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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "Enemy of the State" which will premiere shortly!



Mark Vaderr

This should be fun. Cassie I just submitted my Pick-A-Flick for the upcoming draw. I hope you like my reason why I chose the movie I did for you. 😉

Michael O'Connor

Great movie! When I was in school for IT we watched this film and the movie "sneakers" in Future Issues in Technology class. At the time my professor said, "The military is generally 10 generations ahead of what you see in films like these?!?" Um, that was like 25 years ago now........🤔💬 You may start your freak out now. You should watch the movie "Wag the Dog " too....

Laura Thornley

Gene Hackman isn't in Enemy At The Gates (as far as I know, you never know if he played a cameo). Bob Hoskins is, however, delightfully chewing the scenery in that movie. And its a good, if historically inaccurate, movie. And incredibly grim and violent.


I knew this movie would be stressful for you, and your name is not even in it. 😅 You are watching JFK (1991) soon pay atention to the Mr. X (Donald Sutherland) speach, also in the same "genera"... Shooter (2007) with Mark Whalbarg The Net (1995) with Sandra Bullock Chain Reaction (1996) with Keanu Mercury Rising (1998) with Bruce Willis Snowden (2016) base on true evens

Jason Henderson

🍿👍😊! Great night cap!


"And where is Gene Hackman?!" 😂 A great question. This is how all of these polls go, where inevitably the one option that least fits the poll ends up being the runaway winner. The people who pick the poll entries need to do a better job of vetting their picks. There's always at least one or two which don't belong and more often than not, they win. The Gene Hackman poll winner ends up being a movie where he's only in it for about a quarter of it.


They were thinking of Behind Enemy Lines with Hackman and Owen Wilson, but they were confusing the title with Enemy At the Gates with Ed Harris and Jude Law.


I think Gene would be happy for us to watch this movie in honour of him. Its still a major part of his body of work. Its not like he was just an extra in the background

Chris Thom (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-24 09:44:35 Oh right Snowden was an Oliver Stone movie too. Forgot about that one.
2025-03-24 09:33:52 Oh right Snowden was an Oliver Stone movie too. Forgot about that one. The one about the drug dealing threesome was also pretty entertaining.

Oh right Snowden was an Oliver Stone movie too. Forgot about that one. The one about the drug dealing threesome was also pretty entertaining.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Jon Voight was great in this one.

Chris Thom

Ugh...that's haunting. Don't want to think on that too much right now. Paranoid enough.

Michael O'Connor

Wag the Dog, Sneakers, The Distinguished Gentleman and Striptease should be added to that list too. IMO they should all be mandatory viewing before one is allowed to vote, protest, join the military or buy a gun. But that's me.....🤔📽️🎞️📺

Steven Perez

The movie to watch with Hackman is 1974's THE CONVERSATION.

Happy Hanukkah

But this brings to mind the IRA conundrum: "Today we were unlucky, but remember we have only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always."

Bill W

Wag the Dog was awesome. Good luck getting that to win a poll.

Bill W

The movie is almost half over and we're still asking "Where is Gene Hackman?" Not a bad movie but a really dumb choice for this poll. Sigh. Should've been Mississippi Burning.

Michael O'Connor

Just tell everyone in the comments Robert Dinero, Dustin Hoffman, Woody Harrelson, Willy Nelson and Dennis Leary are in it and it's hilarious. If they don't vote for it they will still probably watch it. That's all I'm after. ; )

Bill W

Cassie commented that she's only seen Jon Voight old, and other than Midnight Cowboy I couldn't think of anything I'd seen him in young either. He worked pretty sparsely for the first 20 yrs, averaging 1 movie per year. Then 1997 came and BOOM! He did Heat, then M:I, then 5 films in 1997 and started doing like 3 or 4 per year.

cfb0453 (Chris)

Deliverance (1972) is a pretty good movie! Cementing both the careers of Jon Voight and Burt Reynolds. It was also Ned Beatty's first professional film. Don't know if Cassie's up for that one though, especially considering the unfortunate incident in the middle of the film. 😳🙄😵

Chris Thom

Sneakers is actually on the channel if you haven't seen it yet.