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QUICK NEWS-I have a sick kid at home and just found out we have a new school orientation for our oldest tonight. I have to move the butter live to Thursday the 30th! It will be a hangout!! 7:30pm MST, sorry about the change, but it should be fun!
Hey guys, how are you? Crazy that January is on day 74 and still going....;) I hope you had a good weekend, anyone do anything fun? I had bookclub, the kids had basketball and soccer, ben's sister and parents came over for dinner, and I spent 4 hours with T.E Lawrence. All in all a good one!
Thanks so much for all the suggestions last week on what TV show to watch for fun off channel, I now have the most extensive and greatest list to reference (as do you all). I feel so so lucky that this community is still so interactive and participatory (snaps for me for that word). You guys are truly the best corner on the internet!
This week we have Only the Brave, I picked it because I thought it timely with the huge California fires and what we owe our firefighters. We have Face/Off which I thought tied with L of A but I was mistake, but had already said I would watch it, lets go Nic Cage haha! Lastly, following our watch of Gladiator last week, we are going to watch G2!
With February coming up I want to have another classic romantic poll (I am going to omit My Fair Lady and watch it anyways this month) so look out for that this week! The mods also put together a great poll idea of movies that turn 25 in 2025!
I hope you all have a wonderful week, who wants to plan a vacation for the winter blues?
Thanks for being part of the Kernel Club, love you mucho!