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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Loki 3-4, which will be premiering on YT later this afternoon. Hope you enjoy!

Also, the full length reaction for Heat will be later tonight!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work.

Here is the full reaction to EP 3-4.



Enjoy my reaction as I watch Loki Episodes 3-4 for the first time! 🎉 Patreon (for unedited, full-length reactions & early access): https://www.patreon.com/popcorninbed 🎬 If you have a copy of this movie and would like to follow along with the full reaction, you can watch it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/loki-episodes-3-66362899 👚 Merch is finally here!!: https://www.popcorninbed.com ⏩ All my links: https://linktr.ee/popcorninbed 📮 Send mail to: PO BOX 547, Provo UT 84603 👏 A special thanks to my top patrons: MattN | Kevin | Soren K | Chris Therrien | Marcus Asaro | Logan S | Jon Johns | John Thomas | Steve | Ronny Boss | Randall Gerdes | Marcus Smith | Baldielox | Patrick F | Paul G | Brandon Dague | Gilbert Gonzalez | Dennis Donehoo | Brent Fugett | Derik De Baun | Eric | Rich Mcclure | TC Hoover | Flemming Jensen | Noby | Crimson | Jt barnett | David RedEagle | Dylan White | Michael Barootian | Jerad | alonso torres | Brian McGovern | www.totalruntime.com | Pehr Nelson | Lamar Smith | Charles Woolman | William Bryan | Corey Acocella | Stephen Lewis | Robert Holmes | Grinznmore | Todd Lyda | MatthewBrown74m | Jose | Shane Pringle | Adam Kake | Kaleigh Bredlau | Mario Ramirez | Doug R | james flack | Cullen Branch | LightsCameraJake | Ozzy Carter | Owen Williams | Du-Wayne Rood | ghostmoan | CorvusTX | jordan cypress | Dr. Johnny Fever | Michael Cinquina | Jaccob Cortes | Jacob Bender | Tulio Bahr | Mr. Toad | Malcolm Slater | Martin Leghart | Sahitya K | Malcolm Ross | djKENTO | Katie Kooleyes | Daniel | Jordan Greenhall | Ordthelion | G | Carlo Glingani | David | Jake McNulty | David Russell | Matt Chris | Raj K. Dixit | Andy Farmer | LuftWaffles | Robert Haynes | Ahmed | KTVindicare | Chris Therrien | Caleb Kittle | Guillermo N | Evelyn Staniforth | Tom Ded | GentlemanGeek419 | Thexx | Roberto King | Paul Klenk | Janne Viljanen | Dr RJ | Eddie Korstanje | J | Cole Jennett | Ethan C | GamerGal8684 | Eddie McGinnis | James Little | Kevin G | Wu Sha Ling | Wes Stewart | Will C | Ross Cicero | Kevin Keeswood | Jose Sanchez | zychos | James Maitland | Planner | CBonius | Gregory Wyatt | Ike | David Patterson | Steve Holton| Nero's Study Guide | Steven Ashford | Aaron | Denny Joseph | Jon Brown | Sofa | Pettson68 | Wayne | Matt Blanchette | Outlaw Wales | Orn Einarsson | Mr Jordan | Brian Van Nostrand | Eric Cable | Tara | Edmund Dantes | Keith Meiklejohn | fiqri azman | chadhenson | Eric66F | Kenneth | Jimmy H | Steve Colletti | Edward Martinez | blue warrior | Joel Bion | Patrick Gibbs | Todzilla | Mary Gorman | Michael Weiner | Noe Benavides | Michael Threapleton | Shakes | Scott Wasserman | Jeff | Rifferman | Souls Khan | Rose | Anthony Turmel | Tracy Scruggs | Mark Bailey | TK Kennon | Bryan Harris | Matthew Linson | Gina Houston | Miguel | Mark Ryan Cabico | Edward | Tim H | John Wilson | Michael Watson | Tracy Ware | greg reaves | Shaun Ganyo | Daryn Tufts | Cynthia Crowe | Lobotomite19 | Gregory | Michael Blackwell | laughingfool100 | Danny | Wade Watts | Darren Hill | Chris Nilson | Gumby | Kevin Brown | Marc Cook | Fay K | Brian L | David Freese | Christoph Wolf | Nick Luna | Joshua Polk | Kevin Leal | OrangeLion | Trey Mundy | Edward Deal | Cave Vidal | AntwonTheSwan42 | Reivermatic | Bronson Spencer | Jason Chirevas | Matt Sanchez | Ken Graham | Chris Mick | Sujan Ra | Brett Ammons | Paul Smith | Keith Jones | Hector | Nigel Mason | C-Ball | Kiva Tupe | Michael Price | Fredrick Unverzagt | Ken Langston | Deanna Nees | Chrissy Hillman | Killua X | Daniel Malmros | P. Suprema | DesertSwordsman | Ragnar Miersch | Steven Wetherill | BatPizzaSoup | Louis Van Delden | Milos | POSTALMNDCLARITY | Stefan | Time Raths | Jeff Vargas | David Bunnetto | Jacob Gonsalves | Walter Creech | Wendy | Benny50309 | Rob Pope | Jack Donner | RJ Lundy | SCP_General_478 | Paco | Albin Nordin Carlsson | Cody J Williams | Steve Poplawksi | Mac Deters | Henry Coca | Jason Mackey | Reece Moloney | Joshua Stormont | Jesse K Kirk 🎬 All Previous Movie Reactions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avyl0L8kY58&list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9MNyWDaII7FTvcpa5MKOli3 🎬 Star Wars: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9NFieGMdiQV029FsKtHn5xh 🎬 Lord of the Rings Trilogy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9NWievnMq6uD1PXEJuSl2OY 🎬 Back To The Future Trilogy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9Pz92OCmnCor1Ps0GXjhwQC 🎦 Band Of Brothers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avyl0L8kY58&list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9MNyWDaII7FTvcpa5MKOli3 🎦 The Pacific: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9Mac6eM1RPfbzCTRzvH1Nqg 🎦 Chernobyl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpTzuU0U92E&list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9NxD4WqRKrrfof4Y9EOZEs1 🎦 Firefly: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ3Z8w6Nwe9N4c3fl3Kz4LXTC2Tb-WeKK _______________________ 0:00 - Intro 2:06 - Episode 3 Reaction 13:08 - Episode 3 Wrap-up 14:41 - Episode 4 Reaction 28:00 - Episode 4 Wrap-up


Krusty “Topher”

Love it! I’m watching this series for the first time along with Cassie! Very cool experience and great series.


It not being obvious why people are attracted to Loki is very on brand. It just makes sense that something like that would be pretty... low key. 😉

Mingo Wayama

Like everyone here, I love Cassie and her channel. Sadly, I have just never been able to get into the comic book universes. I just hope one day she'll do The Queen's Gambit.

Michael Lynch

That's a great show with great acting. It's like today's youth care more about the unrealistic superhero shallow shows then really great drama with great acting and interesting character growth.

Future Boy

I love The Queen's Gambit, but I hope the next show is True Detective (season 1). I know Cassie has talked about both. (Also, excitedly awaiting that Heat reaction!)


@Michael I don't think the shows are shallow... unrealistic of course, but there's quite a bit of heart to most of these marvel projects. This one is about a man who was lied to about his adoption and watched his brother gain all of the accolades he wanted while being the runt of the family, and ultimately decides to do evil acts because it's easier to do bad than to do good and fail... this show is about him coming to terms with who he is and why he is the way he is... and if you can change who you are as a person depending on your circumstances. It's quite philosophical and well made... Yes there's a superhero backdrop, but that is only being used as a visual representation to tell a more personal story about who the main character chooses to be.


@michael lynch - I don't think it is as simple as youth not caring about good drama. I'm 44 and still prefer this stuff to certain drama. I've seen the Queen's Gambit and it was a great show but it may not translate well to a good reaction. There's a big difference between enjoying a show personally and watching a reaction of someone else. The little nuances and subtleties can get overlooked.

Bryan Fritchie

I know there are Marvel/Star Wars haters out there, and some people are just tired of it. But I'm not, and I love that you're still watching these and reviewing them. There might be an occasional dud, but I'll still take all the Marvel and Star Wars content that they can put out.

Mingo Wayama

And you're welcome to loads of Marvel and Star Wars. Vox Populi. But maybe a few crumbs for the few of us that don't love those genres?

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

So pretty much Loki being born a female was what Branched the timeline. Her universe would've been pretty similar to that of the mainline MCU only difference being Loki was born a female. This series showcases universes that have branched off from the main MCU universe. While the Spider-Man (Toby and Andrew) are from different universes with zero connection to the MCU universe. Them being able to cross over was possible because of what happens in this show. Pretty much every universe we see in this show originated from the mainline MCU universe.

Robin T

Like the Rockies and the holiday poll winners and the genre poll winners and the past Oscar nominees and the Popcorn Picks and pillowcase pulls and... Seriously, I don't understand all this whining lately about "it's all marvel and star wars." Literally 3 of 4 releases coming this week are not that. There's been plenty of not that in recent weeks and plenty more promised coming up. Relax. She got you.

Em McG

Cassie, you watched Into The Spyder-verse with Miles Morales but there's no reaction? aw... 😢


I really wish they'd made it so that Sylvie was simply a totally different person that was adopted into the family instead of Hiddleston, and learned magic that way and was given the name of "Loki." That would make sense, since she'd still be an alternate universe Loki, yet also make it easier to root for the relationship between them.


"later night" means Thursday morning. Plus you've got three other movies and a livestream you've committed yourself to before Monday. Maybe not commit yourself too far out.

Colin Gutierrez

I loved the dig on Loki being in love with himself. I LOL'd. :D

Mr. Rodgers

Heat ☹️😩😫😭