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QUICK NEWS-I have a sick kid at home and just found out we have a new school orientation for our oldest tonight. I have to move the butter live to Thursday the 30th! It will be a hangout!! 7:30pm MST, sorry about the change, but it should be fun!

Hey guys, how are you? Crazy that January is on day 74 and still going....;) I hope you had a good weekend, anyone do anything fun? I had bookclub, the kids had basketball and soccer, ben's sister and parents came over for dinner, and I spent 4 hours with T.E Lawrence. All in all a good one!

Thanks so much for all the suggestions last week on what TV show to watch for fun off channel, I now have the most extensive and greatest list to reference (as do you all). I feel so so lucky that this community is still so interactive and participatory (snaps for me for that word). You guys are truly the best corner on the internet!

This week we have Only the Brave, I picked it because I thought it timely with the huge California fires and what we owe our firefighters. We have Face/Off which I thought tied with L of A but I was mistake, but had already said I would watch it, lets go Nic Cage haha! Lastly, following our watch of Gladiator last week, we are going to watch G2!

With February coming up I want to have another classic romantic poll (I am going to omit My Fair Lady and watch it anyways this month) so look out for that this week! The mods also put together a great poll idea of movies that turn 25 in 2025!

I hope you all have a wonderful week, who wants to plan a vacation for the winter blues?

Thanks for being part of the Kernel Club, love you mucho!





Only the Brave!

Bill Maurer (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-28 01:07:48 "Am Affair to Remember " for February. Gladiator II is terrible. Terrible
2025-01-27 23:52:23 "An Affair to Remember " for February. Gladiator II is terrible. Terrible

"An Affair to Remember " for February. Gladiator II is terrible. Terrible


Only The Brave is excellent. Face/Off and Gladiator 2 are cheeks.

William Bryan

1) my dad's healthy as a horse. Hopefully we'll grow old together and die at the same time to see mom again. If he dies first I won't be far behind... 2) putting $2500 towards leather interior on the 370Z 3) putting $3000 on a kick ass custom built computer with Windows 12 in the fall 4) Hopefully dad and I can go with my brother and sister in law to Salem in Oct for Halloween stuff.

Aaron Mann

Cassie, for February and Black History Month, please consider a watch of AMISTAD. It checks so many boxes for you! Courtroom drama, true story, Spielberg directed, and also has many actors you know (McConaughey, Morgan Freeman, and more!)


Once again we are in total agreement. I don't know, Cassie might like it, but I was actively irritated and bored watching it in a theater.


I just watched Gladiator II on Paramount+. Wow, really bad. Not good. Will not watch again.

Blake Evans

Only the Brave is a rough one for me to watch since my brother is a firefighter but still a good movie. And Face/Off is so ridiculously 1997! Nic Cage doing his full Nic Cage impression and I am all for it. Also fun trivia, the director is The Notebook makes an appearance. Can you find him?

Chris Thom

Prince of Tides, or Bridges of Madison County for February? Also Cruel Intentions could be fun for the channel...for that mix of nostalgia, hints of psychological thriller, random 90's wtf, social jostling and intrigue, and a really touching romance by the end. Quintessential 90's.

Darren Harrison

“Only The Brave” - I used to live in the town in Arizona where that incident happened. Too bad the film crew chose to film it in New Mexico. Looking forward to a “My Fair Lady” reaction - it’s my favorite musical.

Neil Varma

Hope your kid feels better soon 🤞🙏❤️

Rick Rodriguez

Oh boy. Bring the Tissues for Only the Brave. Hope your child gets better!

Michael West

Great lineup this week. I really liked “only the brave”. Face/Off is a trip. Love the poll idea. Keep up the great content and thanks for creating this little corner of the internet for us all to share.

Katie Jackson

If you're doing classic romance for February then you've gotta finally do An Affair To Remember(Cary Grant). Nine Months for a more modern Romance(Hugh Grant, Robin Williams, Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore & Joan Cusack). When you finally watch An Affair To Remember make sure you watch Sleepless In Seattle again. This isn't my week but I look forward to the Extra Butter Live and whatever comes next. Hope the kiddo feels better soon


Highly recommend Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers film for February poll: “Top Hat” (1935) / “Swing Time” (1936). I can’t wait for “My Fair Lady” ✨ Also your LoA reaction - I had the BEST time watching your reaction.. it was an experience itself. Thanks so much Cassie for thinking of our brave firefighters and honoring them with a great film.

Chris (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-28 01:07:48
2025-01-28 01:07:48
2025-01-28 01:07:48 Can't wait for Face Off! It's a real mind bender. However, "Raising Arizona" is still Nic Cage's best performance and his funniest movie. Recently watched your "Grumpy Old Men" reactions and thoroughly enjoyed them both. You and Carly have very infectious laughs! Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau (R.I.P.) were best friends in real life and made 10 films together, starting with "The Fortune Cookie". Their best film together is and always will be the original "Odd Couple", based on a Neil Simon stage play. A brilliant comedy with machine gun dialogue, I strongly recommend it. I think you'll love it! Sorry to hear about the little one not feeling the best, will say a prayer. Still waiting for the spectacles to resurface again, love the look! ❤️
2025-01-28 00:00:57


I really hope you enjoyed Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Cassie! It might be one of those films where you might need to research the backstory of T E Lawrence. Are you going to do a poll of TV series suggestions? I sincerely hope your kid gets well soon. All the best!!


looking forward to the Face/Off reaction!

Above Average Dave

God bless. Hopefully the sick kid rally quickly and doesn't share with the family!


Face off is a great John woo film his first American movie was 1993 hard target which is also a great film and now a cult classic.


Oh, focused on the second sentence... +1 for Affair To Remember - great film, absolute classic.


Face Off is ridiculous but fun. I love Hard Target - also ridiculous, also fun.

Mike Lemon

Classic romance? Could we finally be getting Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet (1968/1595-ish)?

Chris Thom

Ohhh that's the movie it was referencing. I think Last Chance Harvey may've been based on it in parts too.

Dan M

Oh no!! Another sickness storming through the PiB household! Time to boost your immune system, Cassie! So sorry one of your kids is sick…I hope they’re able to kick it quickly and get back to doing kid stuff. No worries about pushing back the live to Thursday. When you’re ready, we’ll be ready. Yes, my wife and I have been planning a vacation for our 30th wedding anniversary coming up in May. So the next 3 months can’t go by quick enough. I’ve never seen, or heard of, Only the Brave, but it certainly seems appropriate given the tragic circumstances in California. Face/Off will be a fun, over the top, action packed roller coaster of a reaction. And Gladiator II…so pumped for that movie!

Patrick Crippen

'8 Seconds' is a great romance option for February 👍

Dan M

“Interactive and participatory”…Cassie, do you have “Word of the Day” toilet paper?

Mike Lemon

Ahhhh... This stuff drives me nutty. Watch Amistad because it is a great movie (especially soon after Gladiator), not because it is February. https://people.com/morgan-freeman-explains-why-he-doesnt-like-black-history-month-8664297 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSERMWAjtG4

Dan M

A Classic Romantic Poll for February…I’m swooning already! 😍


You should watch ‘salmon fishing on the Yemen’ during February, an underrated gem with an adorable romance and some seriously good inspirational themes Super mom sounds busy! Good luck with it all! Vacation sounds like heaven right now

Jimmy Reyes

Great surprise. Only the Brave!!! Face-off and Gladiator 2. Awesome week starting with Lawrence of Arabia

Dan M

Your first statement may be a bit of a spoiler…maybe re-word the comment?

Dean Holt

Looking like another good week, Only the Brave is something I’ve wanted to watch too it’s been on my watch list for ages so thanks for picking it. Face off I’m just very interested to see what you make of the craziness as Nic Cage really goes up to 11 on this one 😂😂. Gladiator 2 I’ve not heard amazing things about so I’m going to leave it until it’s free to stream. The 2000 movie poll sounds an interesting idea. The Whole Nine Yards with Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry is one I’ve been wanting you to react to for a while now. Along with Space Cowboys (Clint Eastwood & Tommy Lee Jones), Rules of Engagement (Sam Jackson & Tommy Lee Jones) Courtroom Drama, The Hurricane (Denzel Washington) The Bone Collector (Denzel Washington) Double Jeopardy (Tommy Lee Jones again lol with Ashley Judd), Play it to the Bone (Woody Harrelson & Antonio Banderas), And Any Given Sunday.


Dang it! I was sure Cassie was gonna watch "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978) this week. 😭

Alex Gorell

To catch a thief is my pick for the romance in February.

Dan M

I’m all in for Nine Months being included in that poll…we’ve been suggesting this movie for awhile now. Nine Months is 30 years old this year…couldn’t that be considered a classic at this point? How are you feeling, btw?


For February I suggest Love Actually, The Notebook, Two Weeks Notice, A Walk in the Clouds


I caught whatever's been going around. Being sick sucks. My Fair Lady should be a good watch.

Richard Maurer

Horror of Dracula would be perfect for romance month. No woman can resist Christopher Lee’s Dracula.

Chris Clarke

Hope little Popcorn feels better soon! You will adore My Fair Lady: Carly will too if she's around. Preparing another sweet parcel to send across the "pond"! As for holidays, I've just booked my main holiday for a week or so commencing Good Friday (to avoid midge season!). I'm going to the Isle of Mull, off the West Coast of Scotland. (Geographically it's not too far from the famous viaduct in the Harry Potter films.) I first saw Face/Off when I was at Uni, in the midst of exam season. It's a little disturbing in places, but a fascinating concept and a good film on the whole. P.S. Compliments to your cousin if she's down for parcel checking duty again!😉


Glad you had a good weekend. Looking forward to "My Fair Lady." Musicals are not my favorite, but Audrey Hepburn is undeniably magnificent in the role. I love it when we get to watch one of the greatest films of all time.

Aaron Mann

Yes, I understand. But Cassie likes to theme her movies by month. So I figured this was month to get her to watch it.

Dean Holt

If you liked Hard Target, a similar film called Surviving the Game is a good underrated action movie that came out about the same time.

Cole Jennett

A Walk in the Clouds is the only one I think that remains unseen, so was that just a clever ploy to get it watched?😉 If so, well played

Shawn Kildal (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-28 01:07:48 Jeff Bridges starred in the political thriller The Contender (2000). Which is also a past PIB dice game winner from a couple of years ago beating out Major League 2 on the last roll of the dice (Movies, Mail and More #5 at around the 3h:12m mark)
2025-01-28 00:30:22 Speaking of movies that turn 25 years old, Jeff Bridges starred in the political thriller The Contender (2000). Which is also a past PIB dice game winner from a couple of years ago beating out Major League 2 on the last roll of the dice (Movies, Mail and More #5 at around the 3h:12m mark)

Speaking of movies that turn 25 years old, Jeff Bridges starred in the political thriller The Contender (2000). Which is also a past PIB dice game winner from a couple of years ago beating out Major League 2 on the last roll of the dice (Movies, Mail and More #5 at around the 3h:12m mark)


You guys drawing attention to my comment is what is going to spark off an investigation, but I've edited anyway so that we have no bed wetting!

Richard Maurer

John Woo’s best movies were his Chinese ones. Red Cliff, Hard Boiled, A Better Tomorrow, The Killer……

Larry Darrell

Classic Romantic Poll recommendations… Trouble in Paradise (1932) Twentieth Century (1934) Top Hat (1935) My Man Godfrey (1936) Swing Time (1936) The Awful Truth (1937) Shall We Dance (1937) Bringing Up Baby (1938) Bachelor Mother (1939) Ninotchka (1939) My Favorite Wife (1940) The Philadelphia Story (1940) The Lady Eve (1941) I Married a Witch (1942) Random Harvest (1942) The Palm Beach Story (1942) A Guy Named Joe (1943) The More the Merrier (1943) A Matter of Life and Death (1946)

Richard Maurer

Haven’t watched Gladiator ll - mostly because no one has much good to say about it.

Dan M

Some suggestions for the February Classic Romance Poll: Moonstruck (1987) The Apartment (1960) Bridges of Madison County (1995) The Way We Were (1973)


Only the Brave (2017) is such a great movie, but SOOOO incredibly hard to watch as the wife of a Firefighter/EMT, and as an EMT, myself! I hadn't ever planned to watch this movie again but for you... I will! Miles Teller stars in this with Jennifer Connely, just before they filmed Top Gun: Maverick (2022), together!


Hey Cassie, do you plan to watch Wicked with us? I loved the book by Gregory Maguire and I’ve seen the musical a couple times (ok like 7 times). I think you would enjoy the story.


I said it's a great movie and hard target was his first American movie yes some of his Chinese movies are the best


The Philadelphia Story. So much fun. Kathrine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart. Cassie would love it, as would Carly.

Katie Jackson

I'm doing much better, almost back to myself, thanks. I'm ok with Nine Months being called a "classic" 😂 although it makes me feel a bit old. Cassie could just do what she did last year and do a classics poll (Romantic movies made before 1970) and a modern poll( made after 1970)🤷‍♀️ works for me and I can always come up with a few more modern Romantic movies Cassie hasn't seen.

Clay F

Looking forward to all 3: -Only the Brave (2017) -Face/Off (can't remember that well) -Gladiator II (never seen).

Shehab Dawoud

I don't understand why so many were against 'Face/Off'. They enjoy other kinds of dumb action movies, most of which are formulaic. This one is actually way outside of the box and original! I can't wait! I don't know any classic romance films, but a new one I'd like you to see is 'Enough Said' (2013) with Julia Louis-Dreyfuss and James Gandolfini (RIP) who was most famous for giving the greatest TV performance in history on 'The Sopranos'. I think you'd like it. Maybe throw in a movie that is fitting of Black History Month too. My vote would be 'Malcolm X', which is long overdue IMO. Best wishes and recovery to your kid!

Vlad D

Hi Cassie. For February I would suggest Mr. Right with Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell. It's both a RomCom and dark Humor all in one

Katie Jackson (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-28 01:10:22 A Few Modern Romantic Movie Suggestions: *Nine Months (1995) *Some Kind Of Wonderful (1987) *Cocktail (1988) (Tom Cruise) *Love Potion No. 9 (1992)(Sandra Bullock) *Bed Of Roses (1996) *One Fine Day (1996)(George Clooney) *Hope Floats (1998)(Sandra Bullock) *Six Days, Seven Nights(1998)(Harrsion Ford) *Where The Heart Is (2000)(Natalie Portman) *Loser (2000)(Jason Biggs) *The Majestic (2001)(Jim Carrey) *Kate & Leopold (2001)(Hugh Jackman, Meg Ryan) *Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)
2025-01-28 01:07:00 A Few Modern Romantic Movie Suggestions: *Nine Months (1995) *Some Kind Of Wonderful (1987) *Cocktail (1988) (Tom Cruise) *Love Potion No. 9 (1992)(Sandra Bullock) *Bed Of Roses (1996) *One Fine Day (1996)(George Clooney) *Hope Floats (1998)(Sandra Bullock) *Six Days, Seven Nights(1998)(Harrsion Ford) *Where The Heart Is (2000)(Natalie Portman) *Loser (2000)(Jason Biggs) *The Majestic (2001)(Jim Carrey) *Kate & Leopold (2001)(Hugh Jackman, Meg Ryan) *Brown Sugar (2002) *Honey (2003)(Jessica Alba) *Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)

A Few Modern Romantic Movie Suggestions: *Nine Months (1995) *Some Kind Of Wonderful (1987) *Cocktail (1988) (Tom Cruise) *Love Potion No. 9 (1992)(Sandra Bullock) *Bed Of Roses (1996) *One Fine Day (1996)(George Clooney) *Hope Floats (1998)(Sandra Bullock) *Six Days, Seven Nights(1998)(Harrsion Ford) *Where The Heart Is (2000)(Natalie Portman) *Loser (2000)(Jason Biggs) *The Majestic (2001)(Jim Carrey) *Kate & Leopold (2001)(Hugh Jackman, Meg Ryan) *Brown Sugar (2002) *Honey (2003)(Jessica Alba) *Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)


One of my favorites! Incredible cast. Amazing writing. It's a must watch

Mike LL

She has said she saw it with her kids, i believe, so she must gone to the theater and seen it already.

Mike LL

The Apartment is here on Patreon as an exclusive. I think it is a great reaction!

Mike LL

The Philadelphia Story is my Pick A Flick choice right now. I would want Cassie to watch more than half of Larry's list!!

Mike LL

That is a great choice. With Carly would be my wish!

Clay F

I don't remember Face/Off that well but looking forward to it. +1 for 'Enough Said' (2013). I am a fan of Julia Louis-Dreyfuss. I am rewatching The Sopranos -- currently in S4. +1 for Malcom X (Denzel Washington). Good suggestion for Black History Month.


Thanks for FaceOff! 2nd one I’ve mailed in that’s being watched. Classic 90’s action junk food, gotta love it 😂👍🏽


So weird. I was just thinking we should ask Cassie to watch "Only the Brave". You know she loves true stories.

Mike LL

I must second the Astaire/Rogers wish! It's a must! Either of those films!

Anthony Harris

Might be winter blues in your neck of woods but down here near Sydney it is 97F and everyone who can is inside with the AC on. Hope the kids feel better soon

Mike LL (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-28 04:38:57 I'm pretty psyched for Face/Off, which I think is a fascinating film, and the performances is worth whatever else the film is lacking, and more than makes up for any faults. So happy that we are getting My Fair Lady for February, but hope there is room for another golden era film. There have been many fine ones mentioned here in these comments! .
2025-01-28 01:20:06 I'm pretty psyched for Face/Off, which I think is a fascinating film, and the performances are worth whatever else the film is lacking, and more than makes up for any faults. So happy that we are getting My Fair Lady for February, but hope there is room for another golden era film. There have been many fine ones mentioned here in these comments! .

I'm pretty psyched for Face/Off, which I think is a fascinating film, and the performances are worth whatever else the film is lacking, and more than makes up for any faults. So happy that we are getting My Fair Lady for February, but hope there is room for another golden era film. There have been many fine ones mentioned here in these comments! .

Katie Jackson

In case you decide to do a Modern Romantic Movies Poll for February, here a some suggestions: *Some Kind Of Wonderful (1987)(Mary Stuart Masterson) *Cocktail (1988)(Tom Cruise) *Love Potion No. 9 (1992)(Sandra Bullock) *Nine Months (1995)(Hugh Grant,Robin Williams,Jeff Goldblum) *Bed Of Roses (1996)(Christian Slater, Mary Stuart Masterson) *One Fine Day (1996)(George Clooney) *Hope Floats (1998)(Sandra Bullock) *Six Days,Seven Nights (1998)(Harrsion Ford) *Where The Heart Is (2000)(Natalie Portman,Ashley Judd,Stockard Channing) *Loser (2000)(Jason Biggs) *The Majestic (2001)(Jim Carrey) *Kate & Leopold (2001)(Hugh Jackman, Meg Ryan) *Brown Sugar (2002)(Taye Diggs) *Honey (2003)(Jessica Alba) *Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)

Anthony Carlson

Too bad it didn’t have a scene involving Pilate mentioning his good friend “Biggus Di&@us”. (If you know this reference, you know 😂)


For movies turning 25, even though the site says you’ve seen it, I’d enjoy What Women Want as a 2nd time watch. I loved the premise and would love to have Mel Gibsons power in that film lmaoooo 😂😂. Others for that category that might be good are Space Cowboys and Finding Forrester (basketball movie + Sean Connery).

Laura Thornley

While I agree, the question is where to start. The 2000's soft reboot is a decent idea, though I'm unsure - there's just so much Who and its extremely varied (due to being made since the 60's). That's a lot of content!

Laura Thornley

Non-usual romantic movie: a Knight's Tale. Its a goofy quasi-historical movie that I've always enjoyed ever since it came out.

Katie Jackson

Where The Heart Is turns 25 this year and is a fantastic movie starring Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd & Stockard Channing

Dan M

Sorry you’re sick, V M…this has been a rough winter in terms of illnesses. My wife has been battling some kind of bug for a couple of weeks now.


Face/Off is an awesome movie

Shawn Kildal

Knowing your love for Pride and Prejudice Cassie, I hope you will consider Sense and Sensibility (1995) for February romance poll

Jake McNulty

Shame she's already seen the Baz Lurhmann version, it's one of my guilty pleasures.

Dan M

Thanks, Katie! I know it’s cliche, but time just flies by and it doesn’t feel like 30 years.

Dan M

This is a fantastic list! I’m sure Cassie wouldn’t mind 5 or 6 straight weeks of romance on the channel 😊. Glad to hear you’re feeling better.

Dan M

Didn’t even catch that, Mike! Thanks, I’ll have to check it out now.

Cole Jennett

Shakespeare in Love feels like it’s due for one of these February’s

Cole Jennett

I watched Moonstruck last week for the first time. I was underwhelmed, after all the praise I’ve read about it.

Mike Lemon

I would like Pride and Prejudice (1995) too. I think she has only seen the (2005) version.

Mike Lemon

She almost watched it but remembered at the last minute she had already seen it.

Katie Jackson

Cassie has seen alot of the big movies released in 2000, so it might have a chance.

Katie Jackson

Thanks, I'm almost positive that Cassie hasn't seen any of these. I've been researching what rom coms Cassie has seen for about 3 years, that was how I realized that she hadn't watched Dirty Dancing and recommended it for a Valentines Day poll years ago. It's getting hard to find one's she hasn't seen😂

jim Howe

I think you can finally go ahead and watch 'The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent' now if you haven't already seen it!

Shawn Kildal

Face / Off directed by John Woo. Let the doves fly!


Only the Brave - great movie! I curse the circumstances of why you have decided to watch it, but am so glad you are finally getting to it.

Chris Thom

Oh dang was that another one she promised? Vaguely remember that.

Jake McNulty

Some Romance films for your consideration: A Star is Born (1937), The Awful Truth (1937), Holiday (1938), Love Affair (1939), Wuthering Heights (1939), The Philadelphia Story (1940), Ball of Fire (1941), Sullivan's Travels (1941), The Palm Beach Story (1942), Brief Encounter (1945), A Matter of Life and Death (1946), Born Yesterday (1950), From Here to Eternity (1953), Magnificent Obsession (1954), Sabrina (1954), All That Heaven Allows (1955), Lady and the Tramp (1955), Summertime (1955), The Seven Year Itch (1955), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), The Music Man (1962), Charade (1963), The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964), Doctor Zhivago (1965), Barefoot in the Park (1967), Funny Girl (1968), Cactus Flower (1969), Harold and Maude (1971), Melody (1971), 10 (1979), Arthur (1981), Desert Hearts (1985), The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985),Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), Something Wild (1986), Moonstruck (1987), The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989), Truly Madly Deeply (1990), L.A. Story (1991), Regarding Henry (1991), Shadowlands (1993), The Remains of the Day (1993), The Wedding Banquet (1993), Eat Drink Man Woman (1994), The Swan Princess (1994), Sense and Sensibility (1995), The Bridges of Maddison County (1995), Sliding Doors (1998), The Horse Whisperer (1998), In the Mood for Love (2000), Solaris (2002), Cold Mountain (2003), Down with Love (2003), Wimbledon (2004), Casanova (2005), Miss Potter (2006), Across the Universe (2007), Lars and the Real Girl (2007), Australia (2008), Away We Go (2009), Carol (2015), A United Kingdom (2016), Loving (2016), Breathe (2017), The Shape of Water (2017), Long Shot (2019), Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022) and What's Love Got to Do with It? (2022)

Chris Thom

One Fine Day seems like her jam. Plus she needs to get to know Michelle Pfeiffer better.

Chris Thom

Anna Kendrick always gives great interviews on chat shows. She's a pro at that.

Chris Thom

Felt inevitable that it would make it on the channel eventually.

Paul Cox

It's not on the channel, but she's mentioned having seen it before.

René Ferland

The Contender (2000), I liked that one. She should watch it for Presidents' Day.


Battle Royale turns 25 this year!


I hope your child recovers quickly and completely and that your oldest has a great time. If we’ve learned anything from so many of the movies watched it is that family is important and these moments always matter. Don’t worry. We’ll be here when you’re ready

Chris Thom

Love that one. Was really hoping she'd do it on the channel eventually.

Shawn Kildal

Cassie was talking about watching movies that turned 25 years old this year. Figured I'd mention this again since it's been a long forgotten PIB winner

Byrd N. Hand

As do "Requiem for a Dream," "Wonder Boys," "Traffic," and "Best in Show."

Dan M

Her reaction to Dirty Dancing has been one of my favorites since I joined her Patreon. I will watch her full reaction to it at least once a month.

Dan M

I’m surprised Cole. I thought it would be right up your alley.

Byrd N. Hand

The final outing in Nicolas Cage's 'Testosterone Trilogy' (after "The Rock" and "Con Air").

Shawn Kildal

Frankie and Johnny (1991) with Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer would also be good romantic choice. Nathan Lane steals every scene he's in.

Javier Hernandez

25 in 2025: "Frequency" but please save for Fathers Day "U-571" WWII submarine story also great for Veterans Day or Memorial Day "Men of Honor" black sailor fights racism in US Navy "The Contender" political theater between the president and congress "13 Days" The closest we've ever come to war with Russia "Requiem for a Dream" this is a rough watch but good "Keeping the Faith" A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar... also good for tender November "All The Pretty Horses" forbidden love on a ranch in Mexico "Traffic" Director Steven Soderbergh followed up Erin Brockovich with a doosey of a drug story "Finding Forester" White recluse writer helps promising black student find his voice "O Brother Where Art Thou?" A satire of "The Odyssey" by the Cohen Brothers "Vertical Limit" if Elon Musk wanted to climb Mt Everest.... what could go wrong? "Proof of Life" that time Meg Ryan met Russel Crow and had an affair IRL "Autumn in New York" I don't care for it but you and Carly would love it "What Women Want" see above "Chocolat" because I know you love a young Johnny Depp In the mood for a double feature "Mission to Mars" followed by "Red Planet"

Shawn Kildal

Would be a movie reaction crime if she didn't see at least one Astaire & Rogers movie

Shawn Kildal

I think Face / Off is Cassie's first John Travolta movie since Pulp Fiction. Maybe also Consider Urban Cowboy (1980) for February romance month


Anywhere but Here... interesting :/

Katie Jackson

I love The Bone Collector & Double Jeopardy. I've requested both many times

Phil Stubblefield

My Fair Lady? Fantastic! One of my top three favorite musicals! (Along with The Music Man and Fiddler on the Roof...)

Chris Thom

Good one! That doesn't get requested too much on here. Kinda broke my heart that neither Cassie or Carly seem to know Michelle Pfeiffer at all.

Katie Jackson

I haven't rewatched it recently but I'll probably do a rewatch next month. I remember being completely shocked when I realized she hadn't seen it. When I posted the recommendation everyone lost it. Even Carly was shocked that she hadn't seen it. I smiled so much during that first watch that my face hurt. One of my favorite PIB moments and the first movie Cassie did that was for sure my recommendation. Two more that I know where my recommendations that Cassie reacted to where, Practical Magic & Ransom

Chris Thom

Sounds like a Bond film. But that can't be right for 2000. It's an action movie?

Chris Thom

Traffic would be a good one for the channel. I think it came before Erin B though.

Cole Jennett

Sorry Dan, I can’t really discuss my reasons in case Cassie reads this. Perhaps if you were on discord😉


Only the Brave is great. Incredible cast too. Can't thank the firefighters enough for how tirelessly they've been working these past couple weeks. I'm all for romance this February but I think these would be fun reactions for Galentine's Day Thelma & Louise (1991) Now and Then (1995) Hope Floats (1998) Stepmom (1998) Where the Heart Is (2000)

Katie Jackson

I love Hope Floats and Where The Heart Is (I've recommended both for February to) Now And Then is my Pick a Flick! Not a romance but such a great movie that I'm dying for Cassie to watch.


best harry potter movie's re harry potter and the half blood prince harry potter and the order of phoenix harry potter and the philosopher's stone top 3 harry potter film's coming soon first time watching this movie reaction

Chris Thom

Now and then and Stepmom would be fun. Feel like those would be more perfect for November though for some reason. But yeah I second all of those.


Yess, I just saw your recs! I think these are right up her alley so I'm hoping they get on her super short list.

Barbie Pootsky

Missed the post asking for tv suggestions but I hope someone mentions The Americans. What I believe to be the single best show of all time!

Shawn Kildal

I don't want to give my reason in Cassie reads this, but I'm not sure how Cassie would feel about The Way We Were


No worries about the live! I hope whoever is sick feels better soon.

Cole Jennett

The Hurricane is my nom for Black History month. Also courtroom…and Denzel.

Mark Vaderr

My Fair Lady in the upcoming month is great! Looking forward to it, Cassie! Any movie from Carly's Romantic List, would be a great choice for the poll.

Robert Nelson

Cassie: what kind of books do you read? I love and good historical fiction, soft and hard-boiled detective stories, and fantasy. Have you read Ken Follett (historical fiction)? He is my favorite author. If you decide to try him out, be forewarned - most of his novels have some (not a lot) of graphic sex scenes. You know... before you recommend him to your book club. ☺️

Milton William Burray

BACHELOR PARTY (1984) for Valentine's starring some unknown called Tom Hanks

Happy Hanukkah

Yay! for My Fair Lady. Regarding Gladiator 2... ... ... ... ... ... I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Hanukkah

"Ben's sister and parents came over for dinner, and I spent 4 hours with T.E Lawrence." Seems rude. :-P

Andrew Taylor

Once we got face/off watched we can add Woo's Hardboiled to the list

Larry Darrell

My main focus is the 30s and 40s at the moment. I leave it to everyone else to pick up where I left off ;-)

Just Plain Bob

More of a dystopian future movie. Hard to describe further without spoilers. It kinda defies easy categorization, but it definitely has some action without being what I think of as an action movie. It’s Japanese, so I can’t imagine it winning any polls unless it’s pitted against other foreign language films. Unfortunate, because it’s fantastic.

Redrum Ritual

Gladiator 2 a weird ass movie that wasn't needed

Jacob King

Steven Soderbergh made a crime romance with George Clooney and JLo called Out of Sight that is infinitely better than Traffic. I’d also recommend Logan Lucky. And Kimi. And High Flying Bird.

Clay F

She reacted to 13 Days. +1 for Finding Forrester. She has seen Chocolat.

Hiraoka Toru

Heart and Souls 1993 and Always 1989 are my longshot suggestions. And also A Matter of Life and Death 1946 for a classic romance movie.

Clarence Newman

By the sound of it, Cassie's YT edit is probably going to be the best way to watch Gladiator 2

Ian Tonge

I don't know what it is about this year, but January has certainly been hectic so far. Too much to do and not enough time. I haven't even managed to get to An Officer and a Gentleman yet ...

Clay F

I am watching the full reaction because I always watch the full reactions (instead of the YT edits), but also because I have not seen Gladiator II and want to. I've seen a range of comments about Gladiator II, but want to draw my own conclusions.

Clarence Newman

Each to their own, Clay, and I hope you enjoy it. My reticence is not entirely due to the negative comments, though. I just can't get enthused about a sequel to a film that doesn't lend itself to a sequel. You can reboot it or rehash it, but given that Maximus and Commodus were the heart and soul of the original, what is the purpose of a sequel? They both dead!


Cash grab. Yes I also avoided this like the plague, only serves to diminish the legacy of the original


Green card. Rom com.

Rene G.

Gladiator 2 was crap. ANd who the hell put sharks in a colosseum?? Literally jumping sharks here. Boring and Copy/paste one liners

Rene G.

As for Face/off, can't wait. I can eat a peach for hours!

Rene G.

There's another John Woo film he did recently called Silent Night. That movie had zero dialogue. Quite good

Rene G.

and I'm still waiting for the Sonic HEdgehog trilogy reactions with Carly.

Philip Herman

You’re brave Cassie for taking on Only The Brave. I have a good friend who’s son runs a hotshot crew in Oregon and has traveled to several other states fighting wildfires.

Clay F

Are you suggesting a Cassie rewatch/Carly first watch of Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)? You can go to popcornrequests.com and request the trilogy. Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) currently has no requests, probably because as you know, Cassie has seen it. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022), which Cassie has not seen, currently has 3 requests. I am sure they are funny.

Richard Maurer

I guess I was listing his Chinese films for future foreign movie poll consideration.

Clay F

+1 for Thelma & Louise (1991). I am thinking about making Thelma & Louise (1991) my selection for pick-a-flick next month.


I thought she mentioned that she had seen the 1995 P&P with Colin Firth. If not, then yes! Would love to see that on the channel.


Jane Eyre used to be my favorite novel. I really liked Toby Stephen’s in the Jane Eyre miniseries (2006). Movie version with William Hurt (1996) I think is more true to the novel than (2011) version. But I enjoyed both films.

Chris Thom

Finally saw Always last week. Think that was my only Spielberg left to see.

Rene G.

yeah well, they can re-watch anytime since she already did Gladiator twice. Solo and with her sis.

Chris Thom

Maybe they should've changed the name. Set it in the arena a hundred years forward or back, or just in some turning point of the empire. But does feel like they should leave the Maximus story alone.

Chris Thom

Respect. These guys are definitely revered in California these days. Such an important job. Hope he's safe.

Chris Thom

They really did have far-flung wild animals in the arena. I don't know about sharks though. But they did fill it up with water fairly often.

Mike LL

Thelma and Louise for romance? That's quite devious.

Mike LL

After Face/Off would be perfect. Cassie would love it.

Brian McGovern

Well you will be stoked to learn Ridley has plans for a third movie. I think he should stick to original properties because the sequels he has done, sucked balls.

Rene G.

And I googled the sharks being flooded in colosseum. Sadly, reality doesn't translate to what's seen on screen cos it said zero evidence of sharks being used in gladiator fights

Happy Hanukkah

Returning to a previous discussion: I had replied that I hadn't seen The Rules of Attraction, but since then it has come to my attention that its soundtrack contains one of my (many) favorite songs, Milla Jovovich's The Gentleman Who Fell. (As well as several other pretty good songs.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2bM3ZOesOM

Kyle Chelf

Can you do Forrest Gump, American Sniper, The Fast and The Furious Trilogy, A League Of Their Own, The Sandlot, and Ocean's Eleven.

Happy Hanukkah

Nope. I guess that means that Cassie will have to watch John Woo's next film, his Hollywood debut Hard Target (1993). :-) John Woo's The Killer (1989) and Hard Boiled (1992) (both starring Chow Yun-Fat) are considered classics of Hong Kong action cinema and earned him international acclaim.

Happy Hanukkah

Whaddaya mean? I *loved* the part where Senator Coitus Matribus (played by Samuel Jackson) yelled "Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfetching sharks in this motherfetching coliseum!"


All good I wasn't really listing for future watch if I where I would of added broken arrow from 1996 with John travolta and Christian slater as one of his better American movie's.

Clarence Newman

She's watched most of those off channel, Kyle. The complete list is on her Letterbox page. letterboxd.com/popcorn_in_bed


Interesting timing choice only the brave at same time.the fires that happened in LA.your going to ball you eyes out and going to be interesting. to see if you like and can handle American psycho. that’s intense


After My Fair Lady, can you please make “The Music Man” your next musical? The 1962 Robert Preston version, NOT the Matthew Broderick remake version.

Kyle Chelf

But still.

Vincent Vega

Face/Off. One of my all time favourites, John Travilta and Nick Cage do an incredible job as do the supporting cast. Enjoy!


Well, any enjoyment Cassie may get from the movie has certainly been ruined by comments, blah, blah, blah.

Byrd N. Hand

Thanks, Richard, I had no idea you were stating your own opinion and not scientifically proven fact... 😛

Gábor Árki

The Colosseum could be flooded originally using aquaducts, but AFAIK they only used it to replay naval battles. Also, the Colosseum was rebuilt losing this ability like a century before Marcus Aurelius. It was replaced with a series of tunnels and trap doors seen being used in the first movie. So yes, this is completely nonsense with zero respect for any kind of historical accuracy, and kind of literarily jumping the shark.

Clarence Newman

Since when, Joseph? Folks warned her about the Chris Pine Star Treks. She loved them. Told her Croc Dundee 2 wasn't worth watching. She loved it. Warned her about Star Trek: Nemesis. She loved it. Told her she'd love Officer and a Gentleman. She hated it. Told her Last Action Hero was crap. She loved it. Let's face it, the girl has a history of calling bullshit on our preconceived notions.

Byrd N. Hand

Too bad they'll likely never react to "Batman Returns." 😕 For more Michelle Pfeiffer, I'd also recommend "Ladyhawke," "Married to the Mob," and "The Fabulous Baker Boys."

Byrd N. Hand

Yeah, the Broderick version is really just a highly watered down version of the '62 film... and Broderick was totally the wrong choice to play Prof. Hill.


While I understand the Gladiator re-watch is prep for Glad II, I really hope re-watches with Carly never become a recurring thing on the channel.

Dan M

Another nice romance movie with Ashley Judd…Someone Like You. Also stars Hugh Jackman, Greg Kinnear, and Marisa Tomei. But, It came out in 2001, so it just misses the 25 year criteria. Bummer.

Jorge Lopez

Totally disagree. I love the rewatches with Carly. I think it's pretty fun to see Cassie introduce Carly to movies that she enjoyed on the channel.

Jorge Lopez

Love the idea of doing a poll for movies that turn 25 in 2025!

Dan M

I’m all in on Frequency, U-571, Men of Honor, and Keeping the Faith. I voted for U-571 in the 101-200 poll.

Chris Thom

Dang just realized Scream 3 is one of those. Chances of that are...nil.


@Jorge, I feel recurring re-watches will be a very polarizing topic with patrons. I do hope Cassie will put it to a vote of her paying patrons....see if the majority will support them.


I nominate the 1980s film Moonstruck (Nicholas Cage, Cher, Olympia Dukakis) for the Valentines Day poll.


I read that convicts were also being used to fight the LA fires.

Clarence Newman

The best use of Rewatches with Carly is for Cassie to only choose films she's seen OFF-channel (Good Will Hunting, Cast Away etc). That way it's still a First Time watch (for Carly), but fresh content for the channel. In any case, I'm mostly with Joe. Rewatches need to be a rare thing because there are so many great films Cassie hasn't seen at all and we need to get to them first.

Richard Maurer

Well I was being modest - my opinions have been scientifically proven to be facts. But I don’t like to brag.

Richard Maurer

Yeah, everyone knows we can’t watch foreign language films here. Some people don’t like to read after all /s


Robert Preston was Harold Hill. Those are really tough shoes to fill. That’s my favorite musical of all time.

Richard Maurer

Hard Target is just another ripoff The Most Dangerous Game, one of the most remade movies in movie history.

Richard Maurer

Keeping sharks alive in aquariums isn’t easy. The sharks would be more concerned about breathing than attacking people if they were in a flooded colosseum.

Richard Maurer

As long as they keep rewatches special - LotR level (or close to it anyway, nothing’s really LotR level)

Björn Karlsson

Well........I know a perfect movie about love. Will be awesome in February 🤩😊😍

Katie Jackson

She hasn't done Scream 2 anyway. Maybe someday, years from now, if she ever builds up a tolerance to deal with these type of horror movies.

Happy Hanukkah

Really, Gabor? Excuse me, mate, were you there? No? Well, shut the fetch up then. (This is a joke. I'm quoting Ridley Scott's oh-so-convincing response to factual criticism of his Napoleon movie by historians. Except he didn't say "fetch.")

Happy Hanukkah

I had one simple request from Gladiator 2, and that was to have frickin' laser beams attached to the sharks' heads! Was that so much to ask?!

Chris Thom

Wasn't it called 'Lightly, Innocently Kissing Amal' or something like that?


I really enjoyed both your reactions to Gladiator (2000). I thought I'd share this very funny, dead on perfect impersonation of Russell Crowe/Maximus by UK impressionist Jon Culshaw. It is a clip shown on the UK Michael Parkinson chat show. It starts 9 seconds into the YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zagayQVKXzo


It's from the same director as Top Gun Maverick also. He also directed Oblivion with Tom Cruise and Tron Legacy.


Yeah, it was just an absolutely blatant cash grab. So disappointing that Ridley Scott would return to make the sequel when it had absolutely nothing of value to offer other than just an easy paycheck. Even worse, there's stuff in it that ruins parts of the original, and I hate it when sequels do that.

Katie Sivak

Please watch Wind River at some point Maybe some live movies for Febuary

Clay F

Yeah, I don’t really think of Thelma & Louise as first and foremost a romance. The Google page for Thelma & Louise gives the genre as “Action/Crime”


Yeah, you'd think by the comments most every movie she watches is crap unless it's a beloved classic (haha), glad Cassie can mostly rise above all that. My take on AOAAG is it threw her for a loop being a serious drama, but she liked the character redemption.

Happy Hanukkah

Yes, but who amongst us hasn't watched The Most Dangerous Game (1932), as well as its numerous successors, without thinking: "You know what this needs? Jean-Claude Van Damme!" It's already a travesty that Cassie did not watch Hard Target in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first publishing of the original short story last year. Here's her oportunity to redeem herself with 101. And if you do not join me in my lobbying, I shall switch my efforts to *that* version of The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)! :-)

Bill Maurer

As a fellow Arizonan, that did not make a lot of sense. Sure, NM gave a better tax credit, but ... come on. Really ?? Film about Arizona firefighters filmed in NM


He only got to make Glad II because he's Ridley Scott. While the box-office has exceeded industry expectations, it will still lose money. I have my doubts a 3rd film ever gets made.


Not romance, hence the GALentine's. It celebrates women's friendship. Started by Leslie Knope on Parks and Rec lol

Chris Thom

She IS conspicuously missing from the channel for some reason...

Happy Hanukkah

If we're talking about a third movie, surely he should skip straight to Napoleon III! :-P

Clay F

As for a Cassie rewatch/Carly first watch, I think one or two a year would be fine.

Chris Thom

The ability was lost because of those underground chambers? Was that relatively 'new' toward the end?

Richard Maurer

HH - do it, I dare you. No one could seriously advocate for “that” version for long.

Clay F

"Our first Article of Faith tells us that the Almighty created the Ape in his own image; that he gave him a soul and a mind; that he set him apart from all the beasts of the jungle, and made him lord of the planet. These sacred truths are self-evident."

Mark White

Cassie, I hope your little one feels better soon. I’m looking forward to this weeks reactions. I shall echo your thoughts! You certainly do have a great community here on PiB. I couldn’t imagine my day without it now. Have a great week 😊


Hopefully she makes it though all the original "Ape" movies. Few reactors do that. Beneath is a bit of a slog. Escape is a fun fish out of water story for most of it and the first "Ape" movie I saw in theaters. Conquest is still the second best after the original. I even liked Battle but then again, I was eight.


She will probably wait for November when Part II is released to give herself a little refresher. Everybody and their brother is doing Wicked reactions right now. I say hit 'em where they ain't


My Fair Lady is a fantastic movie. Jack Warner spared no expense in bringing it from stage to screen.


Only the Brave is such a powerful movie!

Luke Godfrey

I'm dreading seeing Cassie and Clary's reaction to Only The Brave. If you've seen it you know why.

Luke Godfrey

I'm so glad Cassie has decided to watch Face/Off despite realising her mistake. It's going be super fun seeing her reaction to this movie. She has no idea what's she's in for with this one. Can't wait! 🤪

Luke Godfrey

Looking forward to Gladiator II. I haven't seen it yet so I have no idea what to expect besides lots of death scenes. As per usual, I'm expecting Carly will be watching most of this movie through her fingers. 🫣

Chris Thom

Have had the word 'participatory' ringing in my head all day. You're right, it does kinda snap.

David Freese

Never say never. Don't hold your breath too much wither but she has said that maybe she'd give it a try again after being so hard on 89

David Freese

Maybe some day you'll get a few of those on the list but wow thats a long list.

David Freese

Basically like from June till September when it has winter but kinda like tge desert sw here

David Freese

Sometimes she avoids reactions so she can see thing like Wicked with the kiddos so I doubt it'll be on the channel


Fred & Ginger’s “Top Hat” & “Swing Time” are my top suggestions for the Feb poll but I also really love “Gidget” (1959) starring Sandra Dee, James Darren, and Cliff Robertson. (Steve Holton - didn’t the real-life Gidget live near you or was she your neighbor? Hope you’re doing well!). Big fan of her father’s Gidget novels and his fictional character Moondoggie (named my girl pooch after him but nicknamed her Moonie - like the Chihuahua actor from the Legally Blonde films who also lived with Gidget - the famous Taco Bell Chihuahua). More of my fav rom-coms: - “Pillow Talk” (1959) - fav Rock Hudson & Doris Day film - “Shall We Dance?” (1996) - Japanese rom-com that would be great for foreign rom-com poll - “The Artist” (2011) - 🤍

Mark White

I agree Clarence, I would just add, sometimes when I go into a movie pumped/excited, full of anticipation, I’m come out disappointed, but if I go in with low expectations, i am often pleasantly surprised.


I just want to see the OG 1968 film and then I'm happy. I think Cassie will then watch the recent modern films...and that should do it.


Not sure I would l call 'Shall We Dance' a "rom-com", it definitely serves up some 'rom' and there is some 'com' (and both in a Japanese perspective - which adds to its appeal for me), but after the mix-up with An Officer And A Gentleman, I'm probably being extra careful about expectations. But I am all for it. I would also add "Once" (2006), out of Ireland - nice little film which made for a great play on Broadway (and has a song which won the Oscar, which maybe they heard).

Redrum Ritual

Gladiator 2 is far from strength and honor. It's weird and cash grab

Rebecca B1

I know this one is contreversial but i would love to have your thoughts on Emilia Perez (personally loved it)


I know we get a romance poll for February and Cassie's PPOTM will be "My Fair Lady". But still some slots available, so I propose a Paul Newman poll & Steve McQueen poll. And what about the long awaited "Planet of the Apes" (1968). Am I asking too much, lol. UPDATE: We will also get the 25 in 2025 poll (films released in 2000). NEW UPDATE: Cassie said Planet of the Apes (1968) is on the schedule for the 1st week of Feb.

Clay F

The 1968 is the must. The early 1970's movies are for hardcore fans imo, but I would not object to her reacting to one or more of those -- I think Escape (1971) is the best. Yet, I suggested she skip those. Also skip the 2001 remake. I suggested the 1968 original + the 4 Serkis movies.

Richard Maurer

It’s best to go in with no expectations. Despite what some people here will tell you, no one knows for sure what she will or will not like.

Clay F

She mentioned Emilia Pérez (and I think Karla Sofía Gascón in particular) in one of the recent podcasts. That's a nice aspect of their podcasts -- is you get to hear more of their thoughts.

Clay F

I would like to have "Noms of Oscars Past" polls, as was done a couple of years ago. +1 for Planet of the Apes (1968)

Steve Holton

Hi Rose, Yes, the real Gidget, Kathy Kohner-Zuckerman lived in my hometown of Pacific Palisades and worked in the bookstore (Now sadly gone). She's a great lady and had the best book recommendations! The "Gidget" movie from 1959 is a great film, which I'm sure Cassie would enjoy. Its success rightly led to many of the beach movies of the 1960s, but "Gidget" still stands out as a classic. 🏄🏻

Steve Holton

Rose's other recommendations are great too. Pillow Talk was an absolute smash hit in its day, and many consider it a template for most modern rom-coms. It still holds up as hilarious and inspired fun. My niece watched it with her friends recently and loved it.


Clay, I forgot she is also doing the 25 in 2025 poll in Feb.

Clay F

Joe, oh yeah. So that poll will include movies released in 2000?


I remember “Shall We Dance?” being charming, relatable, and funny. I saw it years ago but it’s stuck with me as a wonderful film. “Once” is another good one. I love the music and the star leads had a short-lived romance of their own.


Hi Steve! I remember you had mentioned before and I’m so sorry to hear about the bookstore. I just saw “Gidget” is free on YT but didn’t know James Darren had passed last Sep. He was a fine actor and had such a unique voice. I love his songs. His version of “You Take My Heart Away” from Rocky and “Born Free” are some of my favorites along with the Gidget theme. (For those who haven’t seen it, “Born Free” (1965) is a great movie and also free on YT). He had sold some of his personal scripts from different TV shows. I bought one a long time ago and will definitely cherish his script with his handwritten notes from “T.J. Hooker.”

Steve Holton

James Darren is a class act! Will be missed. Great as Moondoggie in Gidget and in everything I ever saw him in. Especially enjoyed his recurring role as Vic Fontaine and the album he released of those songs. 🎶

Chris Thom

I'm curious about that one. Everyone keeps saying the premise is difficult to describe. But I think it got some Oscar noms.

Chris Thom

Ancient Rome was pretty weird. Have always wanted to see some of the crazier stuff onscreen. Not that Caligula was particularly good. Pretty awful movie. lol

Chris Thom

Oh Pillow Talk. I bet that was what Down With Love was satirizing.


Aww I have to rewatch “Down With Love” again.


I saw snippets and couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. Hollywood is definitely dying.

Sean Kay

I worked on only the brave, excited to see you both are watching it together. I was the assistant to the supervising sound editor. No pressure to force you to like it though. Enjoy!


That’s awesome! It’s going to be a tough one for sure but it was a very respectful and accurate depiction of these brave firefighters who displayed true heroism. *unforgettable film.

Clarence Newman

It's totally the wrong time of year to be pointing this out, but I'm gonna do so because I rewatched Cassie's reaction to "Misery" last night. I'm here to tell you....THAT film can be installed as a permament marker for what Cassie means by "Scary But Not Too Scary". She was riveted from start to finish, wide-eyed, jumpy, always unsettled, but absolutely loved the experience. I know I know - it's not a true horror, and I'm not saying that kind of film should replace the great horror films in October. I'm just saying....Misery is a great example of what Cassie actually likes when it comes to the scary and traumatic.

Clarence Newman

Newman & McQueen - two legends who have already entertained Cassie no end. A joint poll is the best way to go and Cassie owes it to herself to do it in February. Would it help if I said that Paul Newman was my grandfather? That he used to take me to McQueen's house and McQueen would ride me around on the bike he used in The Great Escape? No? Okay. I do have one genuine claim to fame, though. When my mum was pregnant with me, she walked past Ringo Starr in the street. That's right, I met Ringo.

Clay F

Google lists these two below as "Horror/Drama" -- to me each is psychological horror. --"Black Swan" (2010). Natalie Portman won Best Actor Oscar. Also stars Mila Kunis. The movie nominated for 5 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director. [IMDb 8.0] 15 requests at popcornrequests.com --"Requiem for a Dream" (2000). Jennifer Connelly, Jared Leto. [IMDb 8.3] 14 requests at popcornrequests.com

Clay F

Misery seems like a psychological horror. So does The Shining, and even Halloween. I think she might prefer comedic horror (e.g., Zombieland, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil). I agree that her reaction to Misery is excellent, and so is the movie.

Clarence Newman

Re your first response, Clay, I haven't seen either, but anything with Jennifer Connelly in it....

Chris Thom

Pretty sure that was one of the October movies. Was thinking that could be the kind of thriller/darker movie she could watch outside of Halloween season. Some great 90's ones she hasn't seen yet. And Black Swan could be fun.

Chris Thom

Oh cool. We took a fieldtrip in high school once to Hollywood and got to meet some editors at work. Looked like an interesting job.

Chris Thom

I only saw it once, but I was pretty young so I really didn't understand the style or what any of that was referring to at the time.

Clarence Newman

I don't think so. Topol was at least a foot taller than Ringo and momsie didn't recall hearing any yabba-dabba-deeba-dabbas.

Clarence Newman

The two films I have on my list from 2000 won't make the cut this time. We've recently had a Clint poll, so Space Cowboys is out. And Final Destination is too scary for February.

Happy Hanukkah

You mean we're not pushing for Cassie to watch the full Caligula (1979)? :-P For series, I have yet to see either of Rome or Spartacus. Heck, I still haven't watched I Claudius in its entirety. Of more relevance, I've watched a couple of scenes of the Caesar miniseries (2002), both of them (un-coincidentally) featuring Richard Harris (who passed away before its release). Harris as Sulla opposite Christopher Walken as Cato: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkXaj_XzeV0 Harris characters certainly seem to have issues with governing assemblies! :-) Harris with Mr. Big in a supporting role: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb3KW0EAV68&t=60s

Happy Hanukkah

No, that would have been Alan Reed (or John Goodman)! :-P * Explanation of my original joke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrEMIMSZEh0&t=57s I once saw this on Lebanese TV. The subtitles *somehow* substituted "Top Hall" for Topol. :-) :-/ * https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053502/


Cassie can indeed watch many films with horror elements/themes outside of October, I hope we can convince her to do so. It would certainly open up many more films she can watch during the year.

Happy Hanukkah

I just remembered this Alfred Molina clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTr-OkOkdy0

Just Plain Bob

Clarence, agree totally about Jennifer Connelly. That’s why all her fans in this community should band together to try and get Dario Argento’s “Phenomena” on Cassie’s schedule, as well as “Dark City.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=upUJetCHYFc


I Claudius she could certainly handle, and I highly recommend it as well. The other two: Rome is questionable, and the TV series Spartacus is a for sure a no go. 1. It would be a major editing headache and 2. Too much full-frontal nudity both male and female and soft-core sex scenes. The 1960 Stanley Kubrick/Kirk Douglas movie Spartacus however would be right up her alley. The movie Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton would be another excellent choice. Especially, after she watches Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.


Oh my god do not go to Salem, MA in October. It is a mad house. Way too crowded. Now you can come to Salem, CT. Nothing going on there in October and we even burned and hung more than our fair share of witches during that period.

Clay F

Emilia Pérez received a whopping 13 Oscar nominations including Best Picture, Best Actress (Karla Sofía Gascón), Best Director, Best Supporting Actress (Zoe Saldaña), Best International Film, Best Original Score, Best Cinematography .... Chris/Rose, are you talking about Emilia Pérez the same movie that Rebecca said "personally loved it"?


Yes Clay - same film and I don’t speak Spanish but my parents are Filipino and even they were offended. The songs don’t even rhyme in Spanish. “Selena” (1997) - I’d rather see a musical about Selena Quintanilla-Pérez’s Tejano music. Her songs are fire.

Clay F

I like Selena (1997). In circa 1990, I by chance came upon a Selena concert on the San Antonio riverwalk.


She was a one of kind talent and future megastar forever 23. I wish her music got more exposure because she is truly beloved and her music is timeless. Spanish is a romance language and the songs in that film just sounded AI to me.. so disappointed that this French production butchered the beautiful Spanish language and disrespected Mexican culture. Cassie & Carly should watch “Selena” and “La Bamba.”

Chris Thom

Final Destination would definitely be an October one. Legit think she might enjoy it though. After Tucker and Dale, and the Zombieland films.

Jacob Wagner

There is seriously no way Carly is watching Gladiator 2...I'm wagering a walk out


I love "Misery," one of my fav films. I've seen her reaction many times.

Chris Thom

Oh woah for years I thought Gidget was the name of Sally Field's Flying Nun character. Got that really wrong apparently.


Excuse me, WAIT UNTIL DARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Thom

Because it's a bad movie? Or the violent/dark/adult content or whatever?

Happy Hanukkah

TS, I was mentioning those series entirely in response to Chris. I quite agree with you that the two movies you mention are incomparably more fitting for the channel than the series (even I Claudius).

Clay F

I've read more gore than the first Gladiator? But I don't know. Carly did make it through We Were Soldiers (2002).

Shawn Kildal

I just saw this on RT. Emilla Perez has 74% from critics but only 20% from the audience. Quite a disparity.


Jamie Bell in “Billy Elliot” (2000) is an inspiring story and excellent film. (Also would like “Frequency” and “U-571” for the 25 in 2025 poll). What a coincidence that Jamie Bell and Tom Holland have both played Billy Elliot in the past and are now both starring as Fred Astaire in two separate biopics currently in development.

Shawn Kildal

According to Cassie's Letterboxd list of movies that she has seen already, A Walk in the Clouds is the only movie that she hasn't watched yet from your suggestions.

Clarence Newman

I'd forgotten about that scene, Hap. I imagine my mum had many conversations like that. 😄


“Girlfight” (2000) - Michelle Rodriguez’s debut film and underrated but very enjoyable coming-of-age story.

Byrd N. Hand

For me, "Requiem for a Dream" and "Black Swan" are just very intense dramas. To fully appreciate "Black Swan," I'd suggest also viewing Powell & Pressburger's "The Red Shoes," Polanski's "Repulsion," Cronenberg's "The Fly," and Lynch's "Mulholland Drive" beforehand.

Byrd N. Hand

The 2 clips I've seen from it were both incredibly cringe-inducing, IMO. While I admit I'm not that into musicals in general, it more than anything screamed to me virtue-signaling, i.e. 'Look at me, and look how progressive and tolerant I am!!' Even as an MLK lefty, I'm sick of this obsession with something as arbitary and trivial as identity politics -- this idea that your race and/or ethnicity and/or gender and/or sexual orientation and/or religion, etc., are all that really matter about you. So much for 'content of character' over 'color of skin.' 🙄

Clarence Newman

Gidget was before Sally's time. The star was the cartoonishly virginal Sandra Dee, who not only made Julie Andrews look like Jenna Jameson, Olivia Newton-John's character in Grease was based on her. There's even a song - "Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee, lousy with virginity!"

Clarence Newman

I also think Cassie would love the Rock Hudson-Doris Day rom-coms. The one with the party phone line comes to mind but I can't remember the title.

Richard Maurer

Really? People actually consider Final Destination scary? More of suspense thriller to me. Has some minor supernatural undertones but that’s about it. I like the film but it doesn’t need to be watched in October.

Richard Maurer

Lots of movies get labeled as horror that really shouldn’t be. They have minor horror elements but really belong in a different genre. In fact of the movies mentioned in this thread there are only a couple that I would consider to be true horror movies - Halloween and The Fly. The Shining the novel is indeed horror but it seems like Kubrick tried to make it into a psychological drama, one of the main reasons I’m not really a fan. I prefer the Dr. Sleep personally.

Richard Maurer

I be looking forward to you trying to find a selling point for that version. You know there’s literally a documentary about what went wrong with that movie.


If she can watch AP this month, then she can watch Final Destination any month also.


Can't wait to rewatch Face/Off. I don't think I've watched it with another person since seeing the VHS rental with my parents. Many times rewatching it alone on a Sunday, nothing more interesting on tv.

Richard Maurer

Clarence- Not really that gory either, compared to many of the films she watched

Happy Hanukkah

Hey, now! I was only referring to relentlessly pushing for that movie, not to making a good case for it! :-) Lessee now: it features Doc Holliday, Remus Lupin, Boba Fett, Ron Perlman, and the legendary Marlon Brando. It's directed by the great John Frankenheimer. It inspired a significant element of the Austin Powers movies! And not only that, did you know that like universally admired movies such as Apocalypse Now, there's an entire documentary devoted to the making of the movie?! Did you, huh? :-P So the question isn't whether to watch the movie, it's how could anyone not have seen it yet! To watch this movie, that is the law! Are we not cinephiles?! :-)

Clarence Newman

I haven't seen Dr Sleep, but I do like Stephen King, so maybe it should go on my list.

Mark White

Rose, good choices with Billy Elliot and Frequency. Don’t get me started on U571!! It’s the only movie I have genuine distaste for. But, I do think Cassie will enjoy Billy Elliot.


Joe Kosinski is a great director! I'm sure it was a bit intimidating to step into the sequel of Top Gun which had already been started by Tony Scott. He did an incredible job! Tom Cruise told Joe in the beginning that making that sequel was going to be like trying to hit a bullet with a bullet! I'd say BULLSEYE!!!


monster films are hulk 2003 cyclops reign of fire the relie congo deep riseing the head hunter


best musical are oilver half a sixpence the music man west side story labyeinth


Just saw the Oscar nom “I’m Still Here.” The film is based on Marcelo Rubens Paiva’s book of the same name, which tells the story of his mother, Eunice Paiva, who fought against the military dictatorship in Brazil during the 70s to find out what they did to her husband. Brazilians and Latin Americans in general are so proud of this film getting global recognition. It has been huge for them considering how much they have been suffering under military dictatorship. Highly recommend!

Mason Meskell

I know it doesn't mean much and technically this movie would have been 25 in 2024 but I have always wanted to Nominate "Troy" for you to watch. Considering how much you like Gladiator...i think Troy would be an awesome one for you as well!

Clay F

Added “I’m Still Here” to my watchlist. It's playing at the theater near my house that I go to. Is it in Portuguese with English subtitles?

Rene G.

hence this is why I hate this youtuber reactor rule of "Sorry, horror movies and gore are only for October! The rest of the year? Non horror stuff" Ugh

Rene G.

Since oscar seasons around the corner, she should watch The Substance. Golden globes called it a comedy. Weird weird. THat should be part of the oscar poll movies and it got nominated for Best Picture and Actress Demi Moore. She won golden globe of it btw. But Maragrart qualley got snubbed.

Clarence Newman

I think she watches a fair bit of gore year-round, Rene, just not "true horror". Maybe we need to stop pigeon-holing movies into genres that repel her. If we tell her The Fly is a Nature movie, I think she'll be all over it.


Yes, it’s Portuguese with English subs. Walter Salles is childhood friends with Paiva family so it’s deeply personal story for him. Fernanda Torres is incredible. Her mother Fernanda Montenegro is also in the film and a legend in Brazil. Montenegro earned an Oscar nomination in Salles’ other acclaimed film “Central Station” (1998). Watching that one next.

Richard Maurer

Some people here don’t want her to watch The Fly because it’s too gross, and The Substance is way worse body horror than The Fly. I can just imagine the push-back on The Substance. I mean if none of those people were against The Substance that would make them hypocrites, right?


No, not yet. I loved Adrien Brody in “The Pianist.” Heard his performance in “The Brutalist” is even better.

Chuck Schuldiner

Looking forward to your Face/Off reaction. I remember when that was first released on video and saw an interview with Travolta and Cage on it. Said they both had a blast on that movie playing those characters.

Clay F

Adrien Brody is awesome in “The Pianist.” A big +1 for The Pianist (2002). Everyone should watch that movie imo. I would welcome a reaction by Cassie.

Rebecca B1

It seems that none of you guys judging the movice has even watched it ? Can someone come back once they did and make their own mind ? who cares about nomination and critics. I went without expecting and knowing anything and i LOVED all the musical pieces (but i love musicals in general). I understand how it can be seen as disrepectful but the hate trend and hateful comment this movie is getting by people who have seen 1mn of it is getting out of hand imo.

Delia P

Would love that, but she'd never watch it all, even though DW seasons are shorter only 12/13 episodes each. She'd probably do what she did with Star Trek, it's not great just doing little bits but better than nothing.

Matt Mueller

You should watch the Harry Potter movies


How do u recommend a movie?

Chris Thom

Think the recommendations may get compiled from the comments here. But not totally sure. There's also a separate link to a suggestion page. Personally haven't gotten that to work yet.

Chris Thom

Thinking maybe her kids have been watching them ad nauseum or something because she's never even considered it. Not that I've seen anyway.

John P Tucker

I’d recommend Hell or Highwater too. Hell just watch all the Taylor Sheridan movies 😂

John P Tucker

I think “Fried Green Tomatoes” would be a good movie for February.

Steve Holton

Clarence, the party phone line is from their first movie together, "Pillow Talk". Cassie's grandmother has recommended "Pillow Talk" to her, so it has been on polls and is on the radar.

Dan M

Well then I owe you a debt of gratitude for suggesting Dirty Dancing to her. Her reaction to it provides me with so much joy…especially the last scene with the lift.


TV series's doctor who actor Christopher Ecclesiastes in COMING HOME war movie


Recommending an old movie BILLY JACK

Miguel Dario

What women want which i think cassie and carly definitely have watched but who knows, meet the parents, high fidelity, in the rom com category. Cast away, memento, snatch, requiem for a dream, traffic


Disney Presents based on the beloved classic the legend Arrives winner peter pan movie this film Amazing Director