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I don't want to spoil this reaction but it was so intense packed into 90 minutes. I loved seeing some of the og people back and Madame Secretary and Jerry Lundegarrd ;) Hope you like it, excited to watch Jurassic World next

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Gábor Árki

I remembered I didn't like this one much. Definitely the Rocky 5 (or Star Trek 5) of the series, but at least it's not long and with Cassie's "oh my gosh" reaction and the surprise guest it was fun to watch. There was a video I've seen a while ago detailing that it was quite a troubled production. They dropped a semi finished script merely weeks before shooting began, when a lot of the sets and props have already been designed or even prepared. They started shooting when the new script (that had to be written so that existing sets could be somehow reused) hasn't been properly finished yet and there were continuous rewrites and changes throughout the entire production. If anyone interested the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul5BGlc4hOE

Stick Figure Studios

It feels kind of thrown together. There is exceptionally little story/plot to speak of as the the movie just races breathlessly from one exciting set piece to the next with little in the way of pace or character development (not that these kinds of films are especially well known for the character development, but you can at least see the earlier movies attempting it).


I reckon that was a Mosquito! Maybe in a Million Years someone will find it and clone Cassie for a Popcorn In Bed theme park attraction!


Two Joe Johnston movies in 2 weeks. LOVE IT! Joe is so under appreciated. Hope he gets to do another big movie soon. Love his work.

Patrick Egan

I've always thought JP3 was underrated. It wasn't as philosophical as the earlier movies, but as a straight-up thrill ride it's quite fun. As good as the CGI was, there was still a LOT of animatronics used in this one. The bonus features on the DVD talked a lot about how they figured out the right balance of the two technologies. One other thing I remember from the DVD is that after the first movie, Joe Johnston approached Spielberg and said if there's a sequel he'd really love to direct it. Spielberg's reply was "I think I want to do the second one, but if we do a third it's yours".

Andrew Hogan

I’m super late to this, but I’ve never wanted an entire cast killed so badly, lol. The only thing that makes this barely tolerable is Sam Neil. It would have been better if everyone in the movie was eaten and Dr.Grant had to survive on his own.

Stick Figure Studios

Well, there's one thing they can't say about Cassie that they actually could say about Norman Bates/Mother: "She wouldn't even harm a fly."

Andrew Hogan

The fly jokes have been the best thing about this reaction. That’s not a shot at Cassie, it’s at the movie, just in case it flew over somebody’s head.

Andrew Hogan

By the way, the fact that you mentioned Rocketeer and Captain America being one of the better MCU movies, Thank You good sir. She does need to see Rocketeer, that movie was made for Cassie.

Stick Figure Studios

"just in case it flew over someone's head." I saw what you did there. Very clever. :-) Do you have these jokes planned out or are you just winging it?

Stick Figure Studios

Yup. Cassie'll love ROCKETEER. She liked CAPTAIN AMERICA and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and it is very much in that wheelhouse.


Spinosaurus! My favorite dinosaur!!!

Shaun Stuart

YES! It’s about time!! Don’t apologize to movie snobs. This film and reaction were awesome… Now watch King Kong (Peter Jackson 2005)

Stick Figure Studios

While Charlie Chaplin was shooting "The Gold Rush" in 1924, there was an agitated discussion going on in the studio about the storyline. And a fly kept distracting everyone, so Chaplin, furious, asked for a swatter and tried to kill it. He failed. After a moment the fly landed on the table beside him, within easy reach. He picked up the swatter to swipe at it, then abruptly stopped and put down the swatter. When the others asked “Why?”, he looked at them and said: “It isn’t the same fly.”

Dillon Herndon

You definitely got to watch Jurassic world you’ll love it and your reactions are priceless I enjoy watching all of them