladiator/


Can you at least edit your comment regarding your description of G2 to not include the comparison to G1, right after your recommendation to wait a while to watch G2? That description, while not ruining any specific scene, pretty much spoils the movie as a whole.


I also agree that setting expectations is a form of spoilers. I only comment my opinion of a movie after Cassie has watched it.


I agree Clarence, once or twice a year is fine, I have a problem with any more than that. I ask myself, how long before we would see say the popular Bourne movies again with Carly. The temptation is great, but re-watches are a slippery slope, and might well result in a more rapid decline of the channel.

Stan the Man

It’s insane to me that this movie won Best Picture or Crowe won best actor. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun movie and Crowe is good. But Oscar worthy? Hell no. No way! This would NEVER win today. I don’t even think it would be nominated. Crowe is far better in Master & Commander. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or even Cast Away are much better choices. Traffic. But gladiator? No. I’m sorry but no. And the best actor in Gladiator, Joaquin Phoenix, didn’t even win! Granted this was during an era where Oscar voters were awarding the most obvious Oscar bait. 2001 it was A Beautiful Mind? Over In the Bedroom? Over Fellowship of the Ring? And don’t get me started on in 2002 and Chicago.

Clarence Newman

She has seen it, but not on the channel, therefore not technically a PiB rewatch. I'm perfectly happy to see reactions to great films she's seen off-channel. Good Will Hunting is a prime example.


It's a re-watch for Cassie no matter when she saw it...so her reaction would be suspect.


No shade on Carly, but it's a super easy plot to figure out 10 minutes in.

Cole Jennett

Cassie has seen it, but Carly hasn’t. Also, the way Cassie described it, it’s a little hazy for her too😂

Milton William Burray

@ Dave, Describing a sequel as the same as the first isn't really a spoiler, and is a common complaint for sequels generally


@Milton, for me an expectation is the same good or bad. I don't personally feel like telling her anything about a movie beforehand.


The Oscars always give out awards based on stuff that has nothing to do with the performances, like "this person is too young, they'll get another chance to win later on" (Joaquin Phoenix), or "we should have given it to this person for another performance in the past so let's make it up by giving them one now", or "we can't give them another award, they've already won a couple" (Tom Hanks). The Oscars are the most famous awards show, but they shouldn't be taken too seriously. They outright ignore certain genres no matter how good the movies are (namely horror), and neither Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, nor Orson Welles ever won best director, but somehow Ron Howard did. Think of them like an advertisement for Hollywood rather than any kind of real award and you'll be more at peace with what the results are.

Chris Thom

I personally think it was Oscar worthy. In 2000 it had been a while since there'd been a Roman epic like that that went BIG. It stood out.

Chris Thom

Cassie is Millennial, Carly may be right on the cusp between. Not sure.

Chris Thom

Agree. That was fun. Slumdog Millionaire keeps coming to mind lately.

Stan the Man

Oh totally. But that doesn’t make it right. How many actors have won simply because it was “their time”. Like Al Pacino for Scent of a Woman. He didn’t win for Scent of a Woman, I mean technically he did, but he REALLY won for the Godfather, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, Godfather Part 2. All the times he was nominated and should’ve won but didn’t. And sometimes it’s all about money and marketing. Shakespeare in Love winning over Saving Private Ryan was insane and it changed the game. But also sometimes all those rules go right out the window. Look at Adrien Brody winning for The Pianist. He was in his 20s and beat the favoured Daniel Day Lewis.

Chris Thom

Looks like this was a pretty big hit for the channel. 120k views in less than a day.

Chris Thom

With Oscars I really do look at a nomination as a win. The whole 'it's an honor just to be nominated' thing. But it's true. It's the final decisions that are absurdly hard to make. Especially when the movies and performances are so different. But it's fun to see how the academy members vote anyway. But yeah it's a lot about timing, or making up for lost time.

Chris Thom

I get the sense she's seen a lot more movies than she's letting on sometimes. Because she knows all tropes from all genres pretty well.

Clay F

Kingdom of Heaven (2005) is a rare instance of a movie that I recommend the director's cut over the theatrical version for a first watch. Agree that the theatrical version cuts too much story -- almost makes the movie nonsensical.

Clay F

+1 for Good Will Hunting (1997) Cassie rewatch and Carly first watch.

Clay F

Gladiator II will be a first watch for me when I watch their full reaction.

Clarence Newman

I saw Kingdom of Heaven once and was underwhelmed. If Mila's right, it's because someone edited the film with their elbows.


Oh, it'll go over 200k for sure...hope that doesn't get Cassie too pumped for more re-watches, lol.

Chris Thom

Nah she unlocked a cheat code here. Get ready for "Well maybe Carly didn't see THAT scene from The Notebook, Rewatch."


I really enjoyed both your reactions to Gladiator (2000). I thought I'd share this very funny, dead on perfect impersonation of Russell Crowe/Maximus by UK impressionist Jon Culshaw. It is a clip shown on the UK Michael Parkinson chat show. It starts 9 seconds into the YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zagayQVKXzo

Clarence Newman

A rewatch is not a true rewatch unless she's already watched it on channel. Rewatching an off-channel watch as a rewatch would be a first watch for us and therefore a kosher move. Of the on channel stuff, there aren't too many I'd be happy to see her revisit with Carly, so let's keep it to Eddie the Eagle and her entire back catalog of Star Trek for now. 😁

Clay F

Her rewatches of the Lord of the Rings movies averaged about a half-million views each.

Clay F

Whether she did a first watch of a movie off-channel or in a reaction on-channel, a second watch of the movie is a rewatch.

Clarence Newman

Yes, but if she brings Carly in to watch it with her it becomes a legitimate First Time Watch with the added bonus of a Rewatch for Cassie - therefore double whammy, here's your Grammy. Good Will Hunting, I say!

Clarence Newman

It would also open up a load of really great films we're currently deprived of a reaction to because Cassie has disgracefully watched them off channel. On more than one occasion, she's turned to Carly on reactions and asked if she's watched a certain movie (Blood Diamond was one example), only for Carly to shake her head and say, "In what world would I ever have watched that?" Good Will Hunting, I say again!

Clay F

I agree that a distinction can be made between a Cassie first watch being off-channel vs on-channel. +1 for Good Will Hunting


I want first time watches from Cassie. Carly joins on average just 3 times a month, tbh I'm just here for Cassie's reactions, always have been. Re-watches with Carly must be limited to special occasions only.

Mike Lemon

What I'm hearing is this one did well so now she should watch Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995) to balance everything back out.


My favorite reactions are always with both Cassie and Carly! I'm taking half the day off work to watch the full reaction to Gladiator!


I think there was a problem with Cassie's microphone. The audio distorts sometimes on the full length version of Gladiator


Haha I was thinking the opposite. I like re-watches with Carly and want to see more

Mark Vaderr

"My name is Maximus Decimus...Something." Oh, Cassie. LOL