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Top 15 Leftovers Poll

  • The Blues Brothers 138
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail 214
  • City Slickers 199
  • Children of Men 106
  • Twins 63
  • Casino 91
  • Training Day 106
  • 2025-03-25
  • —2025-03-27
  • 917 votes
{'title': 'Top 15 Leftovers Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Blues Brothers', 'votes': 138}, {'text': 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', 'votes': 214}, {'text': 'City Slickers', 'votes': 199}, {'text': 'Children of Men ', 'votes': 106}, {'text': 'Twins', 'votes': 63}, {'text': 'Casino', 'votes': 91}, {'text': 'Training Day', 'votes': 106}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 27, 5, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 25, 0, 25, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 917}


Hey my friends! March Movie Madness is in full swing and we have a sweet 16! A lot of great movies still fighting it out! I thought it would be fun to take the top 15 and put the ones that didn't make the bracket (64) at all . I left out Interstellar because that will technically be a rewatch, as well as Collateral because I am planning on watching that already in April.

Only one vote this time!


Rosario Cicero

Cassie’s on a mission from God

Luke Godfrey

I really hope City Slickers wins.

Monte Durbin

City Slickers is hillarious!

nick bell

Tough choice

Matt Winchester

Children of Men is an amazing film.


Monty Python! Easy vote! 😊


I went with Monty Python but these are all great.


City slickers and monty python YES!!!

Stephen Malloy

The Blues Brothers is the greatest movie musical of all time! Because I said so.


Blues Brothers is a classic. Belushi has a performance that rivals Animal House!


There are some great movies here but City slickers and hopefully the much better City slickers 2 will be great reaction video/s compared to the rest. That being said, I hope training day wins!!


I love how you do some of the non-winners anyways. Hope is a beautiful thing. Thanks for all you do and have a great week! 🎥🍿🧝‍♀️👏🫶

Shad Kanyak

I was actually thinking earlier today you’d like Twins. It’s a guy friendly chick flick.

Philip G.

Holy Grail is the most overrated movie of all time . It's caveman humor . Low hanging fruit has a humor . The scary move franchise has funnier humor . I get it was probably funny in 1925 but it's just dad Jokes . Ha ha ha.

Jimmy Reyes

This movie is what you hoped Robin Hood: Men In Tights would be. It's a league above: Airplane! The Movie. I hope this your choice!!!

Chris Retzlaff

Monty python is fun for first time reactors....but for me a bit played out. Casino and Twins would be my top choices. Any of these are awesone....Blues Brothers is a quintessential watch

Justin S.

Children of Men is one of the best films of the 2000s for sure. I liked it better than several films that have won Best Picture in recent years.

Eric Breighner

No offense but if your followers are picking Monty Python, you've got some lame followers


I really don't think monty python is cassies thing, but if it wins it wins... city slickers is comedic gold imo


Ugh, another poll where Monty Python wins

John Armbruster

I picked City Slickers because I think she'd like it, but the Holy Grail is my core memory movie. I just don't think she'd get it or like it. I'm still not over her 5th Element reaction 😞

Eric Breighner

This was the straw that broke the camel's back I'm sorry I'm unsubscribing for a while

Blake Evans

Cassie, you’re killing me! These are all great picks. But I’m sticking with City Slickers. It’s the most nostalgic and the most fun.

Seymor Butz

Monty python is a classic, but you can't beat city slickers for a good Cassie Reaction.


Still very early but Monty Python is in lead right now. I will say that I think a particular sense of humor is necessary to enjoy Monty Python and I’m not sure Cassie has it (that is in no way a criticism).

Shawn Kildal

As soon as I saw it on the list I knew it was going to win. I voted for Training Day though.

Jason Henderson

Cassie twins is one of Arnold’s biggest accomplishments as far as he’s concerned. Casino is very jarring and not unlike goodfellas . Training day was to me one of Denzel’s greatest performances! I can’t speak for the others , but you can’t really go wrong with these three. I hope twins comes out on top , the dynamic s of Arnold and devito worked so well together! They had a blast making it! And with director Ivan reitman believing in Arnold’s vision, they had a huge success!!! 🍿👍!! Great poll 😊!!

Shawn Kildal

I was hoping to see Dirty Harry on the poll. Fetch.

Neil Varma

Children of men is amazing !!

Just Plain Bob

I voted for “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” because it’s not only hilarious but a seminal memory of my senior year of high school. In early 1987, as graduation approached, a group of buddies and I got together for an all night party. We called it “Geek Fest.” We stayed up all night playing Dungeons and Dragons, eating pizza and drinking Jolt Cola (twice the caffeine of regular cola) and watching movies on the ole VCR (particularly “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” and “Ladyhawke”). I had never seen either movie before and was totally enraptured by both. Not only did I vote for Monty Python, but I really hope Cassie reacts to “Ladyhawke” one day. “Ladyhawke” stars Matthew Broderick (aka Ferris Bueller), Rutger Hauer (Roy Batty the lead replicant in “Blade Runner”) and Michelle Pfeiffer (aka one of the only women whose beauty rivals that of Grace Kelly). I think it would make a great reaction.

Rick Williams

Yes indeed. Monty Python? Waste of time. I like intelligent comedy. Not ridiculous and absurd skits made into a movie.

Henry Graham

I'm not sure Monty Python will be Cassie's thing at all, and I think Children of Men is one of the defining films of 21st century cinema, but it seems this poll is done and dusted even at this early stage.


Hm.... I've never really been a fan of Monty Python. I'm not really into that style of comedy. I much prefer when the Brits do things like the original (UK) Office series


I voted Blues Brothers because it's just such a fun movie with amazing music. I'm fine with Monty Python though. It's so silly, but it's funny and a classic.

Cole Jennett

Yeah, why give the people what they want? The list was made from the top requested movies. Terrible decision, lol

Philip G.

Or cringe to it . Example of MPHG humor: "I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning "..cut to a person waking up in bed with a sign that says wrong side . Hahahahhahahahahahahah hilarious !!!!


In case you didn't hear, Jolt Cola is coming back, lol!!!

Clay F

All movies in the poll are good, except Twins. Monty Python and the Holy Grail will typically dominate a poll. My top 2 choices are Children of Men (awesome) and The Blues Brothers (nostalgia).

Steven St Clair

Literally any of the films would make great reactions. You should keep the ones that don’t win on a list to pull from at a later date.

Jerry Cummings

Cassie, I have to agree Montry Python requires background history to get some of the humor. It is a good movie, but requires a lot of understanding. My pick was City Slickers and it's sequel. The sequel is better that original. But, you need to watch original to fully understand second.

Cole Jennett

Coincidentally it was 20 years ago today that the American version of “The Office” debuted. But couldn’t have happened without the Brit version first!🇬🇧

Just Plain Bob

I’m surprised Jolt’s not banned. That stuff would jump start your heart like a defibrillator paddle. I used to drink one after the other when I pulled all nighters in high school and the first year or two of college. Then I’d crash for fifteen hours after the exam was through.

Kevin Hooper

City Slickers is just so good.

Clay F

Denzel won an Oscar. His Oscar-winning performance is enough reason to watch Training Day.

pat on

never understood why Monty Python was popular, lame predictable jokes bad acting terrible special effects it's like somebody made a deal with the devil to make everyone think they were funny.

cfb0453 (Chris)

I agree Clay! Holy Grail is a great movie, but it requires too much research to fully appreciate. I think Cassie would be better off watching a few Flying Circus episodes first. The Blues Brothers and Children of Men would be more up her alley!


Twins a good healthy and close to the heart watch. Holy Grail is a fun classic.

Oisin Clissmann

I agree, it's amazing. It looks like it won't win this poll but it is multiple patron's pick a flick choice every month so there is a chance it will win someday.

Uncle Phoenix

I might have to rewatch the sequel. I’ve always loved the first City Slickers.

Cole Jennett

Still think his Oscar win for that movie was making up for him losing for The Hurricane.

John Liebling

Monty Python is hilarious, but I strongly feel Cassie would enjoy City Slickers a lot more.


No, not really. Some might say the Monty Python troupe’s humor is very clever. Others might say it’s just nonsense. Still others might think neither of those seem right. I’ll just say it appeals to a limited audience.

Z Simons

Children of Men is one of my favorite films of all time, and a favorite to watch people react to. I'm not sure Cassie will like it, it's very upsetting. But would love to see it on the channel!

Michael Enos

It was almost my vote... but I would like Cassie to get a crack at Holy Grail.

Anthony Carlson

https://youtu.be/zlHnxHer4u0?si=AenxkJ6iZahX8WE1 Can’t go wrong with the Blues Brothers! 🤷🏻‍♂️

Shehab Dawoud

Casino not winning... Well, there goes that dream. You're a G if you know where that quote is from.


Was really hoping for Training Day. I just don't get Monty python at all

Katie Jackson

I disagree about Children Of Men. I know I'm in the minority, but I watched that movie on the very high recommendations of many patreons, I found it to be one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen. I think Cassie will appreciate the cinematography and acting but will ultimately feel the same way I do about it.


Genuinely shocked and glad that City Slickers might have a chance of winning. Before voting, I assumed a more serious and extreme movie like Training Day might be in the lead. I'm glad Cassie's community knows the kind of films she likes.(although Training Day sometime in the future will I'm sure make for a great reaction)

Shehab Dawoud

@Cole If it was a make-up for anything, it was for him losing for Malcolm X to Pacino. And of course, Pacino winning that was a make-up for him not winning multiple in the 70s. There are a lot of these cases.


Curious - what sort of "background history" does one need to watch Holy Grail?

John A

I also think I need to watch the sequel. I do not remember it being better, in fact, I do not remember it all all haha. I know I had seen it.

Cole Jennett

I’m right there with you Katie. Gave it 3 watches trying to find what I was missing out on, still searching. I wouldn’t count her out though. She’s surprised me a few times

Katie Jackson

I've never seen any of Monty Pythons other movies and I've always had fun with Holy Grail. I think she'll be fine watching it without having to watch anything else first

John Liebling

Alright! Alright! Alright! Python falling a little and City Slickers climbing...a little.


I voted for Twins initially, but its going terribly, so I'd rather City Slickers than Monty Python, so have changed my vote.

Cole Jennett

I’m sure it will be next Denzel movie up if she ever does a poll. It’s gonna happen before I get The Hurricane, I think you can bet on that, ha

Just Plain Bob

I disagree with the sentiment that one has to be familiar with the Monty Python troupe to enjoy/appreciate “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” I’d never even heard of Monty Python before watching the movie and enjoyed it immensely. To me, the key is to accept it for what it is, like “Airplane.” Though very different, both are goofy/silly and require the audience to buy into the premise. If you’re willing to set aside expectations and enjoy the ride, it’s an absolute hoot. And, even if you hate it, it’s only a flesh wound.

Chris Thom

Been hoping for Casino on the channel for so long, I actually completely forgot about it. Lol. It's so good though. Really should happen eventually. One of the best movies of the 90's.

tom kenny

Children of Men is phenomenal, would make for a terrific reactiob

Neil Cherian

Everyone please vote for Children of Men. Easily the best film on here.


She's watched absurdist comedies before. I don't think homework is really necessary for Holy Grail if it wins.

Clay F

Twins (1988) (IMDb 6.2, RT 42%, RT Audience 40%) A moderate amount of satisfaction if you want that kind of movie, but the story is weak. The silly premise can only carry the movie so far. The premise = funny for 10 minutes, but then after that, not that funny and only mildly watchable. The movie missing the typical Arnold charisma, and a waste of De Vito.

Joel Wayne

Yes, I've seen plenty of reactions to it by people that don't know who Monty Python is or anything about them.

Clay F

Katie, it took me to the second watch of Children of Men to be blown away.

Richard Maurer

This comment section is full of people crying because their pick is losing.

Uncle Phoenix

There was also a UK Comedy titled, “Coupling” that I love; but the American NBC version flopped hard, can’t even find it on Peacock.

Katie Jackson

I know Cassie is eventually going to react to Children Of Men but I very much doubt she'll enjoy it. I definitely didn't, I know that puts me in the minority but I found it very depressing. It just felt like a slog to get through as one terrible thing after another happened until I just wanted it to be over.

Robert Baldino

I knew of Monty Python before seeing the film, but had only ever seen a few of the skits from the show, and didn't really think they were all that funny. That didn't stop me from thinking The Holy Grail is probably the funniest movie ever made.

Jason Henderson

Arnold doesn’t stand a chance lol, Nice to see the Opinions and care Everyone has expressed in this poll ! We shall see!!!🍿👍

Clay F

I changed my vote from Children of Men to Monty Python.

Chris Thom

It's a charming enough odd couple buddy movie. Had a friend in high school that thought it was the best movie ever made and I really never really understood it. But it's just one of those nostalgic things that's on cable constantly.

Clay F

Yep, Twins currently in last place. Even the star power of Arnold couldn't save Twins.


I have advocated for The Office UK in the past. It's such a great show - and short. Only twelve half-hour episodes. But ... I can see how it might be a bit out of place on this channel.

James Melton

Remarkable how many people fully understand they are being offensive and decide it's a good idea to start with "No offense".


I love the Holy Grail, but I really want her to see City Slickers. She’d love that. One of my favorite movie scenes is in that movie.

Chris Thom

Yeah it's super depressing. I think people appreciate it more for the filmmaking; especially the extended long shots and the grimy dystopic setting it creates. And maybe the shock value.

Uncle Phoenix

Training Day isn’t going to win; so I changed my vote to City Slickers.

Richard Maurer

True. Should I start crying now that City Slickers is ahead of Holy Grail? I mean it is a travesty ;-)

Paul Stelter

I thought she'd already watched HOLY GRAIL, but evidently not. But I have to go with BLUES BROTHERS because it's amazing, and stars Dan Ackroyd as a Chicago musician who somehow has a Canadian accent.

James Melton

Nearly all of these are worth watching someday. "Twins" you can miss, but I do recommend seeing the rest of these.

Clay F

I think she would have a few laughs/grins and but would be somewhat bored at times. But she may prefer a movie that is not fully engaging to an engaging movie with, for example, horror or a lot of stress. A moot point for this poll because Twins is currently last, and Monthy Python or City Slickers will be fine for her.


City Slickers over Training Day or Casino?? Wow....??

Clay F

+1 for Blues Brothers. Dan Ackroyd started out in the blues at a club in Canada.

Clay F

Nice to read confirmation of Collateral for April. Really looking forward to that reaction.

Ben Schwartz

I would've preferred Training Day or Casino, but actually whining about it? Come on.

Clay F

Yeah -- I would vote Training Day or Casino over City Slickers.

Chris Thom

It's like SNL in that the skits are hit and miss depending on your humor. And a select few are downright creepy/disturbing. But some are classics.

Jake McNulty

I'm voting for "Holy Grail" on this one. I'd also recommend maybe Cassie check out a couple episodes of "Flying Circus" beforehand, the way she watched George Reeves' Superman before watching the Christopher Reeve film.

Bill W

City Slickers is best suited for Cassie, followed by Training Day and The Blues Bros. (although there's a particular scene where's she's going to look at her watch.)

Clay F

My personal ranking: 1. Children of Men 2. The Blues Brothers (nostalgia) 3. Training Day (for Denzel's Oscar-winning performance) 4. Monty Python 5. City Slickers 6. Twins

Shehab Dawoud

Completely missed that Collateral will be watched. Long overdue but I’m thrilled about that. Of course the main focus will be on you seeing Mr. Cruise in this particular role. But Michael Mann is a hero of mine and a genius. Hoping you’ll be able to see similarities between Collateral and Heat.

R F.

This is an INSANELY good list!


That's why I voted it, went for what I think Cassie would like most.

Javier Hernandez

Hmm I'm torn between what I like and what I think Cassie will enjoy. My Cassie scale feels this is a good order. 1. City Slickers (wholesome PG humor with a group that struggles early but then comes together) 2. Twins (Danny DeVito and Arnold are brothers .. enough said) 3. The Blues Brothers (It's over the top in the best way) 4. Casino (Goodfellas, but in Las Vegas) 5. Training Day (I think the Oscar should have gone to Sean Penn "I am Sam" but still a good flick) 6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail ("It is but a flesh wound". It's kind of niche these days I think)


Well I will shock everybody and say there is not a single film on this poll that I am a fan of. A couple of them are OK, but I can’t get behind any of them as a “must see” for Cassie. I voted for Twins.

Above Average Dave

I need to find a wig that looks like “the hair” for my Collateral watch along next month 🤪

Jacob King

Children of Men is brilliant. I get why people might vote for Holy Grail or Blues Brothers but Children of Men is one of the best movies ever made.


I don't see why The Office UK would be out of place here. I vaguely remember Cassie reacting to a TV series based on WW2. Great show, but I forget its name. Cassie dislikes violence but yet she chose to watch that show, so The Office should probably be less of an issue for her to watch

Clay F

Current number of votes City - 123 Monty - 113 Blues - 80 Training - 68 Children - 59 Twins - 38

Stick Figure Studios

With the exception of TWINS, I think all of these are good movies and worth seeing, so I'll go with the one that's ahead. I'm fine with MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. Classic, iconic and hilarious comedy.


Children of Men needs more votes...


Isn't that the same as any other comment section on this channel?

Brent Petty

I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but I need to stay consistent, and City Slickers has been my monthly drawing selection every month so far. It's one Cassie and Carly would like.


Your comment has not aged well, and its only been an hour since you posted it

Jason Henderson

All things considered, collateral is a unique Close to training day Substitute, which you root for the character! The camera view is surreal, the realism, the lighting and character development pull you in for a big ride!! The soundtrack is great too! Was my favourite in Movie that year for sure! Can’t wait!


Just changed my vote from Training Day to City Slickers

Clay F

Blues Brothers is creeping up. Thus, I changed by vote to Blues Brothers. I am pretty much happy with 5 of the 6 winning.

Joseph Fabian

Children of Men is SOOOO GOOD!

Clay F

Agree. Too bad does not appear to stand a chance -- though the voting is still relatively early.

Thomas Cooney

Children of men!!! It’s a must.


All you need to know to enjoy Python is that it is very silly. Incredibly smart, dumb comedy.

Mojo One Thousand

Funnily I have been thinking about re-watching "City Slickers" recently... so not mad about this. Been a while since there has been something that is closer to a genuine comedy. Most of the recent movies have been heavier, so a little break will be good.

Patrick Crippen

U must be new here😆🤣 you'll learn soon enough that the comment section of this patreon page is located in Wahhhpa Valley, the center of "Whine Country"...

Rick Rodriguez

We're on a mission from God.

Alex Gorell

Wow this is the first time in a long time where my vote is actually for the winning one.


Cassie, Jen Murray just watched "Excalibur" and got pretty good numbers on it. You may understand "Holy Grail" more if you watch that first. I kind of wish you would do a King Arthur theme week with Disney's the Sword in the Stone, Camelot and Excalibur and finish off with a bonus of Holy Grail. Twins and City Slickers are fine. You will laugh a bit; you will be entertained for two hours. But those movies are the cinematic equivalent of a rice cake. You will be hungry for something more substantial almost immediately. The Blues Brothers I was obsessed with when I was 15, less so now. Most of the humor depends on if you find the brothers being unfazed by all the outrageous things that happen to them. The only movie I know of that had cocaine as line budget item. The music is pretty good. Training Day, lots of people love it. Watching Denzel be despicable for two hours never really appealed to me. Children of Men. A Sci-fi film as dark as anything from the 1970s. Very good movie with the slightest glimmer of hope at the end. Casino. Dark violent mobster stuff based on a true story. If you liked Goodfellas you will like Casino. Any pick will be fine. At least your polls make sense.


Twins is the best movie on this list...okay, not really, but I do think Cassie would really enjoy it and she did say she wanted more Danny DeVito...

Clay F

In 5-6 hours when patrons in western Europe are waking for the morning, we may see a bump (increase) for Monty Python relative to Slickers.

Laura Thornley

Its a tough choice, these are some strong contenders. But honestly? Blues Brothers is in my opinion the most essential viewing on the list. And I think Children of Men is the best movie here - and so relevant to today's world. Blues Brothers is just a cultural touchstone and a glimpse into the past that is both earnest and ridiculous with a killer retro soundtrack.

Eric Parpart

Love all these but Twins was my vote.


City Slickers!!!


Almost Easter Time for "Easter Parade" (1948)

Andrew Taylor

Interstellar rewatch in your cinema could be fun though, honestly let's just do all these films lol


Norman❤️… and a very young Jake Gyllenhaal

Clay F

Yes, but essentially 3-way tie for me for Casino, Training Day, and Monty Python. Casino and Training Day are not perfect, but I lean toward them. Monty Python is iconic but sometimes not in the mood for that type of humor.


Cassie is from Canada, probably has a grasp of the legend of King Arthur. But your reasoning suggests that before she watches City Slickers, she needs to first move to New York City, forget everything she has ever learned about country living and roughing it, and live a drab, soul-sucking existence that depresses her to the point that her marriage is threatened.

Rod Reavern

"City Slickers" is winning!? I never understood why it was so popular. TBH I thought the sequel was much funnier and entertaining. Billy Crystal, Jack Palance, and Daniel Stern were good, but the 2nd friend with the mustache was pointless, which is probably why his character didn't appear in the sequel. Admittedly, I was a kid when both movies were released, so the (sorta) mid-life crisis storyline of the original didn't appeal to me as much as the (no spoiler) adventure in the sequel. Sorta sad to admit, but I'm now around the age of Billy Crystal's character in "City Slickers," so I should relate to his character arc, but the movie still has no appeal to me! Considering that Cassie enjoyed Indiana Jones and "Romancing the Stone", I think she'd enjoy watching "City Slickers 2" more than the original movie. The problem is that I GUARANTEE that "City Slickers 2" will never win a poll (probably won't even make it onto a poll), so I really don't see the point in watching "City Slickers." If it wins the poll, I'll be skipping that reaction video.

Mark Vaderr

"We're on a mission from God." Apparently, that's not enough in this poll.

Brian's Dog

I can fault none of these options, but I felt Children of Men is slightly more must-see above the rest.


Oh come on… how can you not love the French Taunter?!

Matt Rose

it's definitely time for Cassie to experience...Monty Python.

Daniel Doble

Curly is one of my favorite characters in City Slickers, played by Jack Palance.

Andrew Rose

There are some I would whole-heartedly recommend from this list and some I wouldn't but I was selfish in my pick. I think Blues Brothers and Monty Python are iconic movies that should be seen but I went and voted for City Slickers because I love it when Cassie laughs in reactions. It brightens my mood.



John Liebling

It's a tie between City Slickers and Holy Grail. I wonder how close it is in real votes? Hopefully if it ends in a percentage tie, and the final tally is close enough, Cassie will watch both, if by chance City Slickers comes in second.

Clay F

Current number of votes City Slickers - 168 Monty Python - 168 Blues Brothers - 114 Children of Men - 88 Training Day - 86 Casino - 77 Twins - 57

Clay F

Current number of votes City Slickers - 168 Monty Python - 168

Clay F

I like it when she laughs too. She might laugh some reacting to Blues Brothers or Monty Python.

Dan M

I’m bouncing back and forth between City Slickers & MP and The Holy Grail. Both are very funny movies in very different ways. I am 1000% curious as to what your reaction to The Holy Grail would be, but I’m not sure that Monty Python’s brand of British humor is your thing. I’m sure you would laugh at a lot of the humor, but in the end I think you’ll start your outro with your patented “I don’t know guys!” City Slickers, on the other hand, is totally your thing. Comedy, family and life issues, heartwarming moments, and an excellent cast featuring Billy Crystal (When Harry Met Sally) , Daniel Stern (of Home Alone fame), Bruno Kirby (co-starring along side Crystal in WHMS), and Jack Palance in all of his gruff glory. You can’t go wrong.

Dan M

That would be ideal and I’m totally into it.

Dan M

I feel the same. I just don’t know if she’ll really like and get into their brand of humor.

Clay F

I know that patented “I don’t know guys!”

Dan M

You probably had to do a double take, right? I know the feeling.

Dan M

I’ve never seen Children of Men, and it might stay that way now.


I say this all the time: who comes up with these movies? 😅 Casino is the only acceptable movie on this list. However I did vote Monty Python over City Slickers. City Slickers is the equivalent to the bland toast they serve at a hospice. Holy Grail is overrated, but I do agree every person should see it at least once. At least with Holy Grail you get a few one liners for pop culture.


TBH, any but Twins

Dan M

There is absolutely no research or homework required to enjoy Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I watched it with my older daughter, who absolutely loved the premise and the humor, and she had never seen any other Monty Python material before.

Dan M

Me and some of my college buddies would watch The Holy Grail, The Meaning of Life, and The Life of Brian on a regular basis in my dorm room. It was one of the best ways of releasing the stress and anxiety of studying and homework.

Mike Amandes

It's fascinating to me reading these comments and seeing how many people seem to just vote for their favorite movie of the bunch, whereas I always think about what I want to see Cassie react to first and foremost. (Like, I knew Howard the Duck and American Psycho weren't going to make for good reactions, so I'm still shocked they won their respective polls. ) Out of this group, I think Cassie (and Carly) would love City Slickers the most, and I've been saying for a while that I want to see them react to Twins. (Admittedly, I'm biased, because both those movies hold a special place in my heart.)

Andrew Rose

I agree that for gen x folks those were really funny movies but I think City Slickers will be more relatable humor. That's just a guess on my part though. My guess is that she'll watch at least the top two so we should get more than just one check mark.


I voted for Casino but I will be switching my vote to Monty Python before the poll ends because it isnt gonna win. I do not like City Slickers much.


So in other words, you're doing the same thing that you criticise other people for doing? I say this because there's many people in this comment section saying that Twins is not a good film. So therefore, it seems like you're wanting a film that would lead to a bad reaction lol


Holy Grail is too old to be considered pop culture in 2025. Its grandma culture


I don't think she's actually filed the patent yet. I might file the patent myself so that I can get some money out of Cassie


Clay are you just estimating these numbers? Because if so, it is not really helpful. We all know how to do that.


Dan, I agree. And the problem with this brand of humour is that if you don't find it funny, there is really nothing else. Its not the kind of comedy that has great storytelling like The Big Lebowski


KRAMER: Son of dad. JERRY: Son of dad? KRAMER: Yeah. That was my suggestion. It's sort of a catchall.

Tom Castro

I have been after you to watch "Twins" for about three years. I Hope you get around to it, and have Carly join you. You'll both LOVE it.


There are some really fun choices here, but Children of Men is easily the best film here imo. I know it won't win but i hope you watch it someday!

Luke Godfrey

Cassie would enjoy City Slickers much more than Monty Python, and despite the many other great movies in this poll, it’s only going to be one of those two movies that will win. Vote wisely!

Gábor Árki

Oh boy, I just woke up all excited seeing that Children of Men finally made it to a poll. Only to realize after voting that it is one of the last ones. This movie has been in my top 5 reaction wishes since 2021, and the only reason I haven't picked it into my trivia 5 was that it was already in the top 10 on PopcornRequests.


I agree - she not a Monty Python kind of person - I grew up watching them -- Hell's Grannies or the man in the street

Larry Darrell

So who’s going to win this horse race?? The Quarter Horses or The Coconuts.

Mark T

The entire reason I support this channel is to watch Cassie's (and Carly's) reactions to movies that she enjoys. Her reactions are genuine, and she really gets into the films (and shows) that she reacts to. I always consider how Cassie will react to a movie that I recommend.

Larry Darrell

I like the King Arthur theme week. Similar to her Robin Hood theme week, which was a lot of fun.

Chris Brown

I agree. Watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail cold, as in not having experience with the television series Monty Python's Flying Circus, tends to leave a person scratching their head over what would otherwise be familiar tropes of the show. The movie is still funny. It just leaves more puzzlement than is due.

Chris Brown

The premise of Twins might have made a decent skit or television episode, but it wears thin when tortured to a feature length move. I've watched it perhaps 3 times (because kids), but that was 2 times to many.

Chris Brown

Blues Brothers, because it's a pop culture classic that must be seen at least once.


I must say, since todzilla has made a rare appearance: lol @ your paf selection last month


Mike, I totally understand your point. But for me its more complicated. I'm not interested in a great reaction to a movie that I don't enjoy. So I generally hope that Cassie and Carly will enjoy the films that I like. I cannot predict what they would like, but I would avoid recommending films that are unpopular with the typical woman of their age group