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Hey guys! I am just so conflicted in every way with this show. Team rust!! Team Rust??? IDK... my mind is full of theories, but in none of them did Rust do this. PLEASE NO SPOILERS!! Hope you guys have a fantastic day! Also, sorry for the sniffling, I had a bad bout of allergies and I was all plugged up!

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[Full Reaction] True Detective S1:5-6


Beth Brown

Cassie, it's cool. i don't mind Ur sniffling or really anything u do because u can't control things like allergies and stuff. i subscribed to ur channel and patreon,where i decided to watch the full length, and this is my first time watching this too, so we are both on this journey together

Sindre Kristiansen

The downloaded version doesn't seem to have a blurred screen in the corner? I see the YouTube full version has it though, but I need to play the downloaded version because of framerate difference with HBO. It's not the end of the world of course :)

Philip Alan

I'm a pro at this point and I synced it through the reflection off one of her framed movie things on her wall! :) haha


"He has a punchable face!", if that's not a shirt, it should be, lol.

Marc Peterson

Time is a flat circle...I'll watch your reaction again, and again, and again....

Ben Livingstone

Glad it turned out to be just allergies!

Scott Macaulay

Loving watching this again with Cassie! All my ex's say I remind them of Rustin Cole because I always have a dark cloud over me and love to share my views of a cold, uncaring universe! I think I'm a fun guy!


Hi Sindre, I passed this on to Ben and he will get the Google Drive version fixed. Thank you for letting us know! - KL


yo beth needs jesus even stronger than she already had

Brian Harris

These last two episodes are a ride. I don’t know if you’re ready for Carcosa. I’m not ready, and I’ve seen this half a dozen times. This performance is one-half of McConnaughey’s “where the fuck did this come from?” comeback. The other half is a movie called Dallas Buyers Club. Check it out, it’ll be sonnfit.


I am very excited for these last two episodes. This has been fun.

Tim Raths

His brief role in The Wolf of Wall Street was when I started to take him seriously as an actor. He almost stole the movie in just that short scene.

Steve Mercier

I cannot wait for the next two episodes...my two favorite episodes of one of my favorite seasons of television ever. Also...loved watching Cassie implode into her sweatshirt as Rust and Maggie did the oh-no-no.


I don't know if it denotes how cynical and dead I am inside or how innocent and sweet she really is; the fact that Cassie was initially wondering what was being done to the kids instead of immediately jumping to the obvious/horrific things, like I did in my first watch

Sindre Kristiansen

Thank you so much! It didn’t cause any problems, but just noticed something was missing 😅 Have a nice upcoming weekend!

Rick Williams

Great Reaction Cassie. You needs some vicks. Sounds like your head is all stuffed up. You need to take care of yourself. You need more sleep.

Anthony Perez

"I'm the person least in need of counseling in this entire fetchin' state." ...I am definitely going to say this to my therapist tomorrow.

Rob Findlay

I enjoyed this a lot, I think you're a really brave person for stepping out of your comfort zone.

Robert da Spruce

I’m really enjoying watching this series again along with you Cassie. I almost forgot how good the show is. Yes, the subject matter is very dark. Not just the crimes, but Rust and Marty’s personal lives as well. It can be a little difficult to watch at times. But at the same time, you find yourself not wanting to wait to watch the next episode. I’m looking forward to the last two episodes!

Cole Jennett

Marty’s oldest daughter is Starlight on “The Boys”🤯🤯

Mark Daniels

Future flick to watch - ‘We Are Marshall.’ Upbeat McConnaughey + sports + based on a true story.


Maggie is so likable but she really lets us down in this episode. That fight she caused could have ended up even worst, and she never would have gotten in trouble. I also noticed almost everything she accuses Marty of being also applies to herself.


True. She dragged Rust into a situation he had nothing to do with knowing full well Marty would confront him. She's bears a lot of responsibility for ruining their partnership.

Jaccob Cortes

I know it will never happen, but S3 is worth a watch as well. It doesnt get the respect it truly deserves.

Just Plain Bob

Agree. Although not as good as the first season it is still very good television.

Jaccob Cortes

Same. Im not a professional writer or a critic, but what makes True Detective good is its focus on character not plot. I always felt like S2 focused on plot, not character. It had Spiderman 3 vibes of too many people and not enough depth.

Richard Maurer

Yes, S2 was such a letdown after S1 that a lot of people gave up on the whole series.

Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:13:20 Hey, Cassie! Just created a Patreon so I could watch your reactions to True Detective - so excited! I know you must get a thousand requests a day, but you should seriously consider trying out the mini-series SHARP OBJECTS (2018) -- it stars Amy Adams and Patricia Clarke, it is just like S1 True Detective, but more about generational trauma and overcoming depression. It's only 8eps long and it will rock you to your CORE! Love your channel! Thank you for the quality & consistency of your work!!!
2023-01-29 17:18:56 Hey, Cassie! Just created a Patreon so I could watch your reactions to True Detective - so excited! I know you must get a thousand requests a day, but you should seriously consider trying out the mini-series SHARP OBJECTS (2018) -- it stars Amy Adams and Patricia Clarke, it is just like S1 True Detective, but more about generational trauma and overcoming depression. It's only 8eps long and it will rock you to your CORE! Love your channel! Thank you for the quality & consistency of your work!!!

Hey, Cassie! Just created a Patreon so I could watch your reactions to True Detective - so excited! I know you must get a thousand requests a day, but you should seriously consider trying out the mini-series SHARP OBJECTS (2018) -- it stars Amy Adams and Patricia Clarke, it is just like S1 True Detective, but more about generational trauma and overcoming depression. It's only 8eps long and it will rock you to your CORE! Love your channel! Thank you for the quality & consistency of your work!!!

Clay F

I like S2 better than S3. S2 has excellent character development with the Rachel McAdams character and the Collin Farrell character. When watching S2 back in the day, I realized that Rachel McAdams is truly a good actor and not just a pretty face. She was raw.

Clay F

I lived in SW Lousiana (the setting of S1) for 5 years 1989-1994 (I worked at one of those chemical plants). I was familiar with locations referenced in S1 (including even in SE Texas, e.g., Beaumont, where I grew up). Added flavor for me watching S1. I thought S1 did an excellent job of capturing the feel and look (e.g., scenery) of SW Louisiana. Yet, the most striking aspect of S1 to me is the awesome acting of Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Also very much enjoyed your excellent reaction.