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Did people not love this series? I thought the first two episodes were so good. I liked the storytelling with the flashbacks especially. I'm excited to see where this goes, I trust Boba with everything! Hope you enjoy! 

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[Full Reaction] The Book of Boba Fett (EP 1-2)


David Martin

For some reason it’s trendy to not like anything now a days.


"Kenobi" is super good! Very heartfelt but also has some classic Star Wars action!

Mike LL

And people, could we NOT this time with the spoilers about future episodes?? There is always SOMEONE who has to show they are IN THE KNOW with comments like “You will love Episode X because (spoiler) and (spoiler)” or “Could you just skip to Episode X because (Spoiler!).” Could you not this time? Show every one YOU are in the Know???

Marcus Vanderzonbrouwer

I loved it! Boba was a lot of fun. Having a prominent Star Wars character developed from the get-go was nice.


I think a lot of people had their own ideas for Boba Fett so cemented in their own minds for decades that they couldn't handle this show's story, no matter what happened in it. It also has a ton of Clone Wars easter eggs and is "fan service" but I love it! I think it's a nice progression of a long beloved character that came at a perfect time, and the humanization of the Tuskens is brilliant! Hope they decide to use Boba more in the future!

tiny baby kitty man

First rewatch of this since it originally came out, and one thing I didn't clock the first time around was the distinctly Latin flair Rodriguez decided on for the "house band" music. Makes total sense for him (you gotta watch Desperado at some point) but it's a bit of a departure from the quasi-ragtime cantina music in the first movie, that you just sort of assume is THE music that's always played. But DUH, the whole thing is that there are all these different cultures smushed together. Silly to think otherwise. It would actually be really cool if he got Rodrigo y Gabriela to be in a future episode as an alien music duo.

nick bell

Fat Boba didn't work for me

Riggo 82

This is one of the goofiest shows I've ever seen. So dumb, and the chase seen with the Vespa's is hilarious. Another, Disney classic! But for all the wrong reasons. Star Wars is dead and Disney killed it.


I felt this show was mid. Mostly the problem was they made Boba into too much of a good guy, when he should be a ruthless enforcer/crime lord. Still, for the tie in with Mando season 3, this is worth watching.


hard disagree. One good episode with Hayden, and then a lot of poor writing and contrivances.


If you enjoyed it, you enjoyed it. That's all there is to it.


Personally i think its not well written but thats a problem a lot of Movies and Shows have now a days. That said, i hope you will have a good time with it and can enjoy it without you realizing the flaws the writing had and People dont hate you for liking it.


I thought it was an exercise in mediocrity, personally. With some of the worst shoe horned characterization/contrivances in the entire Star Wars universe. While I wouldn't call it terrible like some have, I was shocked at how they took what could have been a great premise and made it so....middling. But that's what happens when you put the focus on other characters and not your title character.

Scott Macaulay

I am glad that you like it. The answer to your question is in your description. You 'trust' Boba. No one should trust Boba Fett. I'll watch your YT cuts because I don't think I could get thru the series again. Even the actor that plays him said they did Boba dirty. lol


I loved this show the first time I saw it, and looking forward to going through it again here with PiB


completely falls apart by episode 4. boba fett deserved a lot better.

Michael Hawk

The lead actor agrees with you. He was angry with the way it was edited.

Jerrod Acree

I enjoyed. My son loved it. Suspend disbelief and what we think something should be and just go with it. Makes the show more entertaining.

Bryan Fritchie

I had a long response written, but I don't know how far along you are and I don't want to post anything that would indicate how the season is going to go. But to answer your question, I mostly enjoyed the show and I look forward to where it's going.

Alex Gorell

It wasn't great, even the actor who played Boba Fett thought it wasn't good either. but I enjoyed it more than Obi Wan. The Mandalorian is the best Star Wars show with Andor a close second.

Nathan Swapp

No I didn't like it. I thought the last episodes with You-know-who were the only ones worth watching.

Matt Rose

Hated it. Just inept. Shoddy acting, writing, and direction. By far the nadir of the SW product on Disney +. The back half of the season gets better and will help you realize just how bad the show actually is in comparison to other SW shows on D+.

Scott Macaulay

I don't begrudge you enjoying it, but generally suspending disbelief requires the writers to be consistent in their own universe. Most fans didn't see a show about The Boba Fett we knew for 30 years. I can see kids liking this I guess.

Jason Dolan

I thought it ended strong. It is solid. I enjoyed it more than Andor myself. For me, this has aged well. I probably think it is the second best D+ series over Obi Wan Kenobi and Andor (I know people loved that show, but I found it a little bland - and admittedly I am not a huge fan of Rogue One or the prequel era in general - I'm one of those who think the Sequel Trilogy is far superior to the Prequel Trilogy - I think the Star Wars fandom is definitely divided by Prequelists and Original Trilogiests. Lol)

Just Plain Bob

Amen to your comment about trusting Boba. I’ve seen other remarks to the effect that some fans are just angry because they showed us a Boba that wasn’t in keeping with our expectations after thirty years. That’s correct. But those expectations were based on the Boba Fett we were shown in the original trilogy and subsequent prequel trilogy. That character and the one in this series have only their armor in common. The actual character is 180 degrees from the one we were shown in the films.

Jason Fulbright

A lot of people like to be critical of new Disney Star Wars and I will say that there were aspects of BoBF that didn't ring true for the Boba in my mind but I always have to be mindful that some of the Legacy things I really liked before are not canon now. Also, I remember when the only new Star Wars was live action EWOKS, a couple cartoons, and some mediocre comics. Do I love everything being done today? Nope, BUT I am entertained and have found there to be some really good stories, scenes, and characters in each of these new show/movies to make me thankful that there is new content. I hope you do make a YT edit even though it is Patreon exclusive. I think your perspective is really valid as a legit Star Wars fan but also a newer fan who is just asking to be entertained while watching TV/Movies in bed with a bowl of Popcorn to enjoy.

Collar City Guy

Maybe it is because I've been a Star Wars fan since 1977 and love everything about the universe, but I also enjoyed this series, and for me it got better with each episode!

Just Plain Bob

I was excited when Disney first purchased the rights to Star Wars because I felt that George Lucas had lost sight of his own story with the prequels. Then Disney started pumping out this Godawful dreck that made Lucas’ prequel trilogy look like a masterpiece by comparison. The only good Star Wars story going is The Mandalorian and that’s because of Favreau.


I used to love love Disney, but modern day disney specially Star Wars disney movies are all garbage, mean spirited trash. There are plenty of utube channels that will explain why.


Hey Cassie, So I’m rewatching Breaking Bad where colors are very important and symbolic, so it made me notice that your hoodie, PIB sign and things on your wall were orange, but that could be just the lighting in your room. BTW: if you do watch another TV show, Breaking Bad is arguably one of the best TV shows ever. It won multiple Emmy awards. If you ever go back and watch the original three Star Wars movies, you will notice Boba Fett. He was after Han throughout. I’ll be honest, I watched the first few episodes of Boba Fett, but unlike Mando when I couldn’t wait to see what happens next, I really didn’t care and never finished the season, but now I know that there are things I need to watch before Mando season 3 so I’m watching with you 🍿


Being one 12th gamorean on my father's side, please stop calling us pigs, LOL


The “evil Chewy” you saw is a Wookiee named Black Krrsantan. He is a former Gladiator and now Bounty Hunter in the Star Wars universe who works for the Hutts

Just Plain Bob

Increasingly, it seems as though special effects/CGI have taken the place of good storytelling. As long as the picture on the screen is shiny and pretty, a significant portion of the audience is satisfied.

Wes Stewart

I thought this show was watchable. The main issue is that Boba Fett is already redeemed. That just makes the show less interesting than if he remained ruthless and uncompassionate and slowly transformed over episodes and series.

Jerrod Acree

You took your preconceive notions based on what you thought of the past 30 years. When I watch movies in film, I try not to critique them while I’m watching them. I never try to figure out in advance. What’s going on. I just want to enjoy the ride. But I know people watch things differently.

Just Plain Bob

I think you make a very good point. The show you describe would have been much more interesting than the one we got.

Richard Maurer

With this series and Kenobi, I've noticed that people tend to criticize them more for not being what they wanted them to be, rather than on the actual content. While some of the criticisms are valid, I've always hated criticisms based solely on the fact that a series/film didn't go where the critic thought it should. This type of criticism can be valid if the film maker fundamentally changes the characters or story from previous iterations (See Thor: Love and Thunder) for reasons that make no sense, but I don't think that really applies to BoBF or Kenobi. Just saying "this is not the story I would have made" doesn't mean the show is bad, it means the show is not to your personal preference.


never ask for how a series ends 😄 I haven't seen this myself but I might now. Wait I did see a few early episodes back then and noticed the style of "Lone Wolf and Cub" story type. This is where a samurai is carting around a baby. Rick and Morty did it in the short "Samurai & Shogun" a beautiful homage to the genre.

Matt Rose

While your point is valid, I can accept a piece of entertainment going in directions that I don't personally care for if the presentation is well done. Case in point, THE LAST JEDI, a film that I think makes many incredibly wrong headed plot/character decisions but is also very well made in terms of acting and directing. For both BoBF and OBI-WAN, the dialog is terrible, the acting is universally shoddy, and the direction is all over the map. It's just bad product.

Matt Rose

THE MANDALORIAN is totally LONE WOLF AND CUB. Fun manga and series of movies if you've never seen them.


Whoa, nice. Check out Samurai & Shogun if you haven't seen it, it's 5 mins video.


boring series. Pls no more SW stuff that isnt Mandalorian.

Riggo 82

Personally, I think The Mandalorian is just average. It looks good in comparison to the other Disney "Star Wars" shows, but it's a pretty low bar. I mean honestly, do you think anyone would care about Mando if not for baby Yoda? Throw a starving man a cracker and he'll think it's the best thing he's ever eaten. No offense towards you or anything, man. I'm just sick of Hollywood taking great IP's and turning them into shit. And Disney is the single worst offender as far as I'm concerned.


"Kenobi" (I have seen) and "Andor" (I've not yet) are supposed to be better than this (not seen either, but about to with you!)

Jason Chirevas

There is soooo much of what I hate about what the PIB community has become in this thread. Careless, obnoxious spoilers; shitting on what other people like for the sake of it; shitting on Star Wars in the most obtuse, banal terms; and just being predictably, boringly unpleasant. I still believe in what Cassie is doing, and I’m still going to put my money where those words are, but there are reasons I barely post here anymore. Yes. I know. No one cares if I post here. Just saying, it’s pretty depressing.


I really like the series but the last half of the series Gets real exciting


I really like these first two episodes regarding the Tusken tribe. It's Star Wars world building in a really cool way. They've taken an iconic "background" species that just existed as nameless, faceless obstacles and turned them into a society with a culture that you can sympathize with. Where the series goes from here is really hit and miss, but these first two episodes are really well done in my opinion.

Richard Maurer

I've noticed the trend lately too, in several reactor comment sections I frequent anyway, that people have been so interested in being first that spoilers are becoming irrelevant to these people. And if you call them out for it they always have some lame excuse as to why it's not spoiler, even when it clearly is. Their excuses boil down to "I wanted to say it, therefore [insert dumb reason] makes it not a spoiler".


Please more Star Wars! I loved the series. Some of us have been waiting almost 40 years for this story conclusion and answers.


Oh yeah, I'm totally on the wrong thread - I mistook this for Mandalorian. So this is ahem the one that wasn't received well 😄 it's okay to bail, anyone? (Edit, okay well if Cassie keeps watching I'll check it out... I shall utilize eyes unclouded by preconceptions.)

Richard Maurer

You want to know where this series went wrong, if it actual did? It was in the promo at the end of Mandalorian S2. That promo basically implied the series was going to be all about Boba Fett being a badass gangster, then they went in a different direction. Don't imply your show is going to be something it's not.


I LOVED this series. People're D U M B.


There are those who liked this show. And there are those who are wrong.